
How was the 2020 popular song "Angel Figure" born?

author:Xiang Nan's world

In January 2020, the new crown epidemic suddenly broke out in Wuhan, and groups of medical workers across the country rushed to the front line of the fight against the virus without hesitation and rushed to the battlefield without smoke.

Through the TV screen, the people of the whole country watched a group of medical workers busy among the patients every day. No one knew their names, nor could they see their masked faces, only pairs of eyes and white figures.

We are deeply moved, but we do not know how to express this emotion.

It was in this situation that at noon on February 5, I suddenly received a video forwarded by comrade-in-arms Jiang Pei.

Open it to see the performance site of the National Centre for the Performing Arts.

In the empty theater around, only a few actors on the stage stood on the most familiar meter line, wearing masks and singing a song "Angel's Figure":

"I can't see your gentle face,

but I can see your beautiful eyes,

I can't see your sweet smile,

But I can see your busy figure..."

This is probably a performance that no audience has ever performed at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, but it sings the respect and affection for the white-clad angels who are fighting in the frontline of the epidemic at this time, which sounds moving.

Every message below the video also seems to be soaked in tears.

Before I could finish listening, Jiang Pei told me that they had sung this song 17 years ago. Immediately sent a photo, a yellowed hand-copied music score, lyrics signed: Yuan Ying.

Jiang Pei said: "The lyrics of this song were written by Yuan Ying, the director of my ward during the SARS period, and Zhang Qianyi composed the music after sars, and we sang it together. Now I'm revisiting it again, with a lot of emotion..."

I understand her feelings very well. 17 years ago, As a doctor, Jiang Pei also embarked on the front line of the fight against SARS at the most dangerous moment.

At that time, Beijing was like Wuhan now, and there were a large number of medical staff among those who fell, and the front line was almost equivalent to death, and the whole capital was shrouded in a sad atmosphere. So when she told me that I was about to enter the quarantine area, I couldn't cry on the other side of the phone, as if I was separated from life and death.

After 17 years, the scene of that year was staged again, and we all had mixed feelings.

I think it is of extraordinary significance to sing this song again at this time. And that hand-copied song film of that year also has special value because of two similar battles that have traveled through time and space.

So I sent the video along with the song to my group of singers and asked everyone to learn to sing. I also used the retouching software to add a picture frame to the song piece, and asked Jiang Pei to transfer it to Director Yuan to express my respect.

Afterwards, I Baidu took a look and learned that the video was released three days ago on February 2. The artists of the National Centre for the Performing Arts cancelled all performances and recorded four pieces of work in 40 hours to pay tribute to the medical workers who were retrograde in the fight against the epidemic, and the chorus "The Figure of an Angel" is one of them.

The famous composer Zhang Qianyi said of his creative feelings: "A work often appears thicker and heavier because of the overlapping imprints of similar events in different eras. The epidemic of the new coronavirus is like a battlefield for medical staff, and the lives of the people urgently need the white-clad angels to protect them with selfless dedication and even the price of their lives, they are the most lovely people! ”

Knowing the background of this song, and then seeing the figure of those angels on TV, I will have the melody of this song ringing in my ears, and I will cry every time.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, my former newspaper colleague Wang Wenhe sent a holiday greeting, and along with the blessing, there was a video, in which Wang Wenhe recited "The Figure of an Angel".

In addition to editing, Wang Wenhe also has a status as a translation director and voice actor, and recitation is a matter of his professional scope.

Wen He said that he used this form to express a little heart to the angels in white.

This unexpected coincidence surprised me, and I immediately forwarded the video to Director Yuan.

Soon received a reply from Director Yuan: "I listened to the recitation of your comrades-in-arms and colleagues, so professional, emotional, really liked, so moved." Thank you for his dedication to the love of medical staff fighting the epidemic, I have collected. ”

Through Jiang Pei's explanation and paraphrasing, I restored the process of the whole thing: in the fight against sarcasm 17 years ago, Yuan Ying's hospital was designated as a SARS treatment hospital. The temporarily formed ward medical staff come from different professions, and Yuan Ying is the ward director, who takes doctors and nurses to round the room every day, looking at the patients' eyes for help, which is very painful.

Under protective clothing and masks, medical staff could not recognize each other, and could only see a pair of eyes. At each post, the goggles were wet with mist and water, and the sweat from the protective clothing soaked through the underwear.

All this touched the patient, but also touched Yuan Ying, the lyrics kept coming to mind, so there was "The Figure of the Angel".

When the lyrics were transferred to Zhang Qianyi's hands, the famous composer, who had composed countless popular songs such as "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", quickly wrote the song.

At the party held by the hospital to celebrate the successful fight against SARS, everyone sang this song together.

17 years later, people have forgotten "SARS", and this song has been buried in time.

However, the new crown virus has come with a vicious face.

This time, it was the medical staff who bravely rushed to the front line.

Yuan Ying, who has retired at home, at the request of colleagues, turned over the old works of that year.

The actors of the National Centre for the Performing Arts re-sang the forgotten song.

Although there was not a single audience, the song flew out of the empty theater and spread throughout the Internet.

How was the 2020 popular song "Angel Figure" born?

The original song from 2003

How was the 2020 popular song "Angel Figure" born?

  Guo Juxia, conductor of the Shijiazhuang Qingqing Choir, was very touched after watching the performance video of the National Centre for the Performing Arts, and recorded the score according to the video, which was copied by the choir actor Wang Guilin and sent to everyone to learn to sing. This shows the popularity of this song.

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