
Clark Greg has already started filming "Captain Marvel" and praised the heroine

author:Marvel movies

Clark Greg starred in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson, a role he had already played in his first film, Iron Man. He was then stabbed to death by Loki in The Avengers, revived by then-Director S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, and had his own TV series. Although this was a great joy for his fans, Curzon has since said goodbye to big movies.

Happily, though, he's on his way back to big movies, and in an interview with popletv, Greg revealed his involvement in the movie "Captain Marvel." "I'm making Captain Marvel right now, which is one of the great Marvel characters," Greg said. Asked about the actress who plays the amazing team, Brie Larson, Greg said: "She's fantastic, an amazing person, an amazing actor, and she's becoming the character. ”

Clark Greg has already started filming "Captain Marvel" and praised the heroine

"She's great, I mean you know, everybody knows she won an Oscar, she's very special," Greg said. "We worked on a movie called Hoot before, when she was 15 years old. It's nice to see her again because I didn't know she was a kid in this movie, when... I remembered that it was 15 years ago, and she was so proud of her that she became one of the best actresses."

While Greg praised Larson, he also expressed his love for the other actors in the group. "It's an amazing cast. Ben Mendelsson, Samuel Jackson, Jude Lowe, Annette Benin... It's really interesting."

"Captain Marvel" is currently being filmed, and the film will be released in North America on March 8 next year.

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