
Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

author:Gossip about Ajiang

On the third day of the Cannes Film Festival, Louis Koo and Qin Hao, the two bigwigs, made another shining appearance, which made people shine. Especially Qin Hao, who returned after 12 years, not only brought a new work, but also changed his style. Zhong Chuxi was not to be outdone, and her pink dress was so beautiful that it made people's hearts move. These star-studded moments were staged on the red carpet in Cannes one by one.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

Let's talk about Qin Hao first, this guy is really not covered. remembers that in 2009, he stepped on the Cannes red carpet for the first time because of Lou Ye's "Spring Breeze Drunk Night". At that time, he was still a little green, who would have thought that more than ten years had passed in a blink of an eye, and Qin Hao was already a mature man on the screen.

And his return this time is not as simple as walking the red carpet. Together with director Lou Ye, he returned to Cannes with their new work "An Unfinished Film". This film, as you can hear from the name, has a literary atmosphere, and Qin Hao's performance in the film is also eye-catching.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

Don't look at Qin Hao wearing such a standard black suit, but the temperament of that body is completely different from the young guy twelve years ago, and now he is more calm and profound.

We all know that director Lou Ye has not been idle over the years, and has made a lot of movies that people talk about. But this time on the red carpet, it was obvious that the marks left by the years on his face. And Qin Hao, who seems to be getting younger and younger, standing next to Lou Ye, the two of them are really a little contrasting and cute.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

Let's talk about Zhong Chuxi, who is so beautiful. This time, she chose Valentin Yudashkin's 2024 spring/summer custom collection, a pink bandeau gown, paired with gorgeous diamond jewelry, which is simply a beautiful scenery on the Cannes red carpet. Zhong Chuxi's appearance this time is not only beautiful, but also more atmospheric and confident.

Every guest present, every flash of the flash, makes the atmosphere of this film festival even more enthusiastic. For Qin Hao, this red carpet is not just work, it seems to be more of a return for a twelve-year circle.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

The photo he shared on his social account holding hands with Lou Ye is not only a record of his return, but also a farewell to the past years and an expectation for the future.

The people around him are talking about Qin Hao's changes, from a young guy to a mature man now, the growth and transformation along the way, every step confirms his love and dedication to movies. And his fans are frantically reposting his photos on social platforms, every angle, every expression, is flawless in their eyes.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

But then again, Qin Hao is not the only highlight of this film festival. Louis Koo, an old actor, is also impressive. The new work "The Realm of Time" he brought this time has done a lot of work in terms of visual effects, and Louis Koo himself has done his best to interpret the role to the fullest.

In this star-studded occasion, everyone tried their best to bring out their best, and we, as spectators, also enjoyed a visual and emotional feast. Every star present has their own story, and every time they walk on the red carpet, it is an affirmation of their past efforts and a vision for the future.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

Each day of the festival features a different film screening and discussion, which is not only a platform to showcase works, but also a place to exchange ideas. Directors and actors from different countries get together to show their cultural characteristics and artistic pursuits through the form of film.

Especially for Zhong Chuxi, this trip to Cannes is not only a leap in his career, but also a comprehensive display of his personal charm. Her confident and elegant standing posture and bright smile seem to tell the world that she is not only a beautiful face, but also an excellent actor with profound acting skills.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

When the red carpet is over, some small parties and gatherings begin. In these more intimate settings, celebrities can take off their masks, unleash themselves, talk about the art of cinema with other filmmakers, and bring out their personalities and emotions more authentically. The bits and pieces of these parties, although not as high-profile as the red carpet, are a bridge that connects people's hearts.

Day 3 of Cannes: Louis Koo shines, Qin Hao returns after 12 years, and Zhong Chuxi is outstanding

On such a starlit night, everyone is telling their own story in their own way, whether it's under the spotlight or in a dark corner. And these stories have converged into the stage of the Cannes Film Festival, a stage that attracts global attention, and every moment is full of cinematic drama and drama

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