
Born Blessed Will: Eisenhower

author:Ru Nan Kun

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Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890, to a civilian family in Texas.

Eisenhower was not only an excellent World War II commander, but also accomplished during his presidency. In the tense atmosphere of confrontation between East and West, he corrected the Red Panic (i.e., the fight against socialism) created by his predecessor Truman in American society, and personally led the continuation of this day

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization laid the foundation for the United States to surpass

Status as a great power.

Born Blessed Will: Eisenhower

There is no shortage of such pioneering leaders in history, and his old boss, President Roosevelt, turned the tide in World War II and let the United States begin to embark on the road of world hegemony.

His allied partner, Churchie, formed a wartime cabinet during World War II, prompting an Anglo-American coalition against the Nazis. The victory of the LinkedIn countries and Europe in World War II made Britain great again.

Eisenhower's gentle, hard-working, approachable personality led to his continued success as one of the representatives of the American Dream.

So, what kind of person was Eisenhower?

First, he is a smiling general who attaches great importance to public relations.

Eisenhower valued the power of the media, he was gentle, modest, often smiling, and very popular with the media. And he had the same keen insight as Roosevelt in understanding the public's preferences.

When Britain and the United States decided to unite to open a second front in Europe, more than 2 million American soldiers came to Britain. Due to the lack of trust between the two sides, the local media often complained that the American soldiers had no culture and behaved in a promiscuous manner, which meant that they were disgusted with their lives.

Eisenhower organized an army tour of the history of the British, and made sure all soldiers dressed properly. On the other hand, he demanded that the soldiers did not have to imitate or accommodate the British habits of life, such as Eisenhower's addiction to smoking, and the king's banquet was not allowed to smoke, so he simply did not go.

His respectful and non-flattering attitude was highly sought after by the British media.

In addition, he established close ties with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Born Blessed Will: Eisenhower

During his stay in Britain, Eisenhower was a frequent visitor to Churchill's country house, and the two often discussed military information for several days and nights, leaving the Impression of Mutual Trust between Britain and the United States on the British people.

Second, he was an Allied commander who had never been on the battlefield.

Eisenhower had no large-scale combat experience before becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces and was a full -- "office general." Operation Torch exposed his unfamiliarity with the diplomatic situation in Europe and his lack of combat experience.

The Allies were preparing to attack French North Africa. Due to Vichy France's poor loyalty to the Nazis, he was very conservative in his approach to warfare, hoping to force French cooperation throughout North Africa through a small victory.

He apparently underestimated the French will to resist, but he still sent people to North Africa and Gibraltar tirelessly. Moreover, the efficiency of the war was very low, and it took the Allies half a year to occupy North Africa.

Eisenhower, on the other hand, as an Allied commander, was unable to interfere with his lieutenant general. The British Field Marshal, who commanded the Dunkirk evacuation of Montgomery, was in fact only at the disposal of the British government.

Born Blessed Will: Eisenhower

Montgomery then went his own way into Operation Market Garden, which not only wasted Allied time and the lives of its soldiers, but also played no strategic role.

However, God's favor for Eisenhower allowed him to make a successful comeback in Normandy.

After the Allies landed in Italy and won the victory, it was difficult to advance north. It was decided to land from Normandy and launch a counterattack against the Germans on the European continent.

Eisenhower was criticized for being timid and cowardly due to his slowness in the North African campaign. He understood that as the lowest rank and least experienced of the Allied generals, he was more like a peacemaker and a pot bearer.

The Normandy landings were the most important step in the Allied strategy, but the sea weather was rapidly changing, and the success of the plan was unknown.

To make the landing on this day, Eisenhower began the exercise a year in advance and planned two large-scale operations to mislead Hitler in order to keep the real landing site secret.

Born Blessed Will: Eisenhower

Action must be foolproof.

The afternoon before the landing, there was a sudden strong wind on the sea and the clouds were thick. If it rains, the landing is highly likely to fail. Some have suggested postponing it, and others have suggested landing anyway.

Eisenhower decided to take a gamble, and after writing his resignation report, he issued an order: everything should go according to plan.

On June 6, 1944, the weather was clear, and 160,000 Allied troops crossed the English Channel, launching a fatal blow to the Germans.

Third, he is a political white who has been pushed into the White House by the people.

Before the end of World War II, Eisenhower did not understand or like politics.

After the German rout, Eisenhower decided to attack the Alps next and destroy the last German refuge. Churchill was strongly opposed, believing that the Allies must now occupy the German capital before the Russians.

Eisenhower was concerned with how to end the war with minimal losses and crisp profits, and he did not want to consider what Churchill called the European pattern, ideology and other political issues.

Subsequently, the Red Army took Berlin, laying the groundwork for the division of Germany and the Cold War.

After the war, Eisenhower, who was less politically sensitive, was "forced" to become president of the United States.

As a hero who defeated fascism, Eisenhower was enthusiastically sought after as soon as he returned home, and the newspapers were full of news that he was running for president.

His family urged him to clarify, and he dismissed it, saying that the best way to deal with rumors was to ignore them.

Ironically, it is precisely because Eisenhower has no party preference, but let both the Democratic and Republican parties build momentum under his banner.

The Democratic Truman brought McCarthyism, that is, there is no evidence to accuse others of subversion, treason, etc., setting off a wave of terror reign, while the Republican Taft wanted to repeal Roosevelt's New Deal.

This is something that Eisenhower was extremely reluctant to see.

Meanwhile, the spontaneous Eisenhower Society, a private society, called on 15,000 people to shout in madison Square Garden: "We want Ike!" ”

Driven by both political ideals and popular opinion, Eisenhower decided to run for two consecutive terms. He is also the only U.S. president other than Trump who has not held an elected position.

Born Blessed Will: Eisenhower

After the end of World War II, the world ushered in the outbreak of the Cold War, and the American people faced the turbulent world situation and urgently needed a military president to dispel their inner fears, which reflected the law of group worship.

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