
What sheep species are there in Xinjiang?

author:Zhiduoxing 0991

1. Altay big-tailed sheep

Altay big-tailed sheep have a history of about 1200 years, because the climate of the Altay region where they are located is cold, so they have a high fat content in their bodies and a tighter meat, which is especially suitable for roasted whole sheep.

What sheep species are there in Xinjiang?

Altay big-tailed sheep

2. Daolang sheep

The Daolang sheep in The Megheti county of southern Xinjiang is faster developed and larger, and is a breed of Afghan Vargill fat-tailed sheep that is crossed with local native sheep. The Daolang lamb in Maigeti County, Southern Xinjiang, is tender and tasteless, especially suitable for stewing with water, and its taste is fat but not greasy, and it is palatable.

What sheep species are there in Xinjiang?

Knife Lang Sheep

3. Balchuk sheep

Balchuk sheep has the characteristics of heat resistance, drought resistance, salinity resistance and good meat quality, and is an excellent breed in Balchuk City in Kashgar Region, Xinjiang.

What sheep species are there in Xinjiang?

Balchuk sheep

4. Tacheng Bash worship sheep

Bashbai sheep in the Tacheng area are a new hybridized lean meat type, and the meat taste will be better after stir-frying.

What sheep species are there in Xinjiang?

Bash worship sheep

5. Black-headed sheep

Known as the living fossil of the Bayinbrook grassland, the black-headed sheep are the best among sheep, with tender and easy to digest, and high protein and vitamins. Grassland herders usually like to use them to stew soup to drink, lamb is white and tender, the soup color is bright and white, it is a rare delicacy.

What sheep species are there in Xinjiang?

Bayinbrook black-headed sheep

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