
As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

Today I recommend a well-made, easy-to-produce shaped steamed bun - simulated mushroom steamed bun! As a southerner, usually rarely eat steamed buns, let alone do steamed buns, recently on a whim, a strong interest in the shape of steamed buns, made several in a row, comprehensive before and after several, I think it is still the best to master this mushroom-shaped steamed buns! It doesn't matter if you can't rub the water muscle, it doesn't matter if you rub it round, it doesn't matter if the shape and size are different... Jagged, each unique is the characteristic of the mushroom!

By ★ Sketch ★


Medium gluten flour 200 g

Water 100 g + 10 g

Sugar 20 g

Yeast 2 g

Corn oil 3 g

Cocoa powder 3 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

1, 1, the yeast, sugar poured into warm water stirred evenly, let stand for a few minutes;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

2, 2, flour pour into the Hai's m5 cooking machine basin, and then slowly add yeast water;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

3, 3, Hai's m5 chef machine selection and noodle program 2 files, the flour into a ball;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

4, 4, pour in the corn oil, continue and the dough program 2 gears, knead until completely absorbed and then turn 4 gears, knead until the surface of the dough is very smooth;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

5, 5, the dough rounded into a basin covered with plastic wrap, put in a warm place to ferment;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

6, 6, fermented to 2 times larger, the fermented dough with the finger dipped in dry powder poke into it will not retract;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

7, 7, prepare more than 20 grams of flour, while kneading into the dough while exhausting, continue to knead until the dry flour is fully absorbed, knead until the cut surface has no pores, the surface is smooth;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

8, 8, the dough into 9 parts;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

9, 10, take one of them, rub into long strips;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

10, 11, cut into 8 segments;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

11, 12, rub into a similar droplet shape, made into mushroom feet, the size and shape are not completely consistent, it does not matter, directly put in a warm place to ferment;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

12, 13, other 8 parts, kneaded into a ball, made into a mushroom lid; the dough should be covered with plastic wrap or lid while making it to prevent air drying, I made six first shots in this picture;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

13, 14, cocoa powder in advance added 10 grams of hot water stirred evenly, let cool brush to the dough;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

14, 15, all coated, brush once can be, uneven does not matter, brushed dough is air-dried, waiting for cracks, waiting for the process of waiting without lid plastic wrap or lid;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

After 15, 16, more than ten minutes, the cocoa sauce is dried thoroughly, the dough is enlarged, and cracks are generated, at this time, it can be warmed on water or fermented in a fermentation box;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

16, 17, first steam the mushroom feet, steam in cold water, steam for 5 minutes after the water is boiled, simmer for 5 minutes; after 10 minutes, steam the mushroom cover, steam for 10 minutes after the water is boiled, and slowly open the lid after simmering for 5 minutes (both can also be steamed at the same time, but put the mushroom feet that have been done first in the refrigerator, wait for the lid to be ready and then ferment together and steam together);

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

17, 18, use a toothpick to fix the mushroom lid with the mushroom foot!

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

18, 19, the lifelike mushroom-shaped steamed bun is baked;

As soon as this lifelike simulated mushroom bun was served, my chopsticks never stopped

19, 20, the cracks produced by fermentation are very random, each one is unique, this is the magic of nature's microscopic world!


The key point is that the cocoa sauce should be air-dried and cracked before it is fermented in a warm and damp place! It's about whether there's a fascinating shiitake mushroom pattern! If you want to taste like shiitake mushrooms, you can stuff the shiitake mushrooms on the bread!

<h2>Nutritional benefits of all-purpose flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst

Indications for the treatment of irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncles, traumatic bleeding and burns.

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