
Xinhua Comment: Vocational school interns are not "student workers"

author:Xinhuanet client
Xinhua Comment: Vocational school interns are not "student workers"

Poster Design: Deng Haoyu

  Dong Lu Liang Jinlin

  Work 12 hours a day, the work content has nothing to do with the major, no internship or no graduation certificate before the internship period is completed... Recently, the media exposed the fact that "Jiangsu Yancheng Technician College forced students to intern in designated factories, otherwise they would not be issued graduation certificates", which brought the old topic of "student labor" back to the public eye.

  In fact, this is not the first time that similar incidents have been exposed. The "Regulations on the Administration of Internships of Students in Vocational Schools" clearly requires that internship positions should meet the requirements of professional training objectives, correspond to or be similar to the majors studied by students, and must not organize, arrange and manage student internships through intermediary agencies or paid agents. However, in reality, some vocational schools arbitrarily arrange students to go to internship positions that are not related to the major and are not close to each other, such as arranging for the study of mechanical and electrical engineering to sell drinks and let students do mobile phone manufacturing "plumbing workers"; some vocational schools "sell" students as cheap labor to enterprises and take thousands of yuan of "management fees"; some vocational schools "blackmail degrees to make internships" and force students to sign tripartite agreements... These chaos not only infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of students, but also affected the normal teaching order of the school, making the internship taste bad.

  Internships are not business, and vocational interns are not "student workers." Internship, as the name suggests, learn by doing. Internship is an indispensable and important part of vocational education, the purpose is to enhance the connection between students and social reality, production reality and job reality, effectively supplement the lack of teaching book knowledge in the classroom, and the core is to serve the cultivation of talents. If it is alienated into an excuse for the school to exploit students, making the school-enterprise cooperation become a "school-enterprise transaction", it is inevitable that it will lose its original intentions, which is not only not conducive to the development of students, but also affects the image and reputation of the school.

  It is necessary to let the student internship really return to the original intention of teaching. Resolutely cut off the chain of interests behind vocational school internships, put an end to the school's "reselling" of students to labor intermediaries or enterprises, labor supervision departments should strengthen law enforcement and protect the rights and interests of interns; education and other industry authorities should continue to increase supervision, discover and crack down together; students should strengthen their awareness of rights protection, find violations and complain to relevant labor departments or education departments; schools and enterprises should improve their awareness of the rule of law, strengthen self-examination and self-correction, and focus on cultivating talents while protecting the rights and interests of students. Continuously improve the quality of internships, enhance the attractiveness of vocational education, and let students truly increase their talents and enhance their skills in the actual labor of integrating industry and education and combining engineering and learning.

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