
This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

author:Old Aoi said movie
This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

The Oscar-winning work "Green Book" introduced at the beginning of this year used a warm technique to describe two men with far differences in skin color, class, personality and sexual orientation, who were related because of music, became friends for life because of road travel, even Ma Yun's father took the lead in brushing, "Green Book" can be described as a moment of scenery, and today's film "Best Enemy" recommended by Lao Qingjian premiered in the United States on April 5, and there are currently a small number of ratings on Douban that are basically maintained at about 7.3 points. The film is based on the true story of 3 Ku Klux Klan leader C.P. Ellis and black civil rights leader Ann Atwater turning enemies into friends.

This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

Hansen plays Ann Atwater, a civil rights activist in Durham, North Carolina, with 3 Ku Klux Klan leader C.P. Ellis fought for 10 years, and although the United States passed the Suffrage Rights Act in 1965 to formally end the restrictions on suffrage rights and racial discrimination and apartheid in various public facilities imposed on black Americans, white discrimination against blacks persisted in the 1971 American South.

This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

Things are clustered in groups, and people are grouped. Blacks in the American South still lived in groups to protect themselves, and schools in black communities were naturally full of black students. The fire and reconstruction of the black school was the trigger for the whole incident. Black schools lack resources and need to integrate students into white schools. This proposal is undoubtedly a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of the Ku Klux Klan. During the Vietnam War, blacks were always cannon fodder and bore the brunt of it. Blacks returned home from the army or were discriminated against by whites. The white people's view of black people is still: slaves in past lives, slaves in the world.

This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

Until 1971, the two agreed to co-chair a two-week community meeting in response to a court-ordered school desegregation decree. This meeting changed their lives. At the beginning of World War II, when the British and rebels fought in Isopia, East Africa, two rival officers learned to respect each other after a series of battles.

This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

In a way, racial discrimination is an old problem. However, it has frequently appeared on many occasions in recent years, and the film company has also made many films of this kind of subject matter. From this, it is speculated that the racial problem is still very serious in the United States, and for many white Americans, this is always an obstacle that cannot be overcome.

As far as human instinct is concerned, there has always been an innate uneasiness and vigilance towards a race different from oneself. However, human beings are after all a rational creature, after tens of thousands of years of evolution, modern human beings should have long abandoned those barbaric and primitive thinking, and modern society has also regulated people's behavior from the aspects of faith, morality and law. But the strange thing is that under the influence of the French Enlightenment, the United States, which claims to be founded on freedom, equality, and democracy, still has so many people who despise people of color and are proud of their own white skin. It's really puzzling.

This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

In fact, seemingly "advanced" countries do not necessarily produce advanced ideas and actions. Blind and irrational anti-human fanaticism is either overtly or covertly rooted in these "advanced" peoples. The German nation that produced Goethe and Marx killed millions of Jews in World War II, and the yamato nation, which prides itself on being a state of ceremonies and elegance, also had the bloody Nanjing Massacre. The United States is no better, and the Indians, the earliest masters of the Americas, are now forced to struggle in the "reservation" and leave it to fend for itself. In the film, a white girl simply falls in love with a black boy, and the house is shot indiscriminately by the Ku Klux Klan. Where is there a trace of civilized society?

This "Best Enemy" has the same theme! But it can throw out the "Green Book" a few streets

So, the poor American people really can't believe that politicians talk nonsense and talk about human equality, but in fact they are not my race. It is even more impossible to blindly worship the superficial advanced and civilized American society. Fortunately, American society is diligent in thinking and introspection, although the process is a bit longer. Like many backward countries, the American public still needs a long way to go to realize the concept of modern civilization as a whole!

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