
Interview: China's poverty reduction cause provides the world with an effective strategy to overcome poverty - Visit to Nguyen Wai Lai, Dean of the Confucius Institute at the National University of Laos


VIENTIANE, Xinhua News Agency, December 14 (Xinhua) -- Interview: China's poverty reduction cause provides the world with an effective strategy for overcoming poverty - visit to Nguyen Wai Lai, dean of the Confucius Institute at the Lao National University

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Jianhua Poqi

Nguyen Wai Lai, dean of the Confucius Institute at the Lao National University, said in an interview with a Xinhua reporter in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, a few days ago that China's achievements in poverty alleviation have attracted worldwide attention and provided the world with an effective strategy for overcoming poverty, and Laos and other countries can learn from China's experience.

Nguyen Velay said that poverty seriously affects people's lives and basic right to subsistence, and poverty alleviation directly benefits the poor. "China's early achievement of the poverty reduction goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is of great significance to Both China and the world, because no country in the world has ever lifted so many people out of poverty in a short period of time."

"The great significance of China's poverty reduction cause to the world is that it not only benefits the Chinese people, but also contributes to the global efforts to eradicate poverty, boosts the confidence of developing economies in poverty eradication, and provides experience for developing economies to learn from." China's poverty reduction cause has provided the world with an effective strategy to combat poverty, that is, to rely on strong leadership and improve people's living standards through united efforts. Nguyen Villay said.

"The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have always attached great importance to the problem of poverty and actively adopted poverty reduction measures. In Laos, the socialist system also played an important role in poverty alleviation, providing many policy tools to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation. Nguyen Villay said.

Nguyen Velay believes that China's development model provides a good experience for Laos to learn from, because the ideals and beliefs of the two countries are the same, the social system is the same, the development path is similar, and the future and destiny are related.

The Lao scholar also said that China's achievements in poverty reduction will encourage and promote deeper cooperation between Laos and China, and more mutually beneficial results will promote bilateral relations and promote the exchange of governance experience between the two sides. (End)

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