
The village party secretary's family of 5 was killed, and the comment area was busy asking the reason, when will the victim's guilt theory be suspended?

author:Yu Dewu

A while ago, there was a news on the hot search, the village party secretary 5 were killed, the murderer fled and killed 2 more people.

The murderer's methods were particularly cruel, and even the children were spared.

Seeing such news, the first reaction of normal people should be that this person is too cruel, how can he get his hands on innocent people?

The death of the rabbit is still tragic, not to mention that we, as a human being, always have compassion for our kind, especially innocent children.

This is especially true for parents with children.

But if you go to the comment section of the news, it will make you shudder.

Because the highest-like comment was: Why did he kill the whole family?

Instead of sympathizing with the victim and condemning the murderer, the commentary asks why the killing was done.

This kind of inverted thinking inertia reflects a subconscious retaliatory mentality, unconsciously substituting itself into the thinking vision of the "murderer", and the logic behind it is that the victim is guilty.

It's like if I go to hurt someone and always find all sorts of reasons, and that's rationalization, in short, you're guilty and you deserve to be killed.

As for whether you are guilty or not, it all lies in my mouth, I said you are yin me, harm me, look at me unfavorably, and oppose me everywhere, as long as you are willing to find, you can always find one out.

Even if you look at me one more time, I will cut you, because I think you look at my eyes with malice, then I cut you is just and righteous, and even feel that I am doing harm to the people and imagining myself as a hero.

Something like this kind of thing like you see me I'm going to cut you, it's not a fantasy, it's really happened, and it's not together, everyone is interested in searching online, you'll be eye-opening.

Similar victims' guilt is not uncommon in life.

One of my sisters, while tutoring children with their homework, was drenched from the neck by her husband with a boiling kettle, which was identified as causing minor injuries, and according to the law, his husband was criminally responsible and should be sentenced to 1-3 years in prison.

If your sister is treated like this, are you angry? That's for sure. According to the extreme practices of commenting netizens, should we retaliate and take someone to beat her husband directly?

Because I hit people like this for a better reason.

But we chose to be patient, and in order not to affect the children, we had to divorce, rather than choosing to sue each other.

But he was proud and did not feel that he was wrong, but insulted my sister with words.

Should such a person be punished? But there is nothing we can do, and the law pales at this time.

It is common for couples to quarrel, each has its own right and wrong is common, but no matter how to quarrel, there must be a bottom line, can not domestic violence, can not intentionally hurt, because this is the difference between one and N times, otherwise it violates the criminal law.

A man without a bottom line, he can do anything.

Blame it on my sister that she didn't polish her eyes and chose the wrong person, which led to this misfortune.

I say this to warn some of us.

When we ask the victim why he was killed, can we change our identity, and when we ourselves or our relatives are victims, do you still ask about this reason?

Taking a step back, any reason is not an excuse for you to kill or hit people at will.

Otherwise, we will enter a jungle society of mutual hatred and killing, which has no bottom line and no rule of law, and everyone will endanger themselves, only stronger than anyone's fist.

If that's the case, the weak at the grassroots level of society will be worse off, do you think you can retaliate? You don't have a chance at all.

On the other hand, if the indiscriminate murderer lives next door to your house and has a lot of contact with you, I would like to ask you, do you dare to deal with such people and make friends? For safety reasons, I think you'll just stay away.

No matter where such people are, they are hidden dangers in society. Because he is prone to extremes and paranoia.

It can also be said that the lower the level of thinking, the more people like to use emotional venting instead of thinking, which is prone to the "victim is guilty" thinking habits.

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