
20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

author:Orchid Commune

The magical earth has given birth to countless magical animals, but it is difficult for us humans to see these magical animals, they often live far away from people, inaccessible places, the following is for everyone to take stock of these strange animals that you have almost never seen before.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Angora rabbit, also known as grass mud rabbit] According to the data of the international ARBA organization, the angora rabbit originated in the Angolan province of Turkey; Another theory is that it originated in England, was bred by the French, and was named the angora rabbit because of its slender hair, somewhat resembling an angora goat.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

The star-nosed mole is a small mole that grows in eastern North America and is found in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. A genus of mammals, insectivores, and moles, and the animals in the same family as the star-nosed mole (star-nosed mole) are several species of mammals such as the eastern mole genus (giant mole) and the toothless mole genus (toothless mole). The star-nosed mole is the only member of the family Star-nosed Mole and the genus Star-nosed Mole.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

On the Hayai Islands in the South Pacific, there is a wonderful mammal that is so peculiar that it is far beyond common sense: head down, tail up, walking backwards. This is the "nasal line animals".

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Naked molecular mouse] the eyes are very small, the vision is almost degenerated, and the direction is distinguished by sensitive touch. It is hairless all over, its wrinkled skin is pink or yellow, and its teeth are large and prominent, and it looks frightening. Naked-gram rats are cold-blooded animals, which are rare in mammals. And hairless cats are good friends:

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

Named for its appearance similar to the Dumbo in the Disney cartoon, the underwater depth: 300 ~ 5000 meters Size: 20 cm Small octopus with two "ears" and a long "nose", with short claws, bright colors, and a cute attitude.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

The Pink Elf Armadillo is the smallest species in the armadillo family, about 90–115 mm long (excluding the tail), with a body color of white rose or pink. It inhabits the dry grasslands of central Argentina and the desert covered with thorns and cacti. When in danger, it can completely bury itself in seconds.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

【Meat Man】 In the fourth year of Keicho (1599) in Japan, a strange creature appeared in Suruga Castle, where Tokugawa Ieyasu lived. The strange creature itself resembled a piece of flesh, shaped like a kneaded lump of clay, had hands but no fingers, and pointed its fingers in the direction of Kyoto without moving. Later, the strange creature was chased away by Tokugawa Ieyasu's bodyguards.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

Mammalian Phindome [Sloth] Of the family Bradypodidae, the sloth family, includes two genera, bradypus and two-toed sloth, Choloepus, each with one to several species due to different taxonomic systems, for a total of 5 species. It is found in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Hagfish] is a round-mouthed animal, closely related to the lamprey eel, and is also a primitive fish without jaws. Hermaphrodite, it acts first as a male when mating, and after a period of time, it acts as a female. Fertilized eggs can develop directly into small eels without metamorphosis.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Water drop fish] where the pressure is tens of times higher than the sea level, full to maintain welfare, the water drop fish body is mainly gelatinous, the density is slightly lighter than the water, which makes this fish can float from the bottom of the water without spending physical strength. Lack of muscle is also not a big problem for the water drop fish, because it mainly relies on swallowing the edible substances in front of it, and he can drink juice.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[White-faced coarse-tailed ape] is mainly divided into Guyana coarse-tailed ape and gold-faced rough-tailed ape, this strange-looking animal lives in Brazil, French Guiana and Venezuela and other countries. The white-faced coarse-tailed ape feeds mainly on fruits, nuts and insects. They feed on almost all fruits, nuts, seeds and insects, and have unrivalled digestive abilities to deal with a wide variety of venoms.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Frilled shark] is mainly distributed in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Japan to Australia in the western Pacific, and the United States California to Chile in the eastern Pacific region. It is the most primitive of sharks and is known as a "living fossil". It is a genus of cartilaginous fishes. The body length is about 1.5 meters. The gills are spaced elongated and wrinkled, and cover each other, so they are named the frilled shark.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

CfGOA's biological advisory panel discovered a new organism called exocell. The "exocell," originally thought to be some sort of squid, is now of interest to scientists because the creature was attached to the head of a corpse when it was spotted on an Alaskan beach after low tide.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

The Spanish name for this mysterious monster is chupacabra, and it looks half reptile and half kangaroo. In 1995, a Spanish farmer claimed that the monster had attacked more than 150 livestock and sucked the blood of each one dry.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Hairless ape] belongs to the ape, the strange appearance of the body does not grow hair, and is a semi-aquatic life, the living environment requirements are relatively high, the number is very small, is a little known ape, endangered. But I am good friends with hairless cats and hairless rats

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

On the Gower Peninsula in Oakswich Bay, Wales, England, holidaymakers are amazed to spot strange creatures on the beach. They appear to be a piece of driftwood, but they are densely packed with huge antennae and can open and close like ferns.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

[Sea lily] is a kind of echinoderm first seen in the Carboniferous Period, living in the sea, with multiple brachiopods, the body is flower-like, the surface has a calcareous shell, because it looks like a plant, people have given them the name of the sea lily.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

The bubble fish's face is quite ugly, so ugly that only its "mother" will like it. (Perhaps those who are passionate about nature's miraculous Creator will also like it.) They live in the waters off Australia and Tasmania and feed on all the humus that floats around them. They don't have strong muscles, and they don't need to. Because their bodies are denser than the water in their bodies, they can swim easily. This bubble fish is usually rarely seen. They are only occasionally caught by fishermen's nets. Whether they can be eaten or not is not yet known.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

It is an amphibian found in some of the dark caves of Europe. In the past, people mistook them for the cubs of dragons. The cave salamander has no vision, is almost transparent, and lives in an extremely unusual space. Although they can't see things, they can feel chemical and electrical signals through the receptors on their bodies to hunt some invertebrates. Due to the frequent living in the water, the skin of the cave source is particularly soft and pale. This is a bit like some people's skin, so they also have the nickname "Mermaid". There is also a subspecies of cave source, called black hole source. Black hole sources have eyes, and their skin contains pigments, so they don't look as magical as hole sources.

20 strange animals you've definitely not seen: the grass mud rabbit star-nosed mole led

Evolution has made this lizard look like a fallen leaf. This makes it rare to be found, let alone eaten by predators. This lizard is only found in Madagas and feeds on bugs. Despite its terrible name and scary eyes, it is harmless to human beings. Unfortunately, the creature is heading for extinction due to the large number of people being caught as pets and the habitat is gradually decreasing.

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(Orchid Commune WeChat public account: lanhuagongshe)