
What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

author:Changge Fusion Media

【Series of reports on the meeting of leading cadres of the city (16)】

On February 27, the city's leading cadres meeting was held to commend advanced units and individuals and arrange the current economic and social development work of the city. At the meeting, Houhe Town, the Changshe Office, and the Chengguan Bureau made typical speeches respectively.

As a "typical" in the city, Shi Tongsheng, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Changshe Office, focused on the experience of community construction in his speech. "Community building is the foundation of city creation efforts. In the past year, the Changshe Office has taken party building as the starting point, given full play to the advantages of grid management, built branches in the grid, and integrated activities into the buildings and courtyards, opening up the 'last kilometer' of serving the masses. Shi Tongsheng said.

According to the requirements of the city's leading cadres meeting to "benchmark advanced, conscientiously find out the gaps are insufficient, catch up with the study, and strive for first-class", how should the relevant units in our city do a good job in community construction? Community building, a work that sounds ordinary to the extreme, how does the Long-term Social Affairs Office achieve the city's leadership?

"Only by going deep into every household can we truly understand the voice of the masses."

On February 26, the Lantern Festival, thousands of families reunited. Liu Xiaoduo, a resident of Wenbei Community of changshe office, came to his home with a special group of guests. Wenbei Community United Municipal Taxation Bureau sent condolence gifts and festive blessings to the old two.

"I am neither a retired worker nor a party member in our community, and you are still worried about your family during the big festival, which is really causing trouble for everyone." Xiao Zhang has been running to me since the first time he came to our house, and we still have people who care so much when we are old, it's great! Liu Xiaoduo said.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

Liu Xiaoduo's name is Zhang Jizhe, and he is a grid member in charge of Liu Xiaoduo's community in Wenbei Community of the Changshe Office. Since October last year, the Changshe Office has carried out a huge "visit to residential households" activity in eight newly established urban communities, and Zhang Jizhe learned about Liu Xiaoduo, who is over 80 years old, living alone with his old partner who has suffered a stroke and hemiplegia. Years later, when the community organized a condolence activity, he was the first to report Liu Xiaoduo's name.

This is a microcosm of the community building work of the Changshe Office. "At that time, we asked 8 communities to complete a thorough visit to each resident in the jurisdiction before New Year's Day, to understand the actual situation of each resident, so as to improve the urban community grid and further improve the refined service level." Shi Tongsheng introduced.

Wenbei Community is located in the west section of Yimin Street, as one of the 8 newly established urban communities of the Changshe Office in 2020, Wenbei Community has jurisdiction over 42 residential buildings and 2093 households. This was previously the central area of the old city, but with the development of the city, the aging phenomenon of the Wenbei community is serious, the personnel categories are complex, the mobility is strong, and it is difficult to manage.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

"In the past, there were fewer community jurisdictions in urban areas, and many jobs were difficult to carry out due to insufficient manpower. The original intention of the new community was to improve the near-unmanaged situation near the western section of Yimin Street. Yang Fan, secretary of the wenbei community party branch, said, "When the secretary of our office took 'visiting residents' as the most important work in the early stage of the community, the higher-level party committee and government can provide our community with activity areas, facilities and other hardware, but to really deal with residents needs us to repair our internal skills." ”

The Wenbei community is divided into 2 grids, each of which has a grid chief and subordinate grid members. On top of this, the entire Changshe Office is divided into 15 large grids and 60 small grids, forming the basic framework of "office party committee - community party general branch - grid party branch - building party group - resident party representative", which goes deep into the party organization system of each household. Every request of each household can be smoothly fed back to the grid at the next level. Every little thing of every resident will be taken care of.

"Think about the time of Chuangwei in 2019, the yard road is damaged, the garbage is not cleared of this small problem, sometimes you need to run to the office, create a office or even find the media to solve, now only need to @ in the WeChat group @ a grid member, the next day someone will come to the door to solve." Such an attitude and efficiency, put in the past, really dare not think! Liu Xiaoduo sighed.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

Just as the staff visited Liu Xiaoduo with gifts, another unique Lantern Celebration was being held in the activity room of the Wenbei community. The civilization practice activities of the "New Era, Happy Year Lantern Festival" organized by the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature kicked off in the Wenbei community, with songs, dances, calligraphy and painting... The wonderful program seems to tell the new face of this old town.

"After the community was built, I came to work, and in the past six months, I have watched the community go from being empty at the beginning to becoming the first choice for daily leisure and entertainment for residents." As an ordinary community worker, I just want to say that this feeling of home makes me enjoy it! Yang Fan said.

"I really couldn't imagine that there would be such a good patriotic education base on the edge of Changge City!"

Until now, Wang Weipeng, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the First Central Committee of the City, still remembers the "beautiful accident" last summer.

"At that time, we took advantage of the rest day to organize students to go to the Liu Mashen community for volunteer labor. As a result, I didn't expect that there was a small 'patriotic education base' hidden in this community on the edge of Changge City! Wang Weipeng recalled that that morning, more than 50 students from the city's first middle school came to the Liu Mashen community. The children carried neat cleaning tools to clean the inside and outside of the community, and a long red corridor on the west side of the community attracted everyone's attention.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

It was a "Red Cultural Corridor" specially created by the Liu Mashen community last summer, and the 100-meter-long corridor was covered with various propaganda hanging boards, telling the great journey of the party and the country in the past hundred years since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921. The illustrated and wonderful content quickly attracted the attention of the children.

After the end of the volunteer labor, Wang Weipeng organized everyone to line up, led by the leading teacher, combined with the content of the book, and explained the story on each picture in detail. More than ten minutes later, the students who were originally just going to participate in volunteer labor attended a wonderful patriotic moral education class.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

Since its completion, this "red cultural corridor" has become a new beautiful scenic spot in the Liu MaShen community.

"In recent years, with the support of the higher-level party committee and government, the Liu Mashen community has undergone earth-shaking changes, we have installed street lamps, hardened roads, built a community garden covering an area of 5 acres, built a basketball court, and built a community bookstore, but these are inseparable from the hard work of the people of the whole country in the past hundred years under the leadership of the Communist Party of China." This 'Red Culture Corridor' was built to let today's children understand the past years. Only by remembering history can we better move towards the future! Yue Yang, general secretary of the Liu Mashen Community Party Branch, said.

"Between neighbors, three generations of a family celebrates together, which has the feeling of a big family!"

As the new year draws to a close, the Fairview Community Activity Room of the Changshe Office is a warm and peaceful scene. The "Happy New Year, Parent-Child Fun" parent-child activity in Fairview Community is in full swing. Drumming flowers, fun reading, and children's talent shows, the people present were immersed in the warm and joyful Spring Festival atmosphere.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

Similar events can be seen every weekend in the Fairview community. "Our community is located in the west of the Qinghe River, and most of the residential areas built by the Changsha office around 2010 are concentrated in the district. Many of the more than 2,000 residents are dual-career or business families, and usually parents are busy with work and the elderly are taking children. In view of this, we have focused our daily work on parent-child activities and elderly activities, combined with the actual situation of the community, to add color to the daily life of residents. Wang Chaofan, secretary of the party branch of Jinxiu Community, introduced.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

Since its official establishment in 2020, Fairview Community has set up weekly activity days, and the red theme education for children, the Children's Sinology Lecture Hall, and the National Fitness Day have been well received by parents in the community. The community has set up a drama club for the elderly, "Splendid Harmony Garden", and the University for the Elderly has set up comprehensive courses such as dance, yoga, chorus, tai chi, and traditional Chinese health, so that the sunset life of the elderly in the community is no longer monotonous.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

"One of the most obvious changes is that in the earliest days, we carried out activities in which the elderly brought their grandchildren to participate. Later, more and more activities, word of mouth is getting better and better, many parents also take time out of the weekend to participate in their children's parent-child activities, or accompany parents to participate in activities for the elderly. Between neighbors, three generations of a family celebrate together, so that there is a feeling of a big family! Wang Chaofan said.

What's going on? The President's Office "spoke" at the city-wide convention

"The Changshe Office is located in the western part of the city, and we have both old buildings and new communities in our jurisdiction, as well as urban villages and rural communities. It is our successful experience to take party building as the basis, fully combine the actual conditions of various communities, and organize the masses to participate in community construction in a point-by-point manner. Next, we will further strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations, organize party members to lead the masses to open up the 'last meter' of community services, let the community people enjoy more convenient, more intimate and more diversified community services, and create a caring 'new home' for 59,000 people! Shi Tongsheng said.

Changge Rong Media Center reporter 丨 Zhang Shuai

Proofreading 丨 Ming ChuMei Editor 丨 Wang Rui

Duty Editor-in-Chief 丨 Zhao Dongyang

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