
The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

author:Tung half saccharide

The hit of the fantasy love movie "I am waiting for you at the end of time" has made "I only love one person in my life, I hope that the beginning is you, and the end is also you" has become the most affectionate confession this year.

In the movie, Ling Ge, played by Li Hongqi, exhausted his life and obsessively guarded his lover Qiu Qian, which is even more tearful.

Ling Ge and Li Yitong played by Qiu Qian since childhood, but a sudden car accident makes Qiu Qian's life stop forever at the age of 18, and Ling Ge, who accidentally gained the ability to cross, turns time and space again and again, just to continue Qiu Qian's life.

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

Therefore, the protection of three lives, the obsessive waiting of a lifetime, and the gathering of fate traction interpret the true meaning of "only when we are together, time has meaning".

But after sighing, think about it carefully, is Ling Ge's love for Qiu Qian really so pure, and whether his love is a self-touching or unrepentant payment?

1. Be too impulsive

After Learning that Qiu Qian had died in a car accident, Ringer was outside the hospital room, and he prayed in tears:

"As long as you can survive, let me do whatever I want."

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

It seems that young love is always like this, thinking that love can overcome everything, even if Ling Ge's "I like you" has not yet had time to tell Qiu Qian.

However, it is this ignorant liking that can make Ringer forget everything and plunge into what he thinks is great love, forgetting his identity, his friend, and his father, who is not good at words but loves him deeply.

In the days that followed, Ringer went back to visit his father several times, but he was obviously a close relative but could not recognize each other, and all the guilt could only be told to his father as a story.

Although his father said he would not blame him, could Ringer really forgive himself?

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

When he said goodbye to his father and walked alone into the unknown future, at that moment, his figure was lonely and lonely.

I think he hesitated and blamed himself.

For love, to give up everything, is it a greatness or self-deception?

We are responsible for every choice, but when you are impulsive and reckless, but cast into irreparable mistakes, will your determination remain the same as the beginning?

Some people say that Ringer's loneliness reflects the greatness of love, but it is better to say that because Ringer's reckless choice.

Therefore, his world was left with only Qiu Qian, and he had no choice but to cling to this last light, even if it would exhaust his life.

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

2. Too egotistical

When Ling Ge and Qiu Qian lived abroad, in order to give Qiu Qian a safe learning environment, he lied that he had found a job and went out in a suit every day, but after sending Qiu Qian to school, he hurried to the dock to carry goods to maintain the livelihood of the two people.

After qiu qian learned the truth, she offered to return to China, but was rejected by Ringer.

Qiu Qian is distressed by Ringer's hardships and angry at Ringer's concealment, but Ringer only regrets that he cannot give a better life for his beloved woman.

But love has never been a person's effort, and everything that Ringer is willing to bear in silence is a shackle burned in Qiu Qian's heart.

In love, there are too many equivalent exchanges under the banner of "I am good for you" and "how do I do it for you", and those who are self-righteous and touched by their own efforts are not your interpretation of love, but the blasphemy of love.

We love each other, never to take, but only because there is love.

Because I love you, I am willing to share the wind and rain with you, because I love you, so I hope to share with you, even if it is bitter, I am willing.

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

Never question those who have love in their hearts, because because of love, they will become stronger and stronger.

So, those who think they are a person carrying all the sublime are nothing more than a joke that moves the self, nothing more.

It can only be said that Ling Ge does not understand Qiu Qian, he is too selfish, love is always mutual, the best love, is two people growing together, achieving each other.

3. Excessive inferiority

There is a scene in the movie that is very tear-jerking, after Ringer saves Qiu Qian's life for the second time.

In the heavy rain, Ling Ge and Qiu Qian passed by the wrong person, and he alone guarded the past of the two of them, but did not dare to come forward to recognize each other.

Ringer once thought that his long departure might be the best ending. So, he went to a foreign country alone, he was immersed in the endless past, carefully caring for their memories.

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

But fate eventually reunited them, but Ringer, who had grown old because of traveling through time and space, did not have the courage and did not dare to tell Qiu Qian that he had been waiting for her and loved her for a long time before she knew.

It wasn't until Qiu Qian read Linger's diary that she realized that this love spanned life and death, and Qiu Qian begged Linger to "stop letting me forget you."

In the end, Qiu Qian personally added a perfect ending to their story, she didn't care about Ling ge's old age, and she didn't mind the life that would disappear at any time, because "time is meaningful only if we are together." ”

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

I can understand Ling ge's idea of showing the best side to Qiu Qian, so he tries to escape, but, in the end, he regrets, because of Ling Ge's cowardice, he missed so much time with Qiu Qian.

This period of time that was hard to steal was staggered for a long time. Love can make people move forward, but also make people feel inferior and timid.

After Linge saved Qiu Qian's life for the third time, he was dying of his twilight years, and when Qiu Qian asked him his name, he hesitated for a long time, but only replied, "You call me Old Lin."

Angry, in the face of the lover who has spent his life to protect, he does not even dare to tell his own name, how sad, pitiful.

The three details of "I am waiting for you at the end of time" prove that Ringer actually does not love Qiu Qian so much

I often think that if in this one-sided protection, Ringer can be braver, even if they do not recognize each other as lovers, will they have less regrets?

It is said that the love of two-way travel is meaningful, in the love of Ringer and Qiu Qian, time goes backwards, space changes, and the only constant is the two hearts that always want to be together.

However, because of Ringer's inferiority, impulsiveness, and ego, their love still has regrets, but love is perfect because it is imperfect, isn't it?

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