
Listen to the Ghostbusters theme song played with an electric toothbrush and steam iron


A musician can use almost anything as an instrument if he has inspiration, but the cover of the Theme Song of "Ghostbusters" that coincides with Halloween has gone in an unexpected direction. Device Orchestra is dedicated to releasing music videos recorded entirely using the sounds of ordinary home devices.

Listen to the Ghostbusters theme song played with an electric toothbrush and steam iron

This is the work of a Finnish YouTuber who has been creating videos of this type since 2014. This time, Device Orchestra pulled out 14 gadgets to create — including an electric toothbrush decorated with goose eyes.

An electric toothbrush with a pipe piggyback as an arm stood at the forefront and sang a familiar chorus in a tone similar to that of a musically gifted bumblebee. One row of cash registers mimicked the sound of synthesizers, while another electric toothbrush fluctuated under a white cloth. A typewriter clicks in the background, accompanied by the hum of body trimmers, nail polishers and epilators. Although the iron does little to the overall composition, it provides a visual effect, and the steam drawn out reaches an eerie atmosphere.

This particular song may sound more satisfying than the actual Ghostbusters theme. Listening to how the sounds of each device are combined is very interesting but strangely soothing. Plus, the shaky goose eye is just an extra visual addition.