
Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

author:Daily watercress

<b>The author of this article "Douban Movie Club", welcome to the Douban App to pay attention to Ta. </b>

The source of the "Murder on the Orient Express" is a novel published in 1934 by Agatha Christie, a British female detective novelist, playwright, and known as one of the three masters of speculative literature. So far, a total of 5 "Murder on the Orient Express" movies or TV series have come out or are about to come out. This popularity lasted for nearly a century and the big IP was adapted or remade by many countries, including the localization adaptation of Japan's Fuji TV.

The new version of "Murder on the Orient Express", which will be released in the mainland on November 10 this year, will also bring a different viewing experience to Chinese audiences with a new cast and highly distinctive audition elements.

Murder on the Orient Express (2017/USA/film)

Murder on the Orient Express

Starring: Johnny Depp/Daisy Ridley/Michele Pfeiffer/Penelope Cruz/William Dafoe/Lucy Bowton/Josh Gard/Kenneth Brana/Olivia Coleman/Judy Dench/Adam Garcia/Miranda Lysson/Manuel Garcia-Rulfo/Derek Jacobi/Leslie Odom/Tom Batman/Marwan Kenzari/Alla Safi/Sergei Pronin

Director: Kenneth Branagh

Genre: Agatha Christie / Mystery / Mystery / Crime / USA / Johnny Depp / 2017 / American Film / Remake / Drama

The film is directed and starring Kenneth Branagh, director of Thor and Cinderella, and joined by heavyweight actors such as Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Judy Dench, and Michelle Pfeiffer. The film tells the story of a bizarre murder that occurred on the famous "Orient Express", everyone is suspected of committing a crime, and the Belgian detective Poirot finally made the case clear to the world after a meticulous and stripped-down logical analysis.

In addition to the luxury cast of many movie stars, the film has also made great efforts in the scenes, props and costumes, perfectly restoring the scenes in the novel and bringing an excellent visual experience. Judging from the trailer, the film exudes a strong retro atmosphere from beginning to end. From the characters' carefully combed hairstyles, to every costume that perfectly fits the character's personality, to the set where every detail is polished, it can be said that it is a retro temperament MAX. Uncle Depp incarnated as a mysterious mafia, and the combination of a big oil head and a gentleman's suit is not contrary to the law! The goddess Penelope also appeared in a different shape than before, dignified and elegant! The ups and downs of the soundtrack enhance the suspenseful atmosphere of the film, and every look of the characters and every shadow of the carriage conveys an ulterior secret!

【Trailer poke here→ Trailer】

Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

Handsome and charming Uncle Depp

The charm of raw books, familiar dramas, and classics lies in this. The level of the script is in, the actors are super gorgeous, and I guess I will not be disappointed to where to go. The 1974 film version and the 2010 British drama version have the same story, different atmospheres, and different advantages, and how the latest version of Poirot will deal with the final situation will also be a point of view. ——@Douyou Ephemera crossing the sea

This lineup is also no one! ——@Douyou Fork fork

Murder on the Orient Express (2015/Japan/TV series)

Murder on the Orient Express


Starring: Nomura Manki / Matsuki Nanako / Niki Kazuya / Apr / Hiroshi Tamaki / Kazuki Makimura / Sosuke Ikematsu / Yukiko Yagi Sayaka Aoki / Takahiro Fujimoto / Ryoko Tomiji / Katsuyoshi Takama / Takashi Sasano / Takashi Kobayashi / Mitsuko Kusafue / Toshiyuki Nishida / Michiko Yoshima / Hiroshi Sato

Director: Keita Kono

Genre: Japanese Drama / Japanese Drama SP / Yuki Mitani / Japan / Kazuya Ninomiya / 2015 / SP / Hiroshi Tamaki / Reasoning / Tv Dramas Watched

In the early years of Showa, the great detective Takezushi Katsuro (Mansai Nomura) returns to Tokyo on the Toyo Express, who knows that on the way, he encounters a strange incident. The rude industrialist Fujido (Hiroshi Sato) is brutally murdered in a dream, and the murderer may be one of the people in the carriage. With the clues of the scene, Katsuro inquired about more than a dozen people in the carriage. Everyone has a conclusive alibi, but the testimony of the crowd is bizarre and abnormal. During this period, another case that had been plagued for several years surfaced, leading to the truth behind Fujido's murder...

Japan's Fuji Television has adapted "Murder on the Orient Express" in the form of a TV series. The plot follows the main plot of the original novel, and also invites heavyweight actors such as Nomura Mansai, Kazuya Ninomiya, and Naoko Matsushima, and the era in which the story takes place, the behaviors and lines of the characters are full of the unique temperament of Japanese suspense films, which can be called a very localized adaptation.

Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

Little cute Ninomiya and also

Cass is really good, may have seen the original or Japanese names than the bunch of unknown foreign names look more discerning, feel quite early began to leak the unusual relationship between passengers ~ but the innovation is to put the murderer's self-description on the second night can make the storyline more full, but also forcibly cut off the classic puzzle process of Lu Sheng (Poirot) Ah ~ Although there is no gray brain cells, it feels like the whole is still imitating the original movie! ——@Douyou Star and Moon River

The first night was a tribute, the second night was Mitani Yuki, this group of actors is really amazing. ——@Bean Friends Group Small Paper

Murder on the Orient Express (2010/UK/TV series)

Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express


Starring: David Suchte / Irene Atkins / Jessica Chastain / Mary-Josie Krones / David Morriser / Barbara Hirsch / Susanna Lothar / Denis Menoche / Selch Hassenawic / Toby Jones / Samuel West / Hugh Boneville / Brian J. Smith

Director: Philip Martin

Genre: Mystery / Suspense / Detective / British Film / Crime / Classic / Human Nature / Famous Book Adaptation / Novel Adaptation / Plot

This version of Murder on the Orient Express is actually one of the twelfth episodes of the British TV series Poirot, co-produced by ITV Studios, WGBH television and Agatha Christie LLC, and premiered in the United States on July 11, 2010, and in the United Kingdom on December 25, 2010. Although this is only one episode of the TV series, it is 93 minutes long.

The film was directed by "Crown" director Philip Martin and starred David Suchet, actress Irene Atkins of "Need for a Good Wife", and Jessica Chastain. Most of the footage in the film is done in the pine wood studio in Ivheis, Buckinghamshire, England, where the designers have copied the carriages of the Orient Express according to historical information. Some of the film's footage was also taken from Malta, and the film was filmed with the support of the Maltese government.

Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

I seem to like Poirot more than Holmes, and the image of Poirot walking alone in the snow is lonely. ——@Douyou Good boy Nannan

I'm probably more receptive to modern camera language and storytelling than the old version. Of course, the old version has its own literary and retro temperament, but this time, I stand in the new version. From the investigation of the plot to the torture of human nature, individuals are more accepting of the latter. What is the real judgment, everyone is a judge and a sinner. A non-existent killer, but also omnipresent - @Douyou Retro Little Energy Cat

Murder on the Orient Express (2001/USA/TV movie)


Starring: Alfred Molina / Tasha de Vasconcelos / David Hunter / Natasha Whiteman

Director: Carl Schönkel

Genre: Agatha Christie / Mystery / Crime / USA / Mystery / Murder on the Orient Express / 2001 / American Film / Movie / Drama

On April 22, 2001, CBS, one of the three major national commercial radio and television networks in the United States, launched the TV-movie version of Murder on the Orient Express. The film was directed by Carl Schönkel and starred Alfred Molina and Tasha de Vasconcelos. In this version, the story is set in modern society, the great detective Poirot is portrayed younger and more affinity, Princess Dragomirovna becomes a South American dictator, and the scenes of the four suspects are deleted.

Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

Although the background of the times has moved to the 21st century, the story and reasoning are still wonderful, the show also pays tribute to "Roger's Doubt" and "The Strange Case of Stiles Manor", and finally Linda Arden starred in grandma's famous drama "Mousetrap", but unfortunately this series only has one episode, otherwise it would be interesting to shoot a few more episodes. Obviously, it is the same idea as "Sherlock", but the feedback received after the broadcast is very different. ——@Douyou Columbo

Everyone lies in masks for different reasons, and there is only one name for motivation, which is called desire. --@Plato's wealth does not harm his life

Murder on the Orient Express (1974/UK/film)


Starring: Albert Finney / Lauren Beckall / Martin Bauer Sam / Ingrid Bergman / Jacqueline Bissett / Jean-Pierre Cassel / Sean Connery / John Gilgood / Wendy Shearer / Anthony Boggins / Vanessa Redgrave / Richard Widmark / Michael York

Directed by: Sidney Lumet

Genre: Suspense /Agatha Christie/UK/Mystery/Detective/Classic/Crime/British Film/1974/Film

After midnight, a heavy snow forced the Orient Express to stop. Detective Poirot was woken up three times in the middle of the night. The next morning, the rich American businessman who found himself in the same car was killed, and in the process of collecting evidence, there were many opinions, and the three noises last night, as well as the mysterious woman who appeared, made Poirot puzzled. According to the confessions of 12 people in the same carriage, the murderer should be a woman who thought she was wearing a red scarf, and everyone insisted that her characteristics and the time of her appearance coincided with the murder everywhere. The woman is now missing, and the train has not stopped. The consistency of these 12 confessions has opened up Poirot's thinking to solve the case, which is a surprising murder case.

1974's Murder on the Orient Express is arguably one of the most classic versions, directed by Hollywood director Sidney Lumet and starring Albert Finney, Lauren Whitecall and Ingrid Bergman. The film was nominated for six awards, including the Oscar for Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay that year, and Ingrid Bergman won Best Supporting Actress for this film.

Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

The goddess Bauman was able to cover up the bright colors with her acting skills to such an extent that I did not recognize the little old lady who was nagging at first glance. The Oscars are well deserved. No one wants to give Queen Christie a little golden man? In addition to Shakespeare and Sherlock Holmes, her novel adaptation has the highest award rate, right? ——@Douyou gabi

Lumet is really a master of making such closed scene multiplayer scheduling movies! The film does not bring the audience into the detective perspective as a participant, but as a third-party bystander, it feels quite special (it may also be that I have little knowledge) Bergman's role is too breakthrough to recognize ORZ, the shooting method is completely old-school, the whole detection process is smooth and calm, very good-looking. ——@Douyou Dropped the line

Douban Diary: "Murder on the Orient Express" that has been remade many times, which one can capture your heart the most?

Five versions of Murder on the Orient Express present a train murder from different ethnic and cultural perspectives. Although each adaptation and remake has a different degree of loyalty to the original work, every time Grandma (Agatha Christie)'s original novel will once again become a hot topic into the eyes of the audience and readers, the value and power of the big IP is beyond your imagination! If you're also a Grandma fan, please stop here #你为什么喜欢阿加莎 Christie #to join the topic!

"Murder on the Orient Express" will be released simultaneously in China and the United States on November 10, and every look back, every smile, and every secret is not to be missed!

(End of full text)

<b>The author of this article, "Douban Movie Club", now lives in Beijing, has published 150 original texts, and is still active in the Douban community. Download Douban App search user "Douban Movie Club" to pay attention to Ta. </b>

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