
Hechuan meat slices, Chongqing Hechuan specialties delicious

author:Who's falling flowers

Share work, share life, hello everyone, it's time for us to share again. Yesterday's job consisted of shipping 100 absorbent towels and 2 pairs of swim trunks. Added a few new iron three customer list, the rest of the nothing, still not prosperous.

Today's food sharing and everyone to eat a local specialty delicious, let's take a look:

Hechuan meat slices, Chongqing Hechuan specialties delicious

Ingredients: pork, ginger, garlic, sugar, vinegar, bell pepper, green vegetables, fungus, salt, cooking wine, eggs, sweet potato flour, flour, vegetable oil, watercress paste, pepper noodles

Directions: 1. Prepare ingredients: pork washed and sliced, ginger sliced, garlic sliced, green vegetables washed and sliced, pepper sliced, wood ear fungus washed and soaked in blanched water for later.

Mixing water: add salt to the sliced meat, grasp the cooking wine together, add eggs and stir well, then add sweet potato flour and flour in a 1:1 ratio and stir well, add an appropriate amount of water and stir well.

Frying: Heat the pan, add cold oil, pour the mixed meat syrup into the pan, heat evenly on both sides, fry thoroughly and use the spatula to scoop the meat slices open.

Fry in oil, add vegetable oil to the pan and heat it, fry the fried meat slices into the pan and fry until golden and crispy, then set aside.

Stir-fry: add a small amount of bottom oil to the pot, add ginger, garlic slices, watercress sauce and stir-fry well, stir-fry the fried meat slices into the pot evenly, add fungus, green vegetables, peppers, salt, cooking wine to taste, stir-fry evenly, pour white vinegar before coming out of the pot to increase the flavor, and sprinkle pepper noodles after loading the plate to increase the flavor. Hechuan meat slices are ready.

Hechuan meat slices, Chongqing Hechuan specialties delicious

Hechuan meat slices are crispy and tender on the outside, the taste is compound, it is a local special snack, if you have the opportunity to go to Chongqing Hechuan, you must try it, the attitude to food is the attitude to life!

Hechuan meat slices, Chongqing Hechuan specialties delicious

Hechuan meat slices, Chongqing Hechuan special delicious!

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