
The Merits and Faults of the President of the United States — Theodore. Roosevelt

author:Schrödinger's random box

Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919), also known as Theodore Roosevelt, nicknamed Teddy, was a Dutch-American military, statesman, diplomat, and 26th President of the United States. He served as deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of the Navy, fought in the Spanish-American War, and fought in the Battle of Santiago in Cuba, earning the title of Hero of San Juan Hill. Elected vice president in 1900 and assassinated by anarchists in 1901, President William McKinley succeeded him as President of the United States at the age of 42, the youngest incumbent president in U.S. history. His unique personality and reformist policies made him one of the greatest presidents in American history.

During his presidency, Theodore Roosevelt's main contributions to the country were to establish resource conservation policies that protected forests, minerals, oil, and other resources; and to establish a Fair Trade Act to promote reconciliation between labor and capitalists. During this period, Theodore Roosevelt adjusted the domestic and foreign policies of the US government, conformed to the development of modern capitalism, opened a precedent for bourgeois reformism in the United States in the 20th century, provided new ruling experience for the ruling class, initially established the status of the United States as a great power in world affairs, eased the "maladies" that occurred in the United States due to major social changes, and established a new starting point for the later development of the United States.

But he also made mistakes, the most serious of which occurred in Büütte. The Republicans stung Roosevelt by accusing Britain of controlling six votes at the League Of Nations Convention, and he said that the United States would control the twelve votes— the votes of the little brothers to the south of the United States. In fact, he went on to say that he and Daniels did control two of the votes because they "had something to do with the rule of the two small republics." He added with a smile that he had personally drafted Haiti's constitution during his time in the Navy. (Excessive interference in the administration of South America)

The Merits and Faults of the President of the United States — Theodore. Roosevelt

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