
We are family

author:Laugh it off 4387158

I brushed vibrato today, and saw that some brothers and sisters in Yangzhou, who were arranged to come to Huai'an isolation yesterday, said a lot of words of gratitude to us in Huai'an, I want to say to you, brothers and sisters, you should not be so polite, we understand your current mood, we are all family, do not separate each other.

Geographically, Yangzhou Huai'an is two sister cities in Jiangsu Province, both located in the north of the Yangtze River and south of the Huai River, with rich historical heritage, and are adjacent to each other, and the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal runs through it.

Emotionally speaking, no one thought that you would come to Huai'an in this form unless you played, which is the result of the damn virus.

From the perspective of the situation of the epidemic, the epidemic has brought great impact on our production and life. Nothing. We must first understand that there is no political party in the world that cares for the people and puts people first as much as the Chinese Communist Party. No country has the cohesion to work together to solve a major problem. Only the Communist Party of China can have such cohesion and care for the people like this! Therefore, we must firmly believe that under the leadership of the party and with the support of the people of the whole country, we must carry forward the spirit of daring to fight and dare to fight, and unite from top to bottom, and we will certainly be able to defeat the epidemic!

From the overall analysis, the epidemic situation in Yangzhou is more severe, it affects the hearts of the people of the province, and all localities are fully supporting Yangzhou's fight against the epidemic in the spirit of helping each other in the same boat and watching out for each other. As of yesterday, the provincial party committee has dispatched 4,050 elite soldiers from various cities and counties to your place for support. In accordance with the unified deployment of the whole province, our city began to receive medical observers from Yangzhou to Huaihuai for isolation yesterday morning.

The epidemic is ruthless and compassionate, and Huaiyang is adjacent to a family.

We in Huai'an fully support and help the people of Yangzhou defeat the epidemic.

While we do a good job in epidemic prevention work ourselves, I would like to advise you not to panic or be anxious, to maintain a positive and healthy mentality, and to obey the organizational arrangements, since you have arrived in Huai'an, this is your home. If you want to understand the situation in Yangzhou, adhere to the information released by official authorities, mainstream news media and other formal channels, do not create rumors, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors; strictly abide by the requirements of various regulations on epidemic prevention and control, and do a good job of isolation. May you return to Yangzhou healthily and resume normal production and living order as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing the brothers and sisters of the two cities gather together in a beautiful environment after the epidemic.

Brothers and sisters of Yangzhou, hold on! The people of the whole country support you! The people of Huai'an City support you!

Defeating the epidemic is just around the corner!

Yangzhou will win!

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