
Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

author:Up and down

Because you are poor, what humble things have you done? This is a popular question on a well-known website, under which there are hundreds of thousands of answers, and there are as many as a million questions related to this question.

This shows that you, me, and many people around you and me are actually low-level people, and since they are low-level people, they naturally have a humble mentality and cannot do humble things.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

In fact, the sense of humility of the people at the bottom will run through their lives, and they will not be able to get rid of the nightmare of humility in all important periods of life.

People at the bottom, at different ages, will have different living conditions and experiences, and sometimes the real feeling is a black road that cannot go to the end, and they don't know how long they have to struggle to finally escape the poor circle.

The following is a self-statement of a low-level middle-aged professional after the 80s, between the lines, can you also see your own shadow?

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

First, the humble feeling of the middle school era comes from the most primitive need to eat and wear

1. Because I was poor, I used to be complacent about accepting clothing donations from others.

Not only me, but also thousands of students in our very poor rural middle school have accepted clothing donations from outsiders. It was transported to our school from economically good areas, from big cities, truckloads of waste clothes to schools, emitting a strong smell of disinfectant water and the characteristic smell of cotton fibers of clothes. Bundles of clothes are unloaded from the truck to the center of the school's dirt playground, and then divided into classes to the playground and randomly distributed to each classmate by the class teacher.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

Junior high school, about 12 years old, after all, are still the age of love to show off. After the distribution of clothes was completed, our classmates actually began to compare the clothes distributed by who looked better and more handsome! In fact, most of the donated clothes are some adults wear, for us children to wear, how to see, how to feel weird, some pants legs are too long, will roll back a long section, with elastic bands tied, and some sleeves can hang to the thighs, some girls, assigned to adult women wear sweaters, do not wear it well, after putting on, immediately let the teenage cardamom girls look like bloated and ugly mothers! ......

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

Although many clothes do not fit, we are still very happy, very excited, and constantly comparing, after all, the children of poor families in poor counties in the big mountains, in that era (around 1998), it was very good to have a new dress a year. The donated clothes, although they are old, are after all the clothes that we have not worn before, such as jackets, such as suits, such as trench coats.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

What I remember very clearly is that there was a girl who was assigned a pale pink bandeau inside, the style was very beautiful, and the texture knew that it was a brand of goods. Girls around the age of 12 have begun to develop their breasts. And the girl seemed to develop earlier than the other students, and the class teacher gave her a special bandeau, and although she was embarrassed, she still accepted it with a red face. Although they later heard the gossip of their classmates in the girls' dormitory: there was a faint unwashed blood stain on the inside of the breasts, but the girl was still reluctant to throw it, and went to the boiling water room to beat a pot of boiling water, burned it several times, dried it, and stored it in her own box. I think she must have liked the donated bandeau very much....

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

2, because of poverty, once quietly mixed in the crowd, stealing the buns of the small shop.

We are in the mountains and it is very cold at night in winter. After we went to the evening self-study (9:30 p.m.), we were cold and hungry, after all, we were all boys in their 10s, it was the age of the long body, and the dinner we ate at 5:30 p.m. was generally not oily, and it was always the same two things: potato chip soup + rice. At night, I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it, and I was freezing cold.

There is a commissary selling buns next to the student dormitory. Every night at the end of the night, the owner of the bun shop will bring out a large drawer of hot buns, including vegetable buns, meat buns, and sugar buns. The white and chubby buns are steaming and puffy, and the unique aroma of the hair noodles is mixed with the aroma of vegetables, and the sweet aroma is straight into the nostrils. - It's so tempting.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

To be honest, every night after self-study, I want to buy all the buns in that drawer and enjoy them slowly until I eat them.

At that time, buns were a luxury, 3 cents a piece. I was living on $6 a week, at most $8. This 8 yuan is my ration (rice + dish) for the week (Monday to Friday). Where is the extra money to eat buns!

Although our school is a middle school in a poor mountainous area, after all, there are still relatively rich children with slightly better family conditions. Children from wealthy families live about 15 yuan a week, twice as tall as we do. They can afford to eat buns. Even children with luxury can buy two buns to eat after studying every night. Eating a full burp, even if the smell of their hiccup buns wafts in the dormitory, can cause our children who do not eat buns to swallow spit, sometimes the spit is too big, swallow the throat, can choke themselves cough!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

Once, I hadn't eaten enough for dinner, and it was snowing during the night of the evening study, and the wind was howling, and I was freezing my teeth and clenching my teeth. Passing by the bun shop, I saw a special fire in business, and the bun shop was wrapped in three layers inside and three layers. A group of children all held high the three hairs in their hands, determined to grab their own buns. I was fierce, pulled out three cents, I thought, big deal the next day at noon not to eat! Tonight, you must grab a bun, otherwise, it will really be too cold to sleep!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

I wasn't big and quickly squeezed into the inner circle. But before my money was handed out, I saw that the bun drawer had reached the bottom, and I was in a hurry, and I snatched a bun directly from the drawer, because the action was fast, the boss didn't see it at all, and the other students didn't care. As soon as I saw the "opportunity" arrived, I directly took the bun that I "grabbed" (stolen), did not give money, and directly withdrew from the crowd. After all, this is the first and only time in my life, in front of the public, in full view, stealing food! Leave him alone, he did everything. A bun is not big, and I drained it in three or two bites. Suddenly felt a warm heat wave straight to the internal organs, that comfort, still unforgettable!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

The next day, when I walked past the bun shop, I kept my head down, and I wanted to give three cents to the boss, but I didn't know where to start. At the same time, I am reluctant to give up the three cents, after all, it is my own meal! After a week, my heart was only slightly calm, and later after I worked, I went back to the junior high school of that year and walked around, which changed a lot and the conditions were much better. The uncle who sold buns was still selling buns. I plucked up the courage to go forward, took Uncle's hand and said: Uncle, I stole your bun more than ten years ago to eat, I'm sorry! Unfortunately, Uncle Grandpa was old, his ears were not good, he didn't hear clearly, he didn't understand, he forgot who was who, and at that time, I didn't buy his bun much, he hardly knew me. Before leaving, I forced him with a hundred pieces to make myself feel a little at ease.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it


Second, the strong sense of inferiority brought about by the humble feeling of the college era and the small pattern of thinking profoundly affect the life model of the bottom people

1, because of poverty, let the whole person become very stingy.

During the whole college period, I never went to the so-called "KFC" or "McDonald's" once, and passed through these very foreign restaurants countless times but never went in. I was very yearning in my heart, very envious of other students who came in and out of the society for many years, I walked into KFC for the first time, looked at the green dining table for half a day, did not know what to order, did not know how to order, hesitated, and made the young people in the long line behind show their impatient contempt. Only now have I understood that the so-called KFC is just a "foreign fast food" that sells junk food!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

2, because of poverty, to do heavy physical work and thrift, almost out of life.

In the summer, I want to earn money to work to make up for the lack of daily expenses. But few regular businesses were willing to take on short-term jobs, and only a privately run renovation shop took me in. At that time, I was still very grateful, and after a few days of getting along, I realized that it was completely a fire pit. The lean boss was extremely unauthentic and assigned me the hardest, heaviest and most tiring work. Pedaling a heavy scooter under the scorching sun, sweating like rain, and then holding up dozens of pounds of aluminum alloy windows with one hand, a support is ten minutes. Once, the physical strength was too much, the hand could not hold it, the aluminum alloy window fell from the seventh floor, fortunately, did not hit the person. But the window smashed and deformed. At that time, the boss didn't say anything, just very angry and said I was useless. Unexpectedly, after a month of summer work, the boss only gave me 200 yuan for the 500 yuan that was originally agreed upon, saying that the other 300 was used to damage the broken window. I was completely speechless, for a month, my sweat almost dried up, several injuries on my body, no rest for a day, from morning to night, and finally got 200 yuan! I was in tears. At that time, he was 19 years old, a strong man, but he still couldn't hold back the tears of grievance. But to be honest, there was nothing I could do and I slipped away.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it


Third, the sense of humility in the workplace era brings not only a sense of loss of direction in life, but also a strong sense of frustration that always follows

1, because of poverty, I originally knew the advantages of communicating with the leader and inviting the leader to eat, but because of the lack of courage to invest, the workplace life was lost from the beginning.

There is no time in the workplace for you to reflect, regret, many opportunities, missed is missed, this stubble missed, the next stubble will still be missed.

Looking at a lot of people who are similar in age and ability to themselves because of their strong family background, because they have money to make grinding ghosts, grow up rapidly, far beyond you, win better life opportunities and career platforms, for the bottom, only with lying flat to comfort themselves!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

2, because of the pressure at the bottom, there could have been more choices, but could not bear the cost of trial and error, taking the most secure road has become the best choice, a lifetime and riches have no chance.

People at the bottom of the workplace have no opportunities and conditions to try and make mistakes. You have to get your job done in the first three years of college, and the more stable the job, the better, because the people at the bottom can't afford to make mistakes, can't afford to wait, can't afford to lose their jobs. The bottom people, basically have no bargaining power and choice opportunities, from the beginning to the end is wrapped up, looks very busy, the result of a lifetime of busy and busy, but is a mixture of food and clothing!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it



1, there is a saying called poor out of the insight. Because they are poor, the children of the poor are more likely to be able to flex and stretch. Because you are accustomed to living a hard life, you are not afraid of a hard life. Life has bottom-line thinking, and the tolerable bottom-line range is often lower than others.

2) The poor are the ones who are truly open-minded. Because the hard days of childhood, adolescence, and youth may all be the days of falling to the bottom in life. Later in life, as long as he works hard enough, there are no major changes, and his health is generally healthy, they will definitely live better than in their early years. Therefore, their understanding of happiness is deeper, their desire to struggle is more persistent, and their desire to jump out of the poor class is stronger.

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

3) Poverty really limits one's thinking and imagination. What the poor fear most after work is debt, and the favorite is a small day without a little risk or pressure. As a result, good investment opportunities, good opportunities to get rich, and good opportunities to get rid of class oppression are repeatedly missed. The last thing the poor are interested in is taking the money from the bank and running their own business. The last thing the poor like is to lend money to others. The poor are least good at scheming and decision-making, so the poor often fall into the quagmire of small wealth and security and cannot extricate themselves. After they have achieved the basic food and clothing and the basic quality of life have been improved, they no longer have the motivation to struggle, no longer have the desire to further improve, and no longer have the will to further transcend. Therefore, in the end, most of the poor can still only be poor, and their next generation will find it difficult to inherit the material and spiritual wealth of the previous generation, so the cycle continues to produce a word "there is a kind of poverty, and wealth has roots"!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it


The only way to get rid of the above feelings of humility in all ages and life stages is to make yourself rich!

Therefore, in this world, it is because many people at the bottom, in order to get rid of the bottom, they deeply realize that to get rid of the bottom, they need money, and with money, they can jump to the class, and the jump class will become richer. Therefore, many times, this cruel reality that only money is everything makes today's post-80s and post-90s workplace people basically move closer to money. As a result, there is today's spectacle of the concept of career choice, the concept of choosing a spouse, the concept of marriage, the concept of children, and so on.

We feel that it is wrong to chase after money, but we really can't find a more correct pursuit and path!

Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it
Post-80s workplace people said that the humble feeling of the bottom people runs through life, and there is only one way to get rid of it

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