
Analysis on the prevention and treatment of maternal diarrhea in nursing piglets

author:Swine Disease Classroom

Pathogenesis characteristics of maternal diarrhea in nursing piglets:

Nursing piglet female diarrhea refers to the presence of certain pathological abnormalities in the nursing sow itself, including some hidden infectious diseases, postpartum constipation caused by a large accumulation of toxins in the body, long-term intake of nutrients is relatively single, or improper proportion of certain key nutrients in the diet, etc., sows are implicitly toxic, resulting in the transmission of pathogenic factors to suckling pigs through milk. As a result, the pups they produce may have diarrhea of varying degrees as soon as they are born. Piglets are often ineffective in treating them alone, and must be ruled by mother and child to achieve the desired effect.

Analysis on the prevention and treatment of maternal diarrhea in nursing piglets

The main causative factors of maternal diarrhea in nursing piglets:

Sow individual factors. Sow key disease vaccine program immunity deficiencies, such as "pig blue ear disease, atypical swine fever, swine pseudorabies, pig parvovirus disease" and other high-hazard diseases are currently the most effective means of prevention and control is to vaccinate related vaccines, antibody test pass rate of vaccine immunity for sows and newborn piglets protection is excellent, to ensure that the newborn piglets within 30 days of age to avoid the disease, and the above high-hazard disease once the vaccine immunity is missing, for newborn piglets may cause high fatality rate of severe diarrhea.

environmental factors. Mainly the newborn piglet nursery in the small environment control is poor, of which "temperature and humidity" control for newborn piglets is crucial, 1 ~ 7 day old piglets have higher requirements for temperature and humidity, the most suitable temperature and humidity value is 30 °C ~ 33 °C, relative humidity of about 70%, and the temperature difference between day and night should not exceed 3 °C, otherwise it may cause diarrhea in nursing piglets.

Nutritional factors. In addition to the sow milk nutrition incomplete price factors, lactating piglet early weaning feeding material, suckling pig feed selection is also very important, should try to meet the current piglet growth stage of the normal nutritional needs, feed to full price nutrition and easy piglet digestion and absorption and utilization is the key, otherwise it is easy to cause piglet diarrhea syndrome.

Analysis on the prevention and treatment of maternal diarrhea in nursing piglets

integrated control

1. Scientific breeding of sows. Prevent pregnant sows from being too fat or too thin: In order to make the piglets strong, in addition to ensuring the feeding of full-price combined diets, they should also be adjusted according to the sow's fat, overweight should control the daily feeding, too thin should increase the daily feeding amount of 0 to 84 days of pregnancy generally 1.5 to 2.0 kg, pregnancy 85 ~ 110 days feed 2.5 ~ 3.0 kg full price material. When entering the delivery room one week before delivery, reduce the diet by 0.5 to 1.0 kg per day, do not feed the concentrate on the day of delivery, drink an appropriate amount of bran saline, and then gradually increase the diet to the 7th day after giving birth to the 7th day to restore normal feeding intake. The concentrate should be fed wet, which can reduce the occurrence of diarrheal diseases in piglets.

2. Vaccine immunization (planned immunization, preferential selection of high-incidence diseases in the region for vaccination), which is an important measure to reduce the risk of death of piglets due to severe diarrhea. Large-scale pig farms should be vaccinated against highly lethal diseases such as pig blue ear disease, atypical swine fever, porcine parvovirus disease, swine pseudorabies, porcine infectious gastroenteritis, porcine epidemic diarrhea, swine rotavirus disease, porcine pathogenic E. coli disease, and swine salmonellosis, and the vaccination targets include empty pregnant sows and piglets of appropriate age, so that they can obtain effective passive immune antibody protection.

3. Strengthen daily feeding management to ensure that newborn piglets aged 1 to 3 days eat enough colostrum (obtain maternal antibody protection); Keep sow nipples clean and hygienic; Carry out early feeding around 7 days of age, and strengthen the gastrointestinal function with a small amount of feeding material for nursing piglets, and promote the rapid development of the digestive system of nursing piglets; Regularly carry out cleaning and disinfection of sow barns and piglet houses; It is forbidden to feed nursing sows and nursing piglets expired spoiled, damp and contaminated feed; Adhere to the "four fixed (fixed, timed, fixed, quantitative)" feeding principle, so that there is moderation, accurate feeding, to ensure 24 hours of uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water (in line with safe drinking water standards); Strengthen the daily dynamic epidemic monitoring and disposal, timely discover individual abnormal piglets with diarrhea symptoms in the group, and quickly adopt isolation treatment and special house feeding and disposal measures to prevent the further spread of the epidemic in the group.

Analysis on the prevention and treatment of maternal diarrhea in nursing piglets

4. Activate health care prevention procedures. Sows use sow gold square + good fetus + mildew net mix before and after birth. Improve the quality of breast milk across the board. Breast milk quality is a major factor affecting the health of piglets. If breast milk is adequate and the milk is good, the piglets can gain enough resistance by sucking on breast milk, which can reduce the incidence of diarrhea or mild symptoms after the onset of the disease. If the sow has poor lactation ability and poor milk, the piglet diarrhea will not be cured for a long time.


The etiology of diarrhoeal disease in piglets is complex. Therefore, targeted drug use measures to eliminate pathogenic factors should be taken, and rehydration must be taken, and intraperitoneal injection or oral rehydration salts should be carried out in a timely manner to improve the cure rate and reduce deaths caused by diarrhea and dehydration. For the diseased piglets with more severe diarrhea and obvious dehydration, it is advisable to use "rehydration salt + lactate ciprofloxacin oral solution" for internal treatment with the best effect. For any unexplained hot and humid diarrhea syndrome in piglets, "astragalus polysaccharide + florfenicol + doxycycline + rehydration salt ( or compound electrolytic multidimensional)" can be used for internal treatment, 1 dose in the morning and 1 dose in the morning and evening, and 3 to 5 days for continuous feeding.