
Advocate non-essential do not go out, do not leave Dan! Just now, Jiangsu Danyang issued the latest epidemic prevention and control notice

Source: Danyang Daily

Circular on Further Strengthening the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Work

In accordance with the requirements of the Notice on Further Strengthening the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Work of the Zhenjiang Municipal Covid-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, the following notice is hereby issued on strengthening the current epidemic prevention and control work in zhenjiang:

1. Strict management of large-scale activities, non-essential non-carrying out offline festivals and large-scale conferences, galas, sports events and other activities. Strengthen the management of outdoor public places such as city squares and open parks to avoid gathering of people. Advocate the postponement of happy events and the simplification of funerals.

2. Catering establishments reduce meals, reduce dine-in, dine-in is limited by 50% of the reception capacity, each private room does not exceed 10 people, advocate packaging, encourage self-pickup in the store, take out orders. The canteens of all units in the city (including canteens of government institutions, schools, factories, construction sites, enterprises, etc.) implement prevention and control measures such as separate separation and dining in batches and at different times.

3. Suspend the operation of the following crowded and closed places, including bars, Internet cafes, KTV, secret room board games, movie theaters, mahjong rooms, chess and card rooms and other entertainment venues, bathing places, SPA, foot massage places, indoor religious places, indoor cultural and expo venues, fitness centers, swimming pools and other cultural sports venues. Suspend offline services of training institutions (including custodial and childcare institutions).

4. The entrances and exits of agricultural (bazaar) markets, pharmacies, wholesale markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, tourist attractions and other places must implement control measures such as flow restriction, temperature measurement, code verification, 1 meter line, etc., and conditionally implement the reservation system.

5. Strictly supervise and manage the places where foreigners stay in hotels, homestays, online booking rooms, rental houses, group rental houses, etc., tighten the main responsibility of compacting the operation, and implement measures such as registration and inspection of accommodation visitors, body temperature detection, isolation and disposal, and health code itinerary code inspection.

6. Strengthen prevention and control management for key groups such as cleaning, security, catering, taxis (online ride-hailing), and express delivery employees, strengthen protection training, clarify protection requirements, provide necessary protective materials, and conduct regular health monitoring. Strictly implement disinfection, ventilation and other measures in the dormitories, restaurants, basements and other places where they live and live, leaving no dead corners and blind spots.

7. Strictly prevent and control the epidemic in enterprises and institutions, do a good job in employee health monitoring, maintain environmental cleanliness and hygiene, strengthen employee travel management, and implement the "two points and one line" commuting model. Territorial towns (districts, streets) and property management units have strengthened the prevention and control of the epidemic in commercial buildings and mixed commercial and residential buildings where people gather.

8. Strict medical institutions pre-examination triage and fever patient admission management, medical institutions (including outpatient departments, clinics, village clinics, etc.) that have not set up fever clinics or fever clinics are not allowed to receive and treat patients with fever, dry cough, fatigue, decreased sense of smell and taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea and other new crown pneumonia-related symptoms. Once discovered, it will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations. In addition to emergency and fever clinics, hospitals above the second level have fully implemented appointment registration and strictly restricted visits and escorts. The city's retail pharmacies have suspended the sale of four types of drugs (including online sales) to the public, including antipyretic, cough, antiviral and antibiotics.

9. Advocate not going out unless necessary, and not leaving Dan unless necessary. Strictly implement personal protective measures such as frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and constant temperature measurement. Citizens who have the symptoms mentioned in Article 8 above should report to the village (community) where they live, go to a medical institution for fever treatment, and avoid taking public transportation on the way.

10. In the city's tourist attractions, window units, urban main and secondary roads and other places, use electronic screens, exhibition boards, shop windows and other forms to repeatedly publicize epidemic prevention knowledge, current epidemic prevention policies and information, and improve citizens' awareness of epidemic prevention.

This notice shall be implemented from the date of promulgation, and the time for lifting the above measures shall be implemented in accordance with the notice of Zhenjiang City.

Danyang Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

July 31, 2021

Source: Danyang Release

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