
Popularization of collection: The asset allocation of antique artworks has set off a new wave

author:Sesame open door collection net

In recent years, people's living standards have been continuously improved, and it is also due to the continuous improvement of the national economic level. However, in the past, people were more pursuing a material life, but now people are pursuing more spiritual life, and these spiritual pursuits are due to people having more hobbies such as collecting. We will find that in recent years, more newcomers have joined the collection market Collection has also become a boom in society, collection has begun to gradually popularize, antique art asset allocation, set off a new wave.

Popularization of collection: The asset allocation of antique artworks has set off a new wave

1: Ming Copper Hu Civilization Taiping Has Elephant Eight Treasures Incense, Size: Height 26cm; Diameter 10cm, Deal: RMB 1,073,500

Investing in stocks, securities, or funds in today's social market has gradually weakened, and more people have chosen the collector's market. Therefore, the collection market also has enough risks, but as long as you can master the relevant knowledge and know how to distinguish between true and false, the opportunity to understand the market situation is great. Compared with stocks, those investment methods may be more interesting, and can also improve their own quality and cultivation.

Popularization of collection: The asset allocation of antique artworks has set off a new wave

2: Ming Wanli copper tire filigree enamel floral candle plate, size: diameter 18cm, price: RMB 977,500

In fact, now everyone wants to pursue a healthy, stable investment development, so in a few years ago the collection market also encountered a trough, but due to the development of the Internet era in the past two years, more people have learned about the collection market, so the collection market has also reached a new climax. Under the normal circumstances of the new economy, the least lack of money in the market is money, and the most missing of them is the flow of material assets. Like what we call antique art stamp coins, this category has become a model. Collecting pictures is a work of art has also become a model of investment for many families now, and has reached a consensus.

Popularization of collection: The asset allocation of antique artworks has set off a new wave

3: Qing Kangxi Imperial Copper Tire Filigree Enamel Lion Button Shaft Town, Size: Height 18 cm, Price: RMB 943,000

The state has also promulgated a lot of policies in recent years, which is conducive to the collection of antiques, from this point, we can know that the prospects of the antique market will only get better and better, collecting antiques on the one hand, in order to meet their own spiritual needs, from the national level, but also to let the whole people learn to inherit our ancient culture. And these antique works of art, which we call eternal wealth, and with the advancement of time these works of art are more valuable and appreciative.

Popularization of collection: The asset allocation of antique artworks has set off a new wave

4:14th Century Copper Gilt Bull Paperweight, Dimensions: Width 9cm, Estimate: HKD 120,000 ~ 220,000, Transaction Date: 2014-04-09

If people's original intention is to help protect our national art, then this way is very correct, our country cares about inheritance, for example, many art crafts have been included in the national non-genetic inheritance, which shows that the country does not want to see these artistic crafts disappear. However, if everyone enters the collection market with an investment mentality, the final state may be that the bamboo basket is empty. In recent years, assets have also continued to enter the collection market, which may have a certain impact on many collectors.

Popularization of collection: The asset allocation of antique artworks has set off a new wave

5: Qingqianlong copper tire filigree enamel furnace, bottle, box, size: height 7.5 cm; height 13.5 cm; height 6.6 cm, transaction price: RMB 920,000

In the antique market, many fine antiques cannot be copied, although our current science and technology has reached a very high level, but for these antiques can not be completely reproduced one by one. Now with the development of the Internet era, people have more channels to collect antiques and can learn more ways to learn antiques. Therefore, if you like antique friends can learn more about the relevant knowledge, and understand the current market, the collection market is not everyone can enter, and the requirements for the individual collectors' own conditions are also very high.

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