
Clark Greg confirms that "Coulson" is dead and returns to play a new role

author:Marvel movies

Speaking about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., actor Clark Greg confirmed that his role in season six wasn't Phil Coulson, which was a strange shift for him.

"It's weird, it's really weird. Curerson's character, while always evolving, and the writers always showing me new changes, have in some ways become a very familiar part of me. Suddenly find yourself playing another very mysterious role, and who that person is, and why he looks mysterious. They've done some groundbreaking crazy stuff and I'm really lucky. ”

Clark Greg confirms that "Coulson" is dead and returns to play a new role

Many fans believe that the new character may actually be a Sculhu, which is even related to Greg's Coulson in Captain Marvel. Because the film's timeline is set in the 1990s, it will see a young version of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and will also involve the invasion of Earth by deformable Skurus.

"We were so good at the end of season five, and the episode at the end of the season was even called 'The End,' and we had reason to believe we were done," Greg said. "We have a wonderful five seasons and a very nervous family. And then they called everybody and said, 'Two shorter ones, only 13 episodes per season,' which is really the best number we think we can always do. ”

Greg also explained his return, "I'm so happy everyone can see what they want to see. It may be a little disturbing, but this is a very different person... There's a big mystery here. I probably shouldn't have said that. ”

The sixth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will return in July this year, and another good drama is about to be staged!

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