
Looking for confidence? The national football team is fighting again! King of warm-up matches? High flood waves have a higher gold content

author:The most quiet
{"info":{"title":{"content":"找自信?国足又战鱼腩!热身赛之王?高洪波含金量更高","en":"Looking for confidence? The national football team is fighting again! King of warm-up matches? High flood waves have a higher gold content"},"description":{"content":"备战12强赛,国足又一次到了生死边缘,尽管主帅李铁一再表现出信心满满,但是残酷的现实更能说明一切,李铁改变不了国足,他也...","en":"Preparing for the round of 12, the national football team has once again reached the brink of life and death, although the coach Li Tie has repeatedly shown full confidence, but the cruel reality can explain everything more, Li Tie can not change the national football team, he also ..."}},"items":[]}

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