
977,500 Song Cao's Cursive Song Xing volumes and 2 other works of the same name

author:Smell is culture
977,500 Song Cao's Cursive Song Xing volumes and 2 other works of the same name

Qing Song Cao Xingshu Li Bai Cursive Song Scroll Xiling Printing Society 2013 Spring Auction Transaction price of 977,500 yuan

Appreciation of works

Song Cao (1620-1701), courtesy name Binchen, was also known as The Pioneer of the Sea. Ming Taichang was born in the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty in Yancheng County (now the seat of the government of Dazhonghu Town, Yandu District). On both sides of the gate of the Song Ancestral Hall there were couplets of "Two Dynasties Auxiliary Bow, Tenth Dynasty Hairpin". From song cao's great-grandfather and grandfather onwards, they all entered the government as people. Ming Zhongshu, into the Qing Dynasty (1644) cites erudition and scripture. He is the author of calligraphy, poetry, and fine calligraphy. The big scoop puppet pen cloud: "Although the father and son of Song Sheling have felt qi, they are also the masters of Jiangbei." ”

Song Cao Great calligrapher of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, zi binchen, also zi chen, trumpet sheling, yancheng suburb of northern Song Zhuang, born in 1620, died in 1701. He was able to write calligraphy and was deeply proficient in calligraphy, and wrote books such as "Calligraphy Covenant", "Cursive Thousand Characters", "Du Shi Xie", "Hui Qiu Tang Poetry Collection" and other books, which played a great role and had great guiding significance for the calligraphy and poetry of future generations. After entering the Qing Dynasty, he was dissatisfied with the corrupt rule of the Qing government, did not want to be an official, lived a reclusive life, called himself a cultivator of the sea, entertained himself with books and poems, and wrote many famous poems, whose poems expressed his deep sympathy for the poor life of the working people and his hatred for the corrupt rule of the Qing court, and was a patriotic poet with a very backbone.

977,500 Song Cao's Cursive Song Xing volumes and 2 other works of the same name

In order to realize his ambitions in calligraphy, he resolutely left home and traveled to Jianghuai, Keweiyang, Runzhou, Kunshan, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places, visiting teachers and friends, hanging ancient and seeking victory. In the sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, he would take care of Yanwu, exchange poetry gifts, and become friendly. Over the years, he has searched for famous monuments in the north and south, sucked in the essence, realized the subtle, and integrated them, traded offs and discarded them, and found an authentic calligraphy path for himself.

In today's Japanese calligraphy circles, there is an academic group that studies Song Cao calligraphy. His calligraphy works are collected in museums in Japan, Shanghai, Changshu and other places. Song Cao Gong calligraphy, also good poetry. Retiring to his hometown, swimming in the mountains and rivers, he left behind a foreign poem with nostalgia. The Collected Poems of Huiqiutang is the essence of his poetry and his representative work of poetics.

Wang Duo Zengyun "one day to post, one day to ask for advice", from the large number of temporary works left by Song Cao, his creative state is basically similar, but copying "Ge Ti" is only his means, advocating ancient style, revering classics, and finally degenerating from copying is his purpose. As he said in the "Calligraphy Covenant": "If you blindly imitate the ancients, and feel that the portrayal is too much, you must get rid of the simulation path and come out of the machine." Qiu Zhenzhong's evaluation of Song Cao is pertinent: "Song Cao calligraphy has a kind of simplicity and robustness that is rare in the early Qing Dynasty book world, and thus it is truly close to the ancient style that people yearn for", it is true.

Literacy: The juvenile shangren is called Huaisu, and the cursive world is called the single step. Mo Chi flew out of the Beiming Fish, and the pen blade killed the Zhongshan rabbit. In August and September, the weather is cool, and the drinkers are full of high halls. A few boxes of silk rows of notes, Xuanzhou stone ink color light. When my master was drunk, he leaned on the rope bed and swept away thousands of sheets. The wind and rain are fluttering, and the falling flowers and snow are vast. Get up and keep your hands on the wall, a line of numbers as big as a bucket. He was shocked and saw the dragon and snake walking. The left plate and the right side are like shock and lightning, like fighting with Chu Han. There are several in the seven counties of Hunan, and the family barrier book is full of inscriptions. Wang Yishao, Zhang Boying, the ancient few waves got their names. Zhang Qian's old death is not enough, and I do not mean to learn from the ancients. In ancient times, everything was born noble, so why should Gongsun Da Niang dance. Book for the old gentleman of the fishing village. Salt desecrated Song Cao.

977,500 Song Cao's Cursive Song Xing volumes and 2 other works of the same name


Author Song Cao

Dimensions 40.5×352cm

Estimate:RMB 300,000-500,000

Realized price RMB 977,500

Seal: Vegetable Maple Leaf Industry (Zhu) Sheling (Zhu) Song Cao Books (White) Huainan Old History (White)

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