
Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

The hit drama "Do You Know If It Should Be Green Fat Red Skinny" not only made the audience like the couple of "Minglan" and "Gu Tingye", but also the "Old Lady of the Sheng Family" conquered a large number of audiences because of this drama. In the play, she is an old lady who knows how to read and teach Sun Youfang, which makes us sincerely like this national grandmother.

Her role is Cao Cuifen, a once unknown actor, but she has devoted her life to acting and is willing to be a green leaf.

Cao Cuifen was born in Shanghai in 1944, when the domestic situation was tense and she lived a turbulent childhood. When asked about her childhood, she said sadly that she didn't want to talk about those painful and bitter years.

In 1960, 16-year-old Cao Cuifen was admitted to nortel preparatory class, and it seems that she was born with a love of acting. Two years later, he was successfully admitted to the undergraduate class and continued to study acting.

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

During her studies, she especially cherished every rehearsal opportunity, carefully pondered every character, persevered and worked hard, hoping to be useful after graduation.

Unfortunately, fate played a joke on her.

From 1969 to 1973, after Cao Cuifen graduated with a bachelor's degree, it was during the Cultural Revolution that she was sent to the countryside as an intellectual to farm. Performance comes from life, and that's true. It was three years of rural life that gave her the sophistication of playing the role of a rural woman.

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

In 1973, she returned to beijing film studio troupe to re-devote herself to the acting career she loved, cherishing the hard-won acting life, working hard and happy.

In 1990, she became famous as her second aunt in "The Big Red Lantern Hangs High". At that time, she was not the first candidate, and after director Zhang Yimou interviewed her, he thought that she was "too unlike an actor, very ordinary", that is, her appearance was too ordinary. Later, Director Zhang also interviewed other actresses, and two months later, he still decided to choose Cao Cuifen, thinking that she was more suitable. And she did not disappoint Director Zhang, who won the "Best Performance Award" of the Beijing Film Academy for this film. Therefore, director Zhang Yimou commented on her: "Cao Cuifen is a good actor, and her performance has no trace of performance at all. ”

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

In 1995, Cao Cuifen once again played an authentic rural woman in the movie "Orphan Tears", and the rural life of the past three years gave her a real experience, and she interpreted this role with her heart. Heaven is fair, who works hard who is lucky, her true love interpretation, this film made her win the sixteenth film "Golden Rooster Award" Best Actress.

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

This is the first time she has won the best actress in her life, on the road of acting, she has struggled for 24 years, tirelessly, driven by love and driven her forward. Work hard and love!

Later, in the TV series "Shanghai Family", she won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 12th "Feitian Awards".

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

It is said that in the filming of "Know It or Not", because of her age, memory decline, and slow line recording, she was afraid of affecting the progress of filming. She took the script home and recited it at home until it was ripe, and then she had the classic lines we liked.

Behind the national grandmother's "Old Lady of the Sheng Family", the fame of the people in one fell swoop, is not known to the people

"The road of life is so long, there are still many things to do in the future, and it is impossible to hide."

"Your brother-in-law, your biological mother, in the future your husband, relatives and children will not be able to follow you for a lifetime, and the road of a lifetime is how you came and went."

"After being wronged and getting sick, I should come back and say that I don't read the book pedanticly, and it is true that I am happy."

"I figured it out, it's better than anything, don't have any waves in life, look at the head, that's the best."

"Those who specialize in women, after all, can hold on to themselves, have money in their hands, and have confidants around them, so that they can live comfortably."

What Cao Cuifen said to Minglan in "Know It or Not", just like her life experience, shared with her granddaughter and also shared with us as an audience, let us have a deep feeling. Her dedication to her acting career is worth learning from each and every one of us.

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