
How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

author:Ah Dou is not stupid

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the movie "Seven Deadly Sins", there is a famous saying that says so. </h3>

When you are in danger, don't shout for help, but shout about the fire.

Why is this sentence impressed, if you shout for help, many people will think, do not care about their own high hanging, if you shout fire, it is closely related to themselves, fire-fighting people, relatively more points.

And the root of all this comes from selfishness!

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

(Selfish Interpretation of Human Nature)

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > so selfish? </h3>

Broadly speaking, selfishness is based on the behavior and response of "personal interest" needs, starting from personal interest.

In a narrow sense, selfishness is based on behavior and reactions based on "self-centeredness," which is self-centeredness.

When the broad and narrow senses are superimposed, the individual, the self, becomes the source of selfishness.

And how should the individual and the self be interpreted? One is a social attribute and the other is a psychological attribute!

From the perspective of social attributes, putting personal interests at the top is selfishness, and psychological attributes looking at putting the self in the first place to reject dissidents is selfishness, which is undoubtedly a kind of personality defect!

If selfish people are ordinary people, the destructive power is limited to their own social circle, which is not nothing, if it is a high-powered person, then the destructive power is amazing.

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

(Uncle acne)

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > such a person who misled the country and the people because of selfishness, there are also endless history books, among which the leader, there will be Wei GuoGong's uncle acne! </h3>

Gong Shuqi was a heavy vassal of the State of Wei during the Warring States period, and his career spanned three generations of The Marquis of Wei and the Marquis of Wei, witnessing the entire process of the Transformation of the State of Wei from prosperity to decline.

And the two things he did based on selfishness also doomed the decline of the Wei state.

The first thing was that after serving as the Minister of Wei, he deeply felt that Wu Qi was talented and would threaten his own position, and used conspiracies and tricks to let the princess and daughter-in-law cooperate with her to perform a drama, and finally forced away Wu Qi, a great talent who could influence the Warring States, and also opened the prelude to the loss of talent in the Wei state.

The former Marquis Wenhou of Wei was as good as a stream and good at accepting talents, and such a trend, when he arrived at Wei Wuhou, became a past tense because of the reign of a prime minister like Gong Shu.

By the time of King Hui of Wei, such a person was still in a high position, and wei guo had once again suffered a heavy blow, that is, missing shang martingale!

A little understanding of the history of the estimation will think, this uncle acne did not recommend Gongsun Martingale (Shang Martingale) to King Hui of Wei before his death, why did he still say so about him?

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry


<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > about this, Taishi Company Ma Qian saw it very clearly. </h3>

Thus there is a special addition to the history of the appearance: the uncle knows his sage, and has not yet advanced

This is a profound knowledge of his sage and lack of progress, and if he recommends a talented merchant prematurely, the position of uncle will be affected, and the last-of-life recommendation will win the name of the sage, which will have no impact on his own interests.

Sima Qian's old master's eyes were really poisonous, and he saw through this great loyal and traitorous, and the great hypocrites seemed to be real.

This hypocrite is not unique in his way of thinking.

His exclusion of Wu Qi's recommendation of Shang Martingale, as well as his subsequent exhortations to Shang Martingale to escape, were not public and private, and the starting point of all this was only selfishness.

Just imagine, if Uncle Gong is really so virtuous and capable, public and private are clear, Wu Qi will go, and Shang Martingale will not be reused?

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

(Wu Qi suppressed and fled wei)

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > this statement and deed is deeply in line with generalized selfishness and narrow selfishness. </h3>

Only when personal interests are supreme can Wu Qi flee, and only when self-centeredness is the main thing has there is a recommendation martingale, and the purpose is self-evident.

However, this word and deed pit his own country and the monarch at that time, King Hui of Wei.

King Hui of Wei belonged to the grandson of Marquis Wen of Wei, and counting Wei Wuhou, these three generations were mixed with one generation that was not as good as a generation.

When Wei Wuhou died, he encountered a civil unrest, which led to a joint attack on the State of Wei by Han and Zhao.

In the end, the newly succeeded King Hui of Wei was defeated.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the powerful State of Wei has also become the fish on the chopping board, if it were not for Han Zhao's disagreement, the State of Wei would be estimated to die. </h3>

Zhao Guo, who was retreating, said: Even if the Three Jins family is defeated, looking at Wei Wenhou's face, they cannot destroy Wei, and they will be able to cut off the land.

Pragmatic South Korea said: The three Jin Dynasties are vying for hegemony, and if they lose, they will be killed, and they want to divide the Wei state into two together with the Zhao state and turn it into a small country of insignificance.

In the end, the two sides argued in order to deal with the State of Wei, and as a result, they withdrew and did not fight.....

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

(Dead escape Wei Huiwang still has a temperament that does not change)

This is really, I don't know what to say!

It was in this historical background that King Hui of Wei came to power!

As soon as he ascended the throne, he almost destroyed the country and his family, so it is reasonable to say that he should pay more attention to talent.

At the beginning, he was indeed like this, seeking the way of governing the country for a long time, and also talked with the great Confucian Mencius about the way of governing the country many times, and also accepted such a great talent as Pang Juan.

However, the second-generation temperament in the bones cannot be changed, and with a jealous uncle and Pang Juan around him, the problem of talent drain in the Wei state is becoming more and more serious.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > generally speaking, kings and subordinates complement each other. </h3>

If a king is pragmatic, attaches great importance to talents, is bold, and sees very well, so will his subordinates.

If a king is a retreat, a man of great name and light talent, adoring of false name, and suspicious of his deeds, so will his subjects.

Monarchs and subjects are retreating, and this country will gradually sink in the beautiful illusion of long live the mountains and the dream of great strength.

King Wei Hui, who was immersed in such a feeling, inevitably had Lao Tzu's first misreading in the world, and how could he have the sincerity of Corporal Li Xian.

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

(Territory of the State of Wei)

After these two feelings were superimposed, it was destined that King Wei Hui would be dismissive in the face of his uncle's dying confession!

Face the words of Uncle Acne when he is going to die!

Gongsun Martingale is a great talent, and the monarch should "listen to the whole country", and the arrogant King Hui of Wei will only think that this is the nonsense of his uncle after he is old and confused. As for what uncle Huan said in the follow-up, if it can't be used, he must kill Shang Martin, how can King Hui of Wei, who has already classified the old guy as an old fool, listen?

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > another way of looking at it, in fact, there are problems with the discourse expression of uncle acne and the way of recommendation. </h3>

Gongsun Martingale (Shang Martingale) was brilliant, but at that time he was only a small attendant, even if he was promoted beyond the rank, he could not be so recommended, this was not to lift him, but it was possible to harm him.

Therefore, the uncle acne at that moment was estimated to be a little ill-intentioned.

The only pity is that King Wei Hui, who does not understand the selfishness of his uncle Acne, has problems with himself.

It is reasonable to say that a talent worthy of his own highly recommended talent, no matter how bad you should also meet it, after a chat, you may know what kind of character it is. Unfortunately, after King Hui of Wei listened, he did not kill Gongsun Martingale, nor did he use Gongsun Martingale, but instead directly put him on the shelf, thus losing his hand with Shang Martin, the most bullish lawmaker in the Warring States.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > it is not an exaggeration to say that the Warring States have two great talents, who can immediately change the strength and weakness of the country. </h3>

The first Wu Qi, Li Shi Three Kingdoms, Rescue Lu, Qiang Wei, Chang Chu, he went to that country, that country immediately became stronger.

Another Shang Martingale, when he went to the Qin Kingdom to see Qin Xiaogong, immediately let the Qin State, a weak chicken of the Warring States, become a powerful country that crossed the sky.

These two people belong to the pioneers of the times, and they are among the top professional managers in their thinking and bold policies.

The king must be willing to give up power, and really achieve "the whole country and listen to it", and the hegemony is a matter of course.

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

(The talents of the powerful countries are lost)

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > unfortunately, such talents, Wei Guo have missed, and twice in a row because of the same person. </h3>

This man is the selfish uncle acne, which is really a coincidence and joke of history!

King Wei Hui lost the treasure talent, in addition to the personality defects did not know the goods, the selfish uncle acne also affected him, I don't know the next twenty years, in the face of the tiger wolf Qin Army after the change, whether the King of Wei Hui at that time regretted it!

The rise of the State of Qin also had a constant battle with the enemy of the State of Qin, completely destroying the hegemony of the State of Wei.

The loss of the land of Hexi and the relocation of the capital of the country also made the State of Wei a second-rate state completely.

A selfish person has such destructive power that the hegemony established by three generations dissolves and magnifies the flaws in the king.

The hegemony of the Wei state has fallen, and the King of Wei Hui is responsible, and uncle Huan is not the culprit!

In the eighth year of King Xianwang of Zhou (361 BC), Gongsun Martingale, Wei Zhishu Sun Ye, good criminal name learning. Wei Xianggong's uncle acne, acne knows its sage, did not advance. When he was ill, King Hui of Wei asked, "If uncle's illness is unconcealable, what will he do?" Uncle Gong said: "Wei Martingale, although he is young, he has a genius, and he wishes the king to listen to the whole country!" Wang Moran. Uncle Gong said: "If you don't listen to the martingale, you will kill him, and you will not be ordered to leave the country!" The king promised to go away. The uncle summoned The martingale xie yue: "I am the first king and then the subject, so I first plot for the king, and then I will tell the son." The Son will do it quickly!" Martingale: "A prince cannot use the words of a son to serve as a subject, and can he use the words of a son to kill a subject?" I can't go. Wang Chu said, "Uncle Gong is very sick and sad!" Wouldn't it be a disobedience to make the widow listen to Wei Martingale with the kingdom, and even to persuade the widow to kill him?"

How destructive is selfishness? Three generations of centuries of hegemony destroyed in one fell swoop, King Hui of Wei: I want to cry

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