
"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

author:Momo Mo Aoi
"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

After reading the last part, it is still a pity for the octopus couple, although they chose to get off the bus, but they did not reunite, and even met again and there was a little bit of estrangement, which was really quite emotional.

In the show, we obviously see the love between them, see Guo Keyu's deep love for Zhang He, although she has repeatedly denied that she has feelings for him, although she has been trying to hide herself, but anyone can see that this woman is deeply loved, but she is too deeply hurt by that feeling, and she is not willing to think about whether to love or not to love.

Especially the final reveal of true feelings, Guo Keyu said that she is joking a lot of times, she does not know what to say, and Zhang He's "I know" makes the hearts of the two people closer, a hug, a high, let people feel so beautiful, but also more look forward to their reunion.

However, the reality is not a fairy tale, they chose to get off, that is the end of their journey, but also the most satisfactory ending, but back to reality, or go their own way, each other's identity is only the child's father and child mother, other times to get along as friends, it is already very good, very cruel but also very real.

After all, this decade is not a moment, it is how many days and nights are composed, among them, there must have been a deep pain, there must have been a deep disappointment, will come to this point, where is an understatement of "nothing" can pass, so there is no compound between them, but also can be expected.

"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, and this is also the best ending!

"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="38" > heartwarming, does not mean forgiveness</h1>

At the end of the show, Zhang He and Guo Keyu's setting is that if they have a heart for each other in these eighteen days, then they can choose to get off.

Zhang He got off the bus at the first time, he did not give himself the opportunity to repent, and resolutely closed the car door, those five minutes were obviously very painful, but he still decided to do so, at that moment, he felt that this man was still very good.

On the other side, Guo Keyu has been struggling, she doesn't know whether to follow her heart, or just forget it, maybe she also knows that even if two people get off the car, they still can't go back to the past, especially when she asks Zhang He, is there a moment when she wants to remarry each other, Zhang He's answer is no, she still has some hesitation.

"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

In the end, she still decided to follow her heart, since she really had a heart, she respected this feeling, and wanted to give herself a chance, that can't help but hug, has explained everything.

It's just that, the heartbeat may be really heartfelt, it is only in the short eighteen days of travel, these eighteen days are to make up for regrets, but also to make each other more aware of their hearts, this heartbeat can not represent forgiveness, but do not want to entangle anymore.

Broken mirrors cannot be reunited, the damage cannot be repaired, even if you go back to the past, it is only a situation of re-righteousness and separation, rather than this, it is better to end like this, it is also very good.

"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="45" > relief and another blessing</h1>

Rather than saying that the heartbeat is forgiveness, it is a kind of relief, Guo Keyu does not want to tangle with herself anymore, and she does not want to tangle with the past, she chooses to format everything that is not good and remember those beautiful moments.

The embrace of two people can also be regarded as a blessing, in this hug, there is regret for the past, there is unwillingness for the past, but more is a kind of relief, a kind of relief.

As Guo Keyu said in the outer chapter: "People have too many faces, no one is perfect, because we are separated, I want to format a lot of things, I want to remember his good, and then I want to start again in my career, then I go by myself, take it slowly, anyway, I am doing what I like, I am willing to believe that I have eighteen days, in the ten I have not seen Zhang He cry, I see, I am willing to believe his tears." ”

"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

When I heard Guo Keyu say this, I really felt that she was a kind and warm woman, even if life gave her a lot of pain, she still repaid it with a song, even if she suffered a lot of hurt, she still chose to give the other party decent, this is not what everyone can do, and she chose to do it.

She didn't want to embarrass Zhang He, she was willing to believe what she saw, Zhang He really understood her past grievances, and was willing to start over as a friend.

The rest she didn't want to care about, the things that had already passed would pass, and now she just wanted to do her own business well, take this opportunity to start again, and do what she really liked.

Guo Keyu's release of the past is more of a blessing, hoping that she and Zhang He can reconcile with their past selves and have a better future.

"Goodbye Lover" Octopus couple is difficult to reconcile: Perhaps, this is the truth of marriage, does not mean forgiveness and release, is another kind of blessing

Many netizens said that the octopus couple was upset, they all felt that they should be reunited, should have a better ending, how touching the last scene was, how much they wanted people to see their beautiful future.

Unfortunately, reality is reality after all, they are all too clear that it is impossible to go back to the past, even if there is this eighteen-day journey, it is only to ease the relationship between each other a little, a little relief from the past, and nothing else will change.

Maybe this is cruel, but this is the truth of marriage, after experiencing the heart of thousands of rivers and mountains, how can it be possible to return to the calm of the wind and waves in an instant? How can a broken heart be when nothing happens?

Everything is predestined, just like the slogan of "Goodbye Lover": "Love and parting are not contrary", they have found the best state, bless them!

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