
Chaoyang Experimental Education Group held the first "Qinglan Cup" Young Teacher Skills Competition

author:Yixing Think Tank

Guided by the "Chaoyang District Set Optimization and Development Plan", chaoyang experimental education group held the launching ceremony of the first "Qinglan Cup" young teacher skills competition in Chaoshi Campus on October 26, 2021 with the purpose of promoting the growth of young teachers in Chaoyang District, with the activity of Chaoyang District Qinglan Engineer Apprentice Interaction Month as the carrier.

Chaoyang Experimental Education Group held the first "Qinglan Cup" Young Teacher Skills Competition

The event was presided over by Gao Min, Vice Principal of Chaoshi Campus, and the leaders attending the meeting included Liu Bingge, member of the Party Group of Chaoyang District Education Bureau and second-level researcher, Liu Jiao, vice principal of Chaoyang District Teachers' Training School, Wan Yingnan, vice principal of Chaoyang District Teachers' Training School, Fu Xinyu, vice principal of Chaoyang District Teachers' Training School, Ren Dongyan, head of the Basic Education Section of Chaoyang District Education Bureau, Li Xin, director of the Office of Famous Teachers of Chaoyang District Education Bureau, Li Li, teacher of Chaoyang District Basic Education Department, Zhang Meng, principal of Gongzhuling Station Front Primary School, wang Jinhua, principal of Chaoyang District Anmin Primary School. Xie Fei, principal of Chaoyang Experimental Education Group Kuanping Campus.

Chaoyang Experimental Education Group held the first "Qinglan Cup" Young Teacher Skills Competition

At the beginning of the event, Chang Ying, President of Chaoyang Experimental Education Group Chaoshi Campus, made a cordial speech, leading everyone to review the vigorous development of Chaoyang Experimental Education Group since its inception, symbiosis with reality, and harmony to beauty, and summarized the outstanding contributions made by Chaoyang Experimental Education Group to Chaoyang Education. Chaoyang Experimental Education Group has always regarded the training of young teachers as the first priority to improve the quality of education. Xie Fei, principal of Chaoyang Experimental Education Group Kuanping Campus, read out the activity plan and scoring standards of the first "Qinglan Cup" Young Teacher Skills Competition.

Chaoyang Experimental Education Group held the first "Qinglan Cup" Young Teacher Skills Competition

This year's "Qinglan Cup" Young Teacher Skills Competition lasted for four days, and was divided into two divisions of Chaoshi Campus and Kuanping Campus, with a total of 29 young teachers participating. Senior teachers and researchers of Chaoyang District Continuing Education School were invited to form an expert jury.

This competition is a demonstration of ability, a promotion meeting of teaching and research exchanges, and a test meeting of quality improvement. The young teacher skills competition is an important measure to comprehensively implement the medium- and long-term education reform and development outline; it is an effective way to implement the development strategy of centralized optimization; it is an important carrier for strengthening the construction of the teacher team and building a famous teacher system; and it is also a display and acceptance of the "Qinglan Project" of Chaoyang Experimental Education Group. It is believed that after this competition, the teacher team and education quality of Chaoyang Experimental Education Group will go one step further.

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