
Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

Liu Yuxi, born in 772 AD, was a famous writer and philosopher in the Middle and Tang Dynasties, and there were many talented literary heroes in the same period, all of whom were thunderous: Liu Zongyuan, Han Yu, Bai Juyi, Yuan Shu...

However, the most personality is Liu Yuxi, also because his poetry and personality are open-minded and bold, Bai Ju is easy to call "shihao", and posterity has used this title.

A copper pea

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte
Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

When you talk about copper peas, you will definitely think of Guan Hanqing's "A Branch of Flowers, Not Old", but here is only to borrow its well-known image of not steaming and cooking, because Liu Yuxi is also a person who is full of "unconvinced" from head to toe, even if he has been degraded and exiled several times.

The first time he was exiled to foreign office was in 805, after the failure of the "Yongzhen Reform", together with his friend Liu Zongyuan and other "eight Simas" were relegated to the barbaric land of poor mountains and bad waters, Liu Yuxi went to Langzhou, that is, changde, Hunan, stayed for nearly ten years, during which Liu Yuxi's ambitions did not change, and created a large number of fable poems to support his heart, encouraging himself and his fellow friends, such as this "White Heron":

Egret, the highest rank.

The sweaters were newly formed and the snow was invincible, and the birds were clamoring and silent.

Lonely grass, long standing babbling stone.

The front mountain is cloudless and flies into Haruka.

This poem is both a chant and a self-metaphor, praising the purity and self-preservation of the egret, and wishing the egret a great and beautiful future, so as to motivate himself and his friends in the same situation to maintain a high attitude towards life.

In the first month of 815, several Sima were finally recalled to the capital, and in the early spring while waiting for the imperial court to rearrange their work, with you Xuandu to watch the flowers, Liu Yuxi looked at the bustling upstarts and made a song playfully "Yuan he ten years from Langzhou to Beijing opera to see the flowers of the gentlemen / Xuandu Guan Peach Blossom":

Purple and red dust came to the face, and no one looked at the flowers back.

The peach trees in the Xuandu Temple were all planted after Liu Lang went there.

Between the lines of laughter, it revealed contempt and ridicule of the political upstarts who tended to be inflamed and dependent, and as a result, it annoyed the new upstarts in power, believing that the ridicule of the government was ridiculed, and together with several other recalled Sima was degraded again, and it was a more remote place, Liu Lang Liu Yuxi was relegated to the farthest and most desolate Bozhou, that is, Zunyi, present-day Zunyi, Guizhou, because of the entourage of Gao Tang's old mother, and with the strong advice and assistance of his friend Liu Zongyuan, it was changed to Lianzhou (present-day Qingyuan, Guangzhou).

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

Fourteen years later, Liu Yuxi returned to Luoyang again, as the main guest langzhong, he went to Xuandu Temple, and the changes in the world for more than ten years flowed in front of his eyes, and then he inscribed a poem "Revisiting Xuandu Temple", like writing a sequel, and also attached a preface to connect the things of the previous play poem. The poem goes like this:

Half of the 100 acres of garden is moss, and the peach blossoms are pure and cauliflower.

Where the Tao Daoist returned, Liu Lang came again.

Once the peach blossoms were full of gardens, now desolate only moss and vegetable flowers, the peach planters have gone nowhere, the world is unpredictable, more than ten years, even the emperor has changed four, and Liu Lang I am now back. Reading it is really laughable with tears, a good indomitable dashing Liu Lang, "the former Liu Lang is here again", how many emotions are all in it, and that is still my stubbornness. Then, in the changing time of more than ten years, some political enemies have disappeared, some friends have also withered away, and what experience has the stubborn Liu Lang had?

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

Four years after being demoted to Lianzhou, Liu Yuxi returned to his hometown because of the death of his mother. In the winter of 821, he was renamed the Assassin of Kui prefecture, which is now Fengjie, Chongqing. After arriving in Shudi, Liu Yuxi became interested in local folk songs, began to collect and improve folk songs in large quantities, and created a series of "Bamboo Branch Words", one of which is very famous:

Yang Liu Qing QingJiang level, smell the Lang River on the song.

The sun rises in the east and the rains in the west, and the road is clear but sunny.

The last sentence and a pun make the whole love song more beautiful and playful, and it has been sung for thousands of years. After Liu Yuxi's collection, collation, improvement and innovation, the local folk songs not only retain the original style, but also more subtle and delicate, and the rhythm is more elegant, and since then, the bamboo branch words have been unique, and Liu Yuxi has made contributions to the intangible cultural heritage in it.

Liu Yuxi is like a weed with strong vitality, give a little sunshine is brilliant, wherever he can flourish and grow his own interest, he is not afraid of hardships in bashan Shushui, but he lives happily, and in the eyes of political enemies, he seems to be unrepentant, and once again he was degraded to Hezhou, that is, present-day Anhui and County.

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

There is a well-circulated little story here: After being degraded and the state, the boss deliberately made things difficult, and did not arrange three three-compartment accommodation in the county according to the regulations, but placed it on the river south of the city, Liu Yuxi treated it safely, and also posted two sentences on the door: "Facing the white sail of the great river view, I am arguing with Zhou Si." The boss was displeased, and moved Liu Yuxi to the north of the city, and the area was reduced to one and a half, and Liu Yuxi wrote two sentences and posted them on the door: "Hanging willows and green rivers at the water's edge, people in The heart of Liyang is in Beijing." With a look of indifference and self-sufficiency, his superiors moved him to a very small simple house in the middle of the county, so there was the famous "Buried Room Inscription": "The mountain is not high, but the immortal is named." The water is not deep, there are dragons and spirits. Si is a burrow, but Wu Dexin..." Liu Yuxi specially asked Liu Gongquan to write, carved a stone stele, and stood in front of the door. This wave of operations is really cute.

Liu Yuxi's attitude from the failure of innovation to the first time he was degraded, to 828 when he returned to Beijing as the main guest lang, a total of twenty-three years, always did not change his original intention of the attitude is admirable, but the treatment of such a boiled copper pea, the people in power are hateful, Liu Yuxi's "former Degree Liu Lang" inscription poem, so that he once again began a career of continuous release, successively Suzhou, Ruzhou, Tongzhou assassin history, everywhere, for the benefit of the people, leaving a lot of good poems, until the end of his life to return to Luoyang to settle down, as the prince's guest to the end. He practiced the german philosopher Nietzsche more than a thousand years ago: "Whoever kills me will make me stronger." ”

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

More optimistic than Rakuten

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte
Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

When it comes to Lotte, I will definitely think of the word Lotte Bai Juyi, but when Bai Lotte meets Liu Mengde, it is Liu Mengde who is even more Happy Tian, who has to sprinkle sunshine to give comfort.

Liu Baichu met in 826 AD, Liu Yuxi returned to Luoyang from Hezhou, and at the same time Bai Juyi returned to Luoyang from Suzhou, the two great poets passed through Yangzhou, and at the first meeting at the feast, Bai Juyi wrote a poem to Liu Yuxi:

Bring me a glass of wine to drink, and sing with the king.

The poem calls the hands of the state in vain, and the fate of the people is helpless.

Looking up at the scenery for a long time, the Manchu Dynasty official position is alone.

I also know that the name of the combination is folded, and twenty-three years are folded too much.

In the face of Bai Juyi's sympathetic sigh for his own suffering, Liu Yuxi gave back a very energetic poem "Reward Lotte Yangzhou First Meeting at the Table":

Bashan Chushui was desolate and abandoned for twenty-three years.

Nostalgic empty chanting flute fu, to the countryside to turn like rotten Ke people.

Thousands of sails passed on the side of the sinking boat, and the sick tree was in front of wanmu spring.

Listen to a song today, and temporarily rely on the spirit of a cup of wine.

This poem is really extraordinary, first calmly lamenting the vicissitudes of the world, and then using two allusions to express that current events are human beings, deeply missing the deceased Liu Zongyuan and other fellow Daoists, so that after Bai Juyi pushed his heart, the pen turned and gave his own response, although he used "sinking boat" and "sick tree" to compare himself, but: on the side of the sinking boat, there are thousands of sails racing; in front of the sick tree, there are thousands of trees in spring. It can be said that the famous sentence of the ages, with this overwhelming optimism, to persuade Bai Juyi not to be sad, raise the wine glass, and cheer up the spirit.

Such a relentless pride and the mentality of reaching the sunshine, Bai Lotte was also impressed, even called "Shihao", and the two formed a deep friendship. By the spring of 829, one hundred and thirty-eight poems had been sung and composed by Bai Juyi into "Liu Bai Singing and Collecting", which has been passed down to this day.

In 836, the sixty-four-year-old Liu Yuxi returned to Luoyang as a guest of the crown prince, at this time, the same age Bai Juyi also stayed in Luoyang in the same capacity for three years, and the two poets finally reunited, lived next to each other, were very happy, drank wine, and began the old age of chanting and singing.

Liu Yuxi: A copper pea that is more enjoyable than Lotte

Due to old age and physical decline, both suffered from eye diseases, legs and feet are not flexible, in the face of aging, Bai Juyi produced a negative and pessimistic mood, wrote a song "Yong Lao Gift Dream":

Grow old with the king, and ask yourself how old is it?

The eyes are astringent at night, and the head is unfit.

Sometimes the staff comes out and closes the door all day.

Lazy to look at the new mirror, Hugh read the small print book.

Love for the deceased, traces of the youth sparse.

Only small talk, there is still more than enough to meet.

After reading the lament of his friend Bai Juyi of the same age, Liu Yuxi, who was also sick and pitiful, wrote an answer poem "Reward Lotte Yong Old Sees the Show", full of optimistic dialectical thoughts and sincere love and exhortation:

Whoever cares about the old, has pity on the old.

The thin body is reduced frequently, and the hair is thin and the crown is self-biased.

Waste books cherish the eyes, and more moxibustion is with the years.

He is also familiar with things, and reading people is like reading chuan.

After careful consideration, it is fortunate to be here.

Mordaunt Sang Yu evening, for Xia still full of heaven.

Liu Yuxi first responded to Bai Juyi's sigh, saying that the feeling of aging is the same, and then a turn, although it is old, but the old has the benefits of old age, experienced more things, the understanding of the world is more thorough, condensed the essence of life, do not say that it is the evening scene because of the sun to The Mulberry Yu, and the fiery red xia can still be brilliant in the sky! Even if he is old, Liu Yuxi's mentality is still so high-spirited, a sentence "Mo Dao Sang Yu is late, for Xia Shang is full of heaven", for thousands of years I don't know how many elderly people have soothed their hearts.

After more than twenty years of being a vassal, he returned to see Qu Jiangchun.

Tourists Mo smiled and drunk, and there were several people among the old drunk flowers.

- "Apricot Garden Flowers Under the Reward Lotte Gift"

Just like Liu Yuxi's self-deprecation in this poem, there are really few people like him who can return safely after being exiled several times, and who can laugh and swim in the spring water. Liu Yuxi used his life to give our descendants a model: live, be open-minded to all encounters, always positive, always full of tears.


A lake, a simple woman who loves poetry.

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