
Xia Ningjun's "Stealing Heart Painter" began broadcasting The domineering prince Li Hongbin sweetly chased love

author:Poster News
{"info":{"title":{"content":"夏宁骏《偷心画师》开播 霸道公子李弘彬甜蜜追爱","en":"Xia Ningjun's \"Stealing Heart Painter\" began broadcasting The domineering prince Li Hongbin sweetly chased love"},"description":{"content":"由阿里巴巴影业、万合天宜联合出品,柯政铭导演执导,新人演员夏宁骏领衔主演的古装爱情轻喜剧《偷心画师》将于今日正式播出。剧...","en":"Jointly produced by Alibaba Pictures and Wanhe Tianyi, directed by Ke Zhengming, and starring newcomer actor Xia Ningjun, the costume romantic light comedy \"Stealing Hearts Painter\" will be officially broadcast today. drama..."}},"items":[]}

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