
"VIXX" "Share" 181008 Li Hongbin issued a statement through the official coffee to convey the distressed and sorry position


In the early morning of the 8th, Li Hongbin went to the VIXX official café to leave a message. Because the anchor of the game live broadcast in which Hongbin participated in the game 홍방장 once made remarks that did not respect women, it triggered a dissatisfaction with Han Rice and asked Hongbin to respond, after which Hongbin issued a statement through the official coffee to convey his sorry mood.

Title: [Hongbin] Sorry. Lots of annoyances.

Content: From everyone, I saw a lot of worrying about my words and thoughts a lot.

And so and so think a lot about how to make everyone accept it, what to say: Annoyed so came late. And the people who wrote these words are now also very distressed and worried. So first of all sorry.

I thought the reason I was going to live with that guy was that no matter how you said that guy, he was the one who made me see a lot of faces, and as a fan of his, he really felt that he was a very good person. And I think he fills in the gaps in areas I don't know much about and guides me interestingly. I also realized that I didn't know all about the field of webcasting, so I met with him and talked a lot because I had a lot of concerns. After a long conversation, I found that he was a better person than I had ever worried about, and therefore more reassuring to me.

I think he's a really trustworthy guy who wants to try to create a wonderful place together. I will create a place without inconvenience and fun!

I'm sorry to worry about that.

Worried about how to convey this, I said that I was going to upload it here, thinking that the apology was correct for the part that should be apologized, so I uploaded it.

In places where you only see good things and only feel good things, upload articles because of bad things Sorry about this again: The article will be deleted when I think it is appropriate.

"VIXX" "Share" 181008 Li Hongbin issued a statement through the official coffee to convey the distressed and sorry position
"VIXX" "Share" 181008 Li Hongbin issued a statement through the official coffee to convey the distressed and sorry position


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