
Thirty-six new coordinates: the first plan is to hide the sky and cross the sea - why did the United States overthrow Saddam Hussein?

author:Judge Take

The subtlety of the "concealment of the sky and the sea" strategy lies in a "concealment" word, and the foothold lies in a "passing" word, and after the past, the other party knows your true purpose. If you can't cross the sea, no matter how clever the method of "concealment" is useless. If this plan is used well, it can defeat 100,000 male soldiers with just one mouth. In "Water Margin", there is a taiwei named Su Yuanjing, who is working against Gao Li. Gao Li advocated a military campaign against Liangshan, but many times he used his troops without success, and even Gao Li himself became a prisoner. Su Taiwei proposed to the emperor a clever plan to "hide the sky and cross the sea",-Zhao'an, which eliminated the good man of Liangshan.

Obviously, It was Su Yuanjing who used Zhao'an to eliminate the good man of Liangshan, but Song Jiang was still very grateful to him, thanking him for giving him a chance to make a meritorious career and seal his wife and shadow. When the good men of Liangshan returned to God, they all regretted it too late. This meter not only appears in novels, from history to reality, many people use this meter and receive miraculous results.

Thirty-six new coordinates: the first plan is to hide the sky and cross the sea - why did the United States overthrow Saddam Hussein?

Song Jiang

(1) Di Qingqiao used a trick to cross the sea in disguise, and regained morale and won a great victory

Di Qing, a famous general of the Song Dynasty, was ordered to march south to Guilin, but due to the long distance, unsatisfactory water and soil, and other reasons, he suffered defeats one after another, and his morale was low, and if he continued like this, he might completely destroy the army. Di Qing thought for a moment, then called a meeting of the generals and let Providence decide whether they would continue to fight or return home. He was ready to throw out 100 copper coins, and if all of them were facing upwards, it would mean that there would be help from Heaven and that they would fight. Several vice admirals panicked when they heard that Di Qing was going to do this, what if one of them was not facing upwards? They all urged him to find another way, but Di Qing insisted on doing so. After everything was ready to stop, Di Qing threw out 100 copper coins in front of the generals. The miracle really appeared, and it was all face up, and the soldiers suddenly cheered and shouted for help. Di Qing hurriedly ordered all 100 copper coins to be nailed to the wooden planks and enshrined, and then thanked the gods after the triumph. The news then spread among the troops, and sure enough, morale was boosted and the final victory was achieved.

Copper coins are divided into two sides, the probability of facing forward is 0.5, and the probability of 100 copper coins facing upwards is 100 0.5 multiplied. A simple calculation, 2 0.5 multiplication is 0.25, 4 0.5 multiplication is 0.0625, 8 0.5 multiplication is 0.00390625, 16 0.5 multiplication has not been displayed on the ordinary calculator, then 100 0.5 multiplication results are about equal to 0. That is to say, the probability that 100 copper coins will appear is all face up is almost zero. If that's the case, it's god help! The lieutenant generals' concerns are not without reason.

Thirty-six new coordinates: the first plan is to hide the sky and cross the sea - why did the United States overthrow Saddam Hussein?

Song Dynasty copper coins

Di Qing used 100 copper coins for divination, and they were all face-up, was it really god with eyes? Of course not, but Di Qing found someone to cast 100 copper coins with "fronts" on both sides in advance, and no matter how he threw them, they were all "frontal" up in the end. That is to say, all the soldiers were "deceived" by him, and there was no help from the gods at all.

When people are about to fall into a desperate situation, they often expect miracles to appear, and Di Qing is no exception. In his opinion, the high morale was the miracle he wanted. What to do? Talk to them about ideals? Or talk about faith? In that case, I am afraid it will not work. These soldiers believe in ghosts and gods, and if Heaven wants them to cheer up, then why not borrow the power of Heaven? Summer worms cannot speak snow, and well frogs cannot speak of the sea. Between two people or two groups, affected by many factors such as knowledge experience and psychological cognition, they may always agree on a certain issue. Just like Di Qing wanted to persuade the soldiers to persevere, some people just wanted to pick a fight and not do it, what to do? Di Qing quietly played a game of "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" to restore morale, which is worth learning.

(ii) Uncle Sam crossed the sea to invade Iraq in secret, not for oil for the dollar

On the morning of October 18, 2021 local time in the United States, former US Secretary of State Colin Powell died at the age of 84 due to complications caused by the new crown virus infection. Powell's life is quite legendary, as a descendant of African immigrants, he became the first African-American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the first African-American Secretary of State in U.S. history, which is the highest position in the military and diplomatic fields of the United States. But there is also a stain in the glossy resume that can never be erased for a lifetime, that is, on February 5, 2003, Powell gave a speech at the United Nations Security Council to explain the reasons for the US invasion of Iraq, especially the appearance of him holding a small bottle of "washing powder" as a prop, which left a deep impression.

Thirty-six new coordinates: the first plan is to hide the sky and cross the sea - why did the United States overthrow Saddam Hussein?


In his speech, Powell said they had mastered Saddam Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction and asked the United Nations to authorize the United States to send troops to Iraq, but did not get the United Nations authorization. So, six weeks after his speech, the United States bypassed the United Nations and sent direct troops to Iraq. Curiously, until the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in late 2011, no so-called weapons of mass destruction were found. However, as soon as the pro-American government supported by the U.S. military was established, the first decree was that the country's oil transactions were settled in U.S. dollars. You see, dew filling.

On January 1, 1999, Austria and 11 other Western European countries officially began to use the euro. In the spring of 2002, then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein announced that the country would use the euro to settle oil settlement trade, and then Russia, Venezuela, Iran and other oil producers also announced the use of euros to settle oil trade, which made US President George W. Bush quite unhappy. After World War II, the United States became the new world hegemon, the dollar replaced the pound sterling to become the world currency, and commodity settlement was in the US dollar, so that the United States could just print money and can wash the wool of the world. Now, Saddam Hussein has publicly announced that it will be settled in euros, and other countries will follow suit, which is bound to have a domino effect, which is to challenge the position of the dollar hegemon. At that time, Iraq was a thorn in the Middle East, specifically working against the United States, it was impossible for the United States to say that it was not happy, and Saddam Hussein bowed his head and confessed his mistake.

Thirty-six new coordinates: the first plan is to hide the sky and cross the sea - why did the United States overthrow Saddam Hussein?

Saddam Hussein

The usual means used by the United States is "dollar + stick", and now even the dollar people do not use it, so they have to sacrifice the "big stick" to teach Iraq a lesson. Although the United States considers itself the "world policeman," it must also pay attention to the famous teacher, after all, the multipolar pattern of the world is there. The United States is one of the initiators of the World Trade Organization (WTO), has always advocated trade liberalism, and can not always use the excuse that Iraq's euro settlement of oil transactions affects the national interests of the United States. So the Americans found a plausible reason – "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction." Powell's so-called "weapons of mass destruction" refers to Saddam Hussein's use of biological and chemical weapons, which are prohibited by the international community. Saddam Hussein was born in the army, a political strongman, a military strongman, and no one paid attention to whether he had weapons of mass destruction or not. What if the Americans really find out? Therefore, although the US military has sent troops to Iraq without the authorization of the United Nations, there has been little strong international reaction. It was not until the pro-American Iraqi government issued the first decree on the use of dollars to settle the oil trade that the international community suddenly realized that the Americans were playing a game of "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" and that "weapons of mass destruction" were just a cover, and they were actually going to the dollar. As long as the dollar is restored to the settlement currency of Iraq's oil trade, it does not matter whether he has "weapons of mass destruction".

Thirty-six plans are not so profound, and they are very close to us, from the major affairs of the military state to the fragments of life, we can find its shadow. Above are two examples of concealment, some positive and some negative. It is not to let the reader learn their appearance, but to know how to hide the sky and the sea, do not know how the "poison" works, how to detoxify? You get the idea?

Bamboo Judge's "Thirty-Six New Coordinates of the Immortal Way" original Part 3

The image comes from the Internet

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