
Poverty Alleviation Rural | Huang Xiedong, Wuzhishan City, Hainan: Breeding poisonous spiders to get rid of poverty and get rich

author:South China Sea Net

Editor's note: On the eve of the Fourth National Poverty Alleviation Day on October 17, the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office organized the mainstream media in the province to carry out the "Poverty Alleviation Propaganda Rural Tour", and media reporters went deep into the villages of Lingao, Danzhou, Baisha, Dongfang, Baoting, Wuzhishan and Qiongzhong cities and counties to conduct field visits, and comprehensively told the story of poor households getting rid of poverty and getting rich through video, text, pictures, radio and other reports, the gorgeous "transformation" of poor villages, and the effective measures of the local government to carry out accurate poverty alleviation.

Poverty Alleviation Rural | Huang Xiedong, Wuzhishan City, Hainan: Breeding poisonous spiders to get rid of poverty and get rich

Huang Xiedong was checking the situation of the poisonous spider. South China Sea Network reporter Gao Peng photographed

Huang Xiedong, a poor household in the Fuguan Village Committee of Tongshi Town, Wuzhishan City, not only successfully got rid of poverty and became rich by breeding poisonous spiders (scientific name Jingzhao Tamarind Spider), but also provided his successful experience and technology to other poor households to promote common development.

Huang Xiedong, a 32-year-old from Fuguan Second Village, Fuguan Village Committee of Tongshi Town, has just Chinese degree. Because of family difficulties, in 2006, Huang Xiedong went out to work alone, living a life of "one person is full, the whole family is not hungry". Two years later, Huang Xiedong and his wife married, and with the birth of their eldest daughter, in 2012, Huang Xiedong's family returned to their hometown in Fuguan Village to live with their parents.

"At that time, there was no money, no technology, the price of rubber was low, my daughter had to go to kindergarten, and she had to use money everywhere. We lived in a broken tile house and felt like water seeped everywhere when it was windy and rainy. Recalling the dilemma at that time, Huang Xiedong shook his head. In 2014, Huang Xiedong was included in the poor households due to lack of land, lack of technology, lack of housing, education security, etc.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you think about change. In the face of his own shortcomings and the burden of life, Huang Xiedong has not been crushed, and he has not given up his life, he has always wanted to break through the status quo and give his family a better life.

At the end of 2014, Tongshi Town organized poverty alleviation technology training, Huang Xiedong actively signed up to participate, in this training meeting, Huang Xiedong and 6 other poor households for the first time came into contact with the technology of raising poisonous spiders.

Poverty Alleviation Rural | Huang Xiedong, Wuzhishan City, Hainan: Breeding poisonous spiders to get rid of poverty and get rich

Farmed poisonous spiders. South China Sea Network reporter Gao Peng photographed

"Can spiders still be raised?" Can you still sell it if you have it?" After the training, everyone also pulled the technicians to constantly inquire, and when it was determined that the poisonous spiders could make money, the poor households participating in the training said that they wanted to participate, but when they learned that the breeding process was cumbersome, the breeding cycle was long, and a certain amount of land and upfront funds were needed, except for Huang Xiedong, everyone flinched.

"At that time, my wife was pregnant with my second child, and I had been mixed for so many years, and I couldn't mix anymore. I must do it!" At the beginning of 2015, Huang Xiedong purchased 2500 poisonous spider seedlings from the enterprise, in order to support Huang Xiedong, 2 yuan / spider seedling, the town government subsidized 1.4 yuan per spider, and the company provided free feed for poisonous spiders - 4 kg of yellow mealworms and poisonous spiders needed to make a nest of wooden semi-finished products.

In order to raise funds, Huang Xiedong took out all the only 2,000 yuan he had at that time, and even sold his wife's dowry, in order to make room for the factory where poisonous spiders were bred, he also took it upon himself to cut down some betel nut trees in the family.

"My father and wife scolded me, but in the end I slowly told them that my family supported me, and the relevant departments in the city also provided me with development funds." Huang Xiedong said that in this way, the breeding of poisonous spiders officially began.

Mr. Huang lives at the foot of a mountain, and he needs to go downhill, cross a low bridge, and walk uphill to get home. In order to save money, Huang Xiedong always picked up the materials back home by himself, and once it rained, the small bridge was flooded by the river, the mountain was slippery and muddy, and Huang Xiedong fell down on the road several times.

The nest of the poisonous spider needs to be in a wooden box, and the wooden box needs to be made of dirt to form a "cave" so that it can live. Huang Xiedong sawed open the semi-finished products of the wood products, nailed them into small wooden boxes, and then dug out the soil and pinched them into a "cave" with his fingers in the wooden boxes. More than 3 months have passed, and the nest of these 2500 poisonous spiders has been completed.

These poisonous spiders differ from common spiders in that they are large, biting and poisonous. At first, Huang Xiedong took tweezers to put the poisonous spiders into the nest, used tweezers to clip out the small plate for feeding, put the breeding yellow mealworms into the small plate, and then used tweezers to clip them into the nest. Although very careful, Huang Xiedong was still bitten by poisonous spiders many times.

"At that time, the half-amputated arm was numb and it would take a night to get better. However, I have been bitten a lot, and I am not afraid of it now. Behind Huang Xiedong's self-deprecating words, it was full of hardship and pain. If you do not feed and feed the water in time, the poisonous spider may die quickly, Huang Xiedong never dared to delay, always feeding the poisonous spider on time, 2500 nests, from the beginning to the end of the feeding takes a week, Huang Xiedong all day round around the poisonous spider, like a gyroscope.

Poverty Alleviation Rural | Huang Xiedong, Wuzhishan City, Hainan: Breeding poisonous spiders to get rid of poverty and get rich

Huang Xiedong is feeding the civets. South China Sea Network reporter Gao Peng photographed

In order to ensure the survival rate of poisonous spiders, Huang Xiedong encountered various problems and confusions in the breeding process, he actively asked the enterprise technicians for advice, and gradually mastered the temperature, humidity, feeding and other technical essentials required for the breeding of poisonous spiders, and changed from a layman to a "soil expert".

In order to warm the poisonous spiders in winter and not let them freeze to death, although a tin shed was set up, the shed was surrounded by a film, but the effect was not good, Huang Xiedong simply lived in the tin shed at night, and made a fire to "warm" the poisonous spider.

In March 2016, the farmed poisonous spiders were repurchased by the enterprise, although some deaths of the poisonous spiders inevitably occurred during the breeding process, but when he learned that the company put the repurchase money into the bank account, Huang Xiedong ran to check it with joy. "At that time, I was shocked, how so many 0 ah, I carefully counted, the breeding of poisonous spiders sold a total of 37,000 yuan." Mr. Huang said it was the first time he had seen so much money.

Huang Xiedong, who harvested success, let the poor households in the village see the example of poverty alleviation, and everyone found him one after another, hoping to learn technology, and Huang Xiedong also taught it without reservation, becoming the leader of the village's poverty alleviation and prosperity.

Poverty Alleviation Rural | Huang Xiedong, Wuzhishan City, Hainan: Breeding poisonous spiders to get rid of poverty and get rich

Farmed civets. South China Sea Network reporter Gao Peng photographed

In 2016, the Tongshi town government built a factory building for breeding poisonous spiders and breeding feed, built water, electricity, etc., rebuilt a small bridge on the river, absorbed 20 poor households, and distributed 13,000 poisonous spider seedlings to each poor household and leader free of charge. In November of the same year, the town government also built a demonstration site for civet breeding, and Huang Xiedong studied seriously again and also began to breed civets.

Huang Xiedong relied on his diligence and studiousness to get rid of poverty with his own hands, live in a new house, and have a rich industry, but he was still not satisfied. "Although my life has improved, I still want to help the villagers, as long as everyone works together, life will definitely get better and better." Huang Xiedong's face was full of confidence.

Nanhai Net, Nanhai Net client Wuzhishan September 28 news (Nanhai Net reporter Gao Peng correspondent Zhang Junlin)

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