
A famous general of the past generations of popular figures - Ran Min, who slaughtered the Hu people

author:Dream back to the millennium sigh

There has always been a great controversy about Ran Min, some people say that he is the most heroic figure in the history of the Chinese nation; some people say that he is a butcher of a world. Today, let's take a look at this fierce general from the Han nationality who galloped to the north.

Ran Min (冉闵, 352 AD), han Chinese, zi yong zeng, small character thorn nu, father Ran Zhan, western Jin Dynasty Wei County Nei Huang people (present-day Anyang City, Henan Province, northwest of Neihuang), ancestors of the Han Dynasty Liyang riding governor, generations of tooth gatekeepers.

After the Xiongnu, Xianbei and other northern Hu tribes invaded the Central Plains, the Western Jin royal family and the Shi clan migrated in a big way and established the Eastern Jin Dynasty on the south bank of the Yangtze River. The "Book of Jin and the Biography of Wang Dao" edited by Fang Xuanling of the Tang Dynasty records: "Luojing fell, and the Zhongzhou scholars and women avoided the chaos of the left side of the river. In other words, in order to avoid war, seven-tenths of the central plains population moved to Jiangnan. Those northern Han Chinese who were unable to migrate had a tragic fate. Wherever the Hu people went, they were slaughtered. It can really be described as "wolf smoke is thousands of miles, ten does not exist two".

Later Zhao's ruler, Shi Hu, was even more known for his brutality, and he took pleasure in killing people and was absurd. The number of Han Chinese killed is uncountable and the suffering is unspeakable.

Shi Hu's son Shi Hao was even more mischievous, he even killed people, cooked human flesh with beef and mutton, and distributed them to the left and right ministers to taste, so that the ministers could identify the taste...

Under the barbaric rule of Later Zhao, the number of Han people in the Central Plains plummeted to four or five million, and the history books recorded that "the northern land was desolate, the clothes and crowns moved south, the Hu di were everywhere, and the children of the Han family were almost slaughtered." "The number of Han Chinese is even surpassed by the Hu people who moved in. In this situation of peril, the Han people organized themselves and engaged in a deadly contest with the Hu people, and the results were almost all classified as failures. This is the background of this era.

I think the root cause of ethnic conflict is a clash of cultures. The statement that "if you are not of my race, you will have different hearts" is a narrow nationalistic statement. Because the northern Central Plains are suitable for people to live and reproduce, the ethnic groups on the edge of The Chinese territory are willing to move inland. But because each nation has the characteristics and customs of each nation, perhaps at this time it is in a period of running-in between nationalities, and wars are frequent, so if each nation wants to protect itself, then it must eliminate other nationalities. In fact, in the process of elimination, many cultures between ethnic groups will also begin to merge. At the same time, there was massacre and hatred between peoples.

Anything is the opposite of everything. When the Han who remained in the north was about to be wiped out, there was a Han general: Ran Min.

The Ran Min family was a general for generations, and in the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Ran family followed Chen Wu's "beggar army" to fight against the Hu people. Later, because he was outnumbered, he was defeated by Shi Le, who was then Liu Yuan's subordinate, and temporarily surrendered.

Although the battle was lost, Ran Min's father Ran Zhan left a deep impression on Shi Le, and the Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen Kingdoms records: "(Ran Zhan) was twelve years old. Long and brave, he bowed his horse and ignored the battle. Shi Le saw Ran Zhan's bravery at a glance, thinking that "this child is strong and commendable", and after being captured, he let Shi Hu adopt him as an adopted son. Later, he was made the general of Zuo Jizhi and was given the title of Marquis of Xihua. A few years later, Ran Zhan was defeated by Liu Yao's troops, killed by Liu Yao, and a generation of generals fell to the stars.

After Ran Zhan's death, he left his son Ran Min. The history books record: "Min is young and fruity, and Ji Long caresses like a grandson." He is long, eight feet long, good at strategizing, and brave. General Bai Jianjie (白建節將軍), Marquis Xiucheng of the Fengfeng Dynasty, was a general of the Northern Zhonglang and a guerrilla general. Ji Long's defeat was in Changli, and the Min army was complete, and thus his merits were greatly revealed. And after the defeat of Liang Calf, Wei Sheng mi zhen, Hu Xia Su will not be afraid. ”

The "Order to Kill Hu" was ran Min's most famous decree after cheng climatics, and he issued three "orders to kill Hu". As soon as these orders were issued, the remaining Han people could finally take revenge with a straight face. Ran Min personally led the team, and slaughtered 200,000 People in Yecheng alone. Within a day, tens of thousands of Hu people were beheaded. Men, women and children, young and old, were not spared, and the corpses were thrown outside the city and became the dinner of the wild dogs and jackals.

Under the direct or indirect influence of the "Hu Killing Order", millions of Hu civilians such as the Xiongnu, Xiongnu, Qiang, and Hu were killed, and nearly a million Hu soldiers were killed. The most slaughtered people, on the other hand, migrated or were slaughtered, and basically became extinct in the Central Plains.

In 350 AD, after the basic elimination of Hu rule, Ran Min established the state as emperor, Dingdu Yi, the state name Of Wei, and the historical name ran Wei.

Later, in the face of this tragic situation, the Hu people began a Jedi counterattack: they formed a coalition and attacked Ran Wei. In the process of attacking, there are victories and losses. Later, Emperor Houzhao and Yu Dang were eliminated by Ran Wei. Later, he was captured by the Former Yan general Murong Ke established by the Xianbei clan for light enemies.

Murong Ke sent Ran Min, who had been tied up with five flowers, to the Xianbei Emperor Murong Juan, and Murong Juan, knowing the weight of the person in front of him, stood in front of Ran Min and humiliated him: "Do you, a slave under the people, also want to pretend to be the Son of Heaven?" Ran Min replied with his head held high: "The world is in chaos, and the Yidi clan of Er and others, with the heart of a human face and an animal heart, still want to usurp the throne and plot rebellion." I am a hero, why can't I be an emperor! Murong Juan was furious when he heard this, and had Ran Min whipped more than three hundred times, and then pushed him to Longcheng Tou Shan (陉山, in present-day Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province) and beheaded him for public display.

After Ran Min's head landed on the ground, all the grass and trees in the seven miles around the Qixin Mountain withered, and the locusts swelled. For seven months, there was no rain. Murong Juan was very frightened, thinking that the heavens were angry, and quickly ordered someone to sacrifice Ran Min and make him the Heavenly King of Wu Mourning. On the day of the sacrifice, it was snowing heavily.

Shi Zai: After Ran Min's death, the Hu people soon began a frenzied revenge on the Han people. The most important culture that Ran Min left behind to posterity with his life is that the use of murderous and iron-blooded wrists can only solve temporary contradictions, but it is impossible to achieve the effect of long-term peace and stability.

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