
Keeping in mind the important precepts and performing duties and missions| Ding Yang, deputy director of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, participated in the online interview of the Baishan Municipal People's Government Portal Network

author:Peace white mountain

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Keeping in mind the important precepts and performing duties and missions| Ding Yang, deputy director of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, participated in the online interview of the Baishan Municipal People's Government Portal Network
Keeping in mind the important precepts and performing duties and missions| Ding Yang, deputy director of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, participated in the online interview of the Baishan Municipal People's Government Portal Network


Keeping in mind the important precepts and performing duties and missions| Ding Yang, deputy director of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, participated in the online interview of the Baishan Municipal People's Government Portal Network

On August 26, Ding Yang, deputy director of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, was invited to the baishan municipal people's government portal website to conduct in-depth exchanges with the majority of netizens on the reform concept, work development, convenience measures and successful experience of the reform of the city's public security organs' government services .

At the live broadcast site, Ding Yang introduced the progress of the reform and work highlights of the "one door and one office" of the Baishan City Public Security Bureau, and also answered the online consultation of netizens in detail during the live broadcast. Ding Yang said that the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau loyally practices the people-centered development thinking, keeps an eye on the work tone of "basing on serving one's own duties and striving for first-class work", as a pilot unit for the reform of the province's public security government services "one door and one office", the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau gives full play to the leading and exemplary role of the pilot units, finds the correct positioning, plays a function, optimizes the business environment and government service reform as the starting point, and makes every effort to build by doing a good job in the two service positions online and offline, with meticulous thinking, fine as the axis, and precision as the key." Baishan public security government service brand", so that the people of Baishan can truly feel the dividends of public security government service reform.

Keeping in mind the important precepts and performing duties and missions| Ding Yang, deputy director of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, participated in the online interview of the Baishan Municipal People's Government Portal Network

Through the online interview of the portal network of the Baishan Municipal People's Government, the public awareness of the "one door and one office" reform of the Baishan Municipal Public Security Bureau was further enhanced, and the image of the public servant of the Baishan Public Security Bureau who faithfully performed his duties and served the people was shaped.

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