
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"

author:Yantian culture
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"

Song Cao, a great calligrapher in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. This volume is opened in twelve volumes, ten in selected periodicals, and not published in five or twelve volumes.


Tokai Daimatsu poems. Three generations of things also; frost root since ancient times long shengao, day and day sweep the giant bird in the air. Floating Cuixiao picked up from the three islands, and the flying waves were clear and the mountains were high. Listen to the history of the Tibetan charm, look at the pavilion to see the festival exercises. However, there are groups of immortals who compete to take food, and often peel off the ointment all over the body. Yiyi Qingke is faintly green, and Senran is high in the cold light. The wind turns the day and the dragon roars, and the waves are heavy and the sea is flying. Since the past, the foreign material has changed beyond the object, and there has never been a chance to win. His children and grandsons, Luo Li, relied on his sealing zen and leaned over the old ji alone in Shang Zhou. Forcing the old Han Wei to do the old work, Liu Ding took care of Xiao ShanQing. Root plate three generations of dragon qi, the ground gushing thousand years of amber essence. Unchanged Qin Feng left a strong bone, when established from the East Sea alone. Whoever teaches the west to look to the branches, a psychic sun and moon struggle. The frost wind blows the hunting mountains, and the small trees are like corporals fighting. Radix knots come to the strange bird set, and the immortals eat light feathers. Chihiro straightens the horizontal clouds, and the waves of the sea make the sound of the sea. Since ancient times, large materials have also been of great use, and naturally cover the ghosts and gods. Every year at dawn, the yin and yang are carved, and a period of lonely roots walk in the wilderness. If you encounter a dragon groaning to respond, remote? The sea is always faint. The cold wind first moved the yellow Yu Qi, and Qu Gan could harvest the sun and moonlight. I have been worried about the rise and fall of thousands of years, and I do not know how many vicissitudes I have experienced. Gao Ke thousands of feet of the south city, green shade Xiao sparse ten thousand clear. The divine creature He was once metabolized, and the spiritual root was born with self-reliance. The yin and yang have been stripped of dragon scales, and the frost dew has been harvested to the sea. Qi Jie Fu Sang is more ancient, not withering fang to see the cold of the year. Shi Pengyin Xia Shu, Guangling Guest House Book. Yi Shi Song Cao.

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"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" Song Cao Xingshu "East Sea Great Pine Poems"

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Source: Calligraphy Posters

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