
"Longyuan Red" in the Yellow Land

author:Bright Net

【Veterans' Style】

"Longyuan Red" in the Yellow Land

——Remember Jin Yuguo, secretary of the party branch of Longyuan Red Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd. in Jingning County, Gansu Province

Guangming Daily reporter Zhang Wen

Jin Yuguo, secretary of the party branch and chairman of the longyuan red fruit distribution co., ltd. in Jingning County, Gansu Province, spent most of his life dealing with the yellow land. He joined the army at the age of 18 and retired to his hometown at the age of 24, becoming the youngest village party secretary in Jingning County at that time. From mobilizing villagers to plant apple trees to develop orchards, from setting up a fruit company to opening up the Jingning apple market, Jin Yuguo has become acquainted with apples. "National Youth Spark Leader Pacesetter", the first "Top Ten Outstanding Young Farmers" in Gansu Province, the "Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" in the country in 2020... Speaking of honors and achievements, Jin Yuguo, who is nearly sixty years old, sincerely thanked the army for this big school. For more than 30 years, Jin Yuguo has always maintained the true color of a soldier and led the local people to develop the apple industry to get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Grandpa was the old branch secretary of the village and often told me heroic stories." Jin Yuguo, who received education in the Red Revolution since childhood, longed to make meritorious contributions to the army. After graduating from high school, he joined the army and served in a certain unit of the People's Liberation Army stationed in Helan Mountain. Four years later, Jin Yuguo caught up with the disarmament of the troops and began to prepare for his return to his hometown.

"I discussed with my comrades-in-arms that when I returned to my hometown, I would use what the troops had learned to do practical things for the villagers." To this end, Jin Yuguo bought books on rural cultivation and grew mushrooms in the open space of the barracks. After returning to his hometown, Jin Yuguo began a difficult business. He first planted apple trees on his only 5 acres of watered land, then sold the surplus grain and bought a flour grinding machine to start grain processing. "Seeing the fruit of the apple trees I planted, the flour grinder can earn dozens of yuan a day, and the villagers slowly recognized me." Jin Yuguo said.

In order to open up sales channels, Jin Yuguo went to Liquan in Shaanxi To learn how to grow, how to sell, and how to store apples. After returning, he built the first fruit cellar in Jingning County in the mode of "natural ventilation library + plastic bag". With the fruit cellar, Jin Yuguo began to buy apples in large quantities.

"Seeing that apples can be sold one by one, the confidence of the villagers in planting fruit trees has greatly improved." Jin Yuguo said. In 1995, Jin Yuguo was invited to participate in the National Fruit and Vegetable Food Trade Conference held in Chongqing, and for the first time, Jingning apple was promoted to the national fruit distribution market.

"To be a soldier is to serve the people, and to be a peasant can still serve the people." In 1997, Jin Yuguo established an organic apple demonstration base, established Jingning Longyuan Red Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd., and registered the first fruit trademark in Jingning County, "Longyuan Hong". At the same time, the industrial chain is extended, and the forms of order agriculture, stock dividends, job provision, and skills training are used to drive farmers in the county to become rich and increase income.

In 2020, the "Longyuan Red" apple brand created by Jin Yuguo has won the 100 brands of this year's fruit export well-known brands and The model of China's apple industry, with a brand value of 242 million yuan, allowing Jingning apples to be sold to more than 30 cities and 16 countries and regions in China.

From the beginning of entrepreneurship to now becoming a provincial-level fruit leading enterprise, Jin Yuguo said emotionally: "This is all thanks to the party's good policies and the training of the troops." In the future, I will continue to serve more people and realize the value of my life as a retired soldier. ”

Guangming Daily ( 03/10/2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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