
Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

author:Piggy's House

Today's production is very energetic Xinjiang over-oiled meat mixed noodles, in Xinjiang almost all local noodle restaurants will have oily meat, of which Qitai's over-oiled meat and Toxon's over-oiled meat is more famous, today for everyone to bring is the Qitai over-oil meat mixing noodles of the home-style method, several processes of marinating and cooking beef outside the crispy inside soft, each bite can be endlessly aftertaste, with rich soup, as well as tendon pull strips, is really too delicious.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

Ingredients: Medium gluten flour, beef, green and red pepper, tomato skin, onion, egg

Seasoning: salt, green onion, garlic, pepper, ginger powder, soy sauce, oil

Preparation steps:

1. Xinjiang flour 500g or high protein content of medium gluten flour, add edible salt 2g stir evenly, add water several times, constantly use chopsticks to stir the flour to flocculent, the water here should be cool or warm water.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

2. Knead the flocculent flour into a ball, if you feel that the flour is dry, you can add some water appropriately. Because the dough this time is softer than the one, it can be pulled thinner, kneaded until the surface is smooth, and covered with plastic wrap for an hour.

3. Xinjiang oiled meat is generally made of beef or mutton, and fresh beef tenderloin is recommended.

4. Cut the beef into thicker slices. Remember that it must be a large piece, and the thickness is about two millimeters or so. Place the cut beef in a large bowl, soak in water for fifteen minutes and drain. The purpose of this is to pull out the blood color.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

5. Add 2g of salt, 1g of pepper, 1g of ginger powder, then add 8g of soy sauce, grasp and mix well, add a little water, and mix again. Beat an egg or grab and mix evenly, in order to make the qitai oily meat delicious, the meat marinating is a very critical step. The marinating steps are more tedious, but the meat produced in this way is particularly delicious.

6. Add starch twice without too much, about two spoonfuls or so, fully grasp and mix evenly. Now the beef is quite tender, and finally add the right amount of cooking oil to prevent sticking, cover with plastic wrap and marinate for forty minutes.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

7. Green and red peppers can be cut into small pieces or triangles or diamond shapes; onions are cut into small pieces; tomatoes are also cut into small pieces, not very small; green onions and garlic cut into slices, leaving one or two garlic to chop it.

8. The dough is almost awake, we knead it again, dig a small hole in the middle of the dough, and constantly stretch the dough to a soft and thin.

9. Prepare a bowl of cooking oil, spread the oil evenly on the noodles, then wrap around the dish like a mosquito coil, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

10. Put enough cooking oil in the pot, the oil temperature should not rise to too high, about 60% or 70% of the heat can be. Stir the marinated meat well, gently place it in the pan and stir appropriately with a spatula to prevent it from sticking. Why can't the oil temperature be too high? Because the oil temperature is too high, the oil may cause considerable unevenness inside and out.

11. After a minute or so, add green and red peppers and onions, and wait about ten seconds to fish out all the ingredients. Remember to drain the oil.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

12. Heat the oil again, add green onion and garlic to fry until fragrant, add tomato pieces and stir-fry until the juice comes out, you can also add some tomato sauce, then add the oiled ingredients and stir-fry evenly. Add a little water, 10g of light soy sauce, 5g of balsamic vinegar, a little oyster sauce or chicken essence, 3~5g of salt, stir-fry evenly.

13. Add 4 tablespoons of starch water and the garlic grains you just cut, stir-fry evenly and finish the mixture before turning off the heat. Very delicious Xinjiang over-oiled meat noodles dishes are finished.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

14. Don't forget the noodles just plated, it's a pity that such a good dish doesn't have a sliver. We stretch the noodles we have just plated elongated again, without having to pull very thinly, because we have to pull repeatedly, and it will become thinner and thinner, all the way to the thickness that we are satisfied with. Wrap the noodles evenly around your hands, bounce a few times on the table, put in boiling water and cook them over again in cold boiling water.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

The noodles are mixed with noodles and the large pieces of beef and soup are spread evenly on the noodles, which is really delicious. First a bite of beef, then a bite of noodles, so that a bite of meat and noodles, eating too much. From the moment the slice of meat was introduced, I felt that the tedious marinating was worth it, it was really not fishy at all, and it was not greasy at all, and I felt that eating beef alone was already very good.

Hungry people in Xinjiang have been mixed with oil and meat noodles, the meat is tender and the noodles are strong, and the big mouth sucks the noodles and eats the meat in a big mouth, which is really energetic

Today's oiled meat mixed noodles are more classic methods, and there are not many side dishes. There are still many new ways to create, such as adding cabbage or fungus in it, which is also very good. In addition, I would like to emphasize that today's home-cooked method of mixing noodles with oil and meat is a different way to mix noodles than to mix noodles. In fact, in Xinjiang Qitai, oil and meat can also become a dish alone. Its method will be different from the noodle dish, it is very delicious, specific single fried Xinjiang Qitai after the oil meat to share it!

Well, today's sharing is here, like friends remember to help like Oh!

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