
Creeps! Is there a coiled silk cave hidden in a residential building? A young man eats and lives with thousands of spiders

author:Shenzhen News Network

Qianjiang Evening News, August 18, 2020 Spiders, carnivores, fierce temperament.

Many people's first reaction to seeing spiders may be creepy.

But there is a young man in Hangzhou who takes pleasure in raising spiders and even eats and lives with thousands of spiders.

On the evening of July 29, 2020, the Xiangfu Police Station of the Gongshu Public Security Bureau in Hangzhou received an alarm from the masses that some people in a certain community had many varieties of spiders at home, as many as a few thousand, and sold endangered wild animals protected internationally on major online platforms, suspected of breaking the law.

A few thousand spiders? Didn't that house become a "coiled silk hole"?

After receiving the alarm, the police found Xiao Li and his spiders in the room of a residential area in accordance with the information reported and with the assistance of the environment and food and drug crime investigation brigade.

On August 18, the hourly news reporter learned the beginning and end of this matter.

1] In addition to the bed, there are spiders on the floor, on the desk, and in the cabinet

When the police walked into Xiao Li's bedroom, they were really stunned, in addition to the bed, on the floor, on the desk, in the cabinet... Spiders everywhere!

They were packed in transparent plastic boxes, and with the not very bright lights in the bedroom, the goosebumps of the police all rose...

The police took Xiao Li back to the house for questioning and investigation, and brought the large spiders (more than 1 dime coin size) raised in his home back to the house for temporary safekeeping.

Xiao Li told the police that he began to be fascinated by spiders in early 2017, and then bought them through various online shopping platforms to raise them.

The young man is still in adult college, usually living in the school dormitory, and only returns to the home where he lives with his parents on weekends, while the spiders are all kept in his bedroom.

As the spiders bought more and more, Xiao Li gradually had a deeper understanding of the species and habits of spiders, so he began to breed all kinds of spiders while breeding.

"Just put the male and female spiders together, and some hybrids depend on the situation." Spiders are very convenient to raise, and you can feed bread worms once every half a month, and bread worms can also be bought online. Xiao Li said.

2] 42 spiders are rarely endangered species and have been sent to rescue

Xiao Li said that at first he did not know that some of the spiders he raised were endangered wild animals, but later he slowly learned about it when he exchanged experiences with netizens with the same hobby in the online spider forum.

So many spiders, including endangered wild animals, what does Xiao Li do with it?

Sell it!

Some of the spiders bought and bred by Xiao Li have been sold through major online platforms, and at least 5,000 yuan of profits have been made.

"In the past, it was possible to hang links on the Internet to buy and sell, but later it became more and more strict, such as the Honduran curly bird spider, which could not be bought and sold online." Similar rare varieties, the original price of 1000 to 2000 yuan, now 200 yuan no one wants. ”

According to the identification of the forestry department, a total of 42 spiders among the thousands of spiders purchased and raised by Xiao Li are listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (cites the CITES Convention) (2019 Edition), which are rare and endangered species, including 2 Mexican pink bird-catching spiders, 1 Mexican gold-backed red-tailed bird-catcher spider, 12 Honduran curly-haired bird-catching spiders, 3 Mexican red-knee bird-catching spiders, 5 Mexican red-tailed bird-catching spiders, and 3 Mexican hamfoot bird-catching spiders. There are 4 Mexican grey rose bird catcher spiders, 1 Mexican red-footed bird catcher, 3 Mexican fire knee bird catcher spiders, and 8 indian gorgeous rainforest bird catcher spiders.

As of press time, Xiao Li's spider has been sent to Hangzhou Wildlife World for rescue.

Xiao Li has been taken criminal compulsory measures of release on guarantee pending further investigation on suspicion of illegally purchasing, transporting and trafficking rare and endangered wild animals. (Reporter Bian Chengyi Correspondent Zhang Jiahui Cao Deming Mao Shiting Li Wen) Source: Qianjiang Evening News

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