
5 so far unmarried male stars, Gu Tianle gossip is flying all over the world, Peng Yuyan was questioned about "sexual orientation" 1. Hu Ge 2. Gu Tianle 3. Yan Chengxu 4. LI Chen5. Peng Yuyan

author:Le Feng Movie
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"5位至今未婚的男星,古天乐绯闻满天飞,彭于晏被质疑“性取向”1. 胡歌2. 古天乐3. 言承旭4. 李晨5. 彭于晏","en":"5 so far unmarried male stars, Gu Tianle gossip is flying all over the world, Peng Yuyan was questioned about \"sexual orientation\" 1. Hu Ge 2. Gu Tianle 3. Yan Chengxu 4. LI Chen5. Peng Yuyan"},"description":{"content":"在娱乐圈当中;总会有一些明星选择晚婚,这些人有的是一直都在忙于工作。有的是一时间找不到合适的伴侣,所以索性就一直单着;其...","en":"In the entertainment industry; there will always be some celebrities who choose to marry later, and some of these people are busy with work all the time. Some can't find a suitable partner for a while, so they just stay single;"}},"items":[]}

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