
Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

author:Girls watch entertainment

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > 4 and change the list! </h1>

Tron 4 is about to usher in the night of the group, I believe that all the fans are in the last few days for the brothers to burst the liver shot, right? Before the final ranking is announced, every brother is likely to debut, and it should be known that the strength of the fan kryptonite will greatly affect the debut ranking of the brothers. Of course, the strength of the brothers is uneven, but after several rounds of voting to hit the list, the list of the top eleven students will basically not change.

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

The creation camp official Bo gave the latest round of the list of students, Liu Yu is still firmly in the C position, Li Maru ranked second, and Mika ranked third. For these top three students, everyone must be directly called to the truth, to know that in several lists, the position of the three brothers is basically unchanged, especially Liu Yu, he has been steadily occupying the C position, it seems that he has a high probability of debuting in the C position!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Mika 3rd, C bit competition pressure! </h1>

It is worth mentioning that many fans are not satisfied with Mika's ranking. You know, Mika is a very competitive player in Chuang 4, strong strength, good singing skills, handsome and charming facial features, humble and circle fans, it can be said that Mika is a player who appreciates food and drinks by God.

After a performance by Mika and Ju Jingyi before, everyone can also feel Mika's charm on the stage, although Mika is now in third place, but everyone hopes that Mika can rush to the C position.

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

Mika may be a strong competitor to Liu Yu, but the strength of the little brother who is still in the debut position is not bad. Zando, Boyuan, Lin Mo, Gao Qingchen, Qingpi, Zhou Keyu, Zhang Jiayuan, Oscar all rushed into the debut position, but the fans are not satisfied with their own love bean rankings, perhaps on the day of the finals, the brothers' ranking is variable!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Ganwang star Zhang Xingte has not entered the debut position! </h1>

But there will be no gap without comparison, and the brothers who enter the debut position can breathe a sigh of relief, but the brothers who are stuck behind the debut position are very nervous and nervous.

Liu Zhang just got stuck in the twelfth place, Gan Wangxing fell in the 15th place, and Zhang Xingte fell in the 16th place, and the brother Li Luxiu, who will stop shooting, is stuck in the 18th place, it seems that these brothers are going to make a late effort!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

Gan Wangxing, who has always been the favorite of the 4th group, has a small chance of debuting. The previous ranking was at 15th, and now Ganwangxing is in the same place, so it can be said that the advantages of Ganwangxing are not obvious.

Fans Krypton gold strength is not as good as other love beans, and although Gan Wangxing said that his strength on the stage has been improving, the audience only looks at the results and does not look at the process, if Gan Wangxing is not amazing in the finals, he basically has no chance of forming a group.

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

Zhang Xingte is the same as Gan Wangxing is a player who sticks to the original ranking, it is undeniable that Zhang Xingte is also very distinctive, but it is a pity that his fans' kryptonite strength is also average, otherwise his support index will not be so low, it seems that the probability of Zhang Xing's special group is not large!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! </h1>

But what is surprising is that Yin Haoyu, who ranked fifth last time, actually fell to the 13th place this time, and the audience exploded in an instant!

There is a saying that Yin Haoyu is a good seedling of Chuang 4, with strong singing skills and a unique voice, coupled with a handsome appearance, Yin Haoyu is indeed a strong debut.

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

Coupled with the super kryptonite strength of Yin Haoyu fans, a large number of fans burst into the liver, but everyone did not think that Yin Haoyu not only did not rise in the row, but fell out of the debut position, such a large ranking gap is difficult not to think of the organizer's black box operation!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking! </h1>

This is not, when the Chuang 4 and then changed the list, fans have questioned: passers-by look at the list will be speechless, to the emperor to teng place? Yin Haoyu overseas voting fault first, please face up to Yin Haoyu's achievements! Our family data is the first place, the goose is going to defy the wind? Yin Haoyu must debut from a high position! Looking at the rankings, I have to see a black eye!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

In fact, the fans' attitude is so fierce, which is closely related to Yin Haoyu's ranking and treatment. Yin Haoyu's strength in all aspects is not lost to Mika, Li Maru and Liu Yu and others, and fans are also willing to burst the liver to shoot, but in the end, everyone else has entered the debut position, but Yin Haoyu instantly ranked 13th, no wonder everyone is not calm!

Chuang 4 and change the list, Mika 3rd, GanWangxing Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position, Yin Haoyu attracted heated discussion to create 4 and change the list! Mika no. 3, C position competition pressure! Ganwang Star Zhang Xingte did not enter the debut position! Yin Haoyu's ranking is surprising! Fans question Yin Haoyu's untruthful ranking!

As for Yin Haoyu's current situation of falling out of the debut position, do you think he will make his debut in the finals? Welcome to leave a message.

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