
Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

author:Xinmin said iHuman

In the summer of 1991, at the age of 11, Harry Potter received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, thus opening the mysterious door of magic.

Twenty-nine years later, another summer vacation, harry potter and the Philosopher's Stone 4K HD restoration 3D version of the country re-screening, and are you still waiting for the owl to deliver a letter from Hogwarts?

Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

In a Muggle world where magic is unknown, how do we become the next Harry Potter?

"Japanese Dark Aesthetics Master" Shibusawa Ryuhiko uses a copy of "Black Magic Handbooks" to help you realize your magical dreams! Shibusawa Ryuhiko introduced the Western magic lineage to Toei for the first time, and answered the past and present lives of various magics one by one in a simple language, which was the best choice for magic apprentices.

Uncover the dusty ancient european books and fall into endless imagination dreams.

Let's follow this Dumbledore of the Muggle world and take a magic lesson together!

Lesson 1: Divination class

Break through the fog of fate

The first lesson was Hermione's most hated divination lesson!

In her eyes, hermione, who had always focused on logical reasoning, the divination class was nothing more than "random speculation" and "a mess of paste", and even the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, did not intend to continue the course until he interviewed Sybil Trelawney.

Sybil Trelawney's usual madness seems to be out of tune, but he accurately predicts Voldemort's fierce enemy, Peter Pettigrew's escape and Voldemort's resurrection at key moments, and proves with strength that this magic is not a "deception".

Among the strange types of divination, card divination is the most widely known. On the night Dumbledore was killed, Trelawney, no matter how she placed the tarot cards, always drew the tower struck by lightning, and this revealing disaster and misfortune accurately predicted the fate of the old headmaster.

Is card divination a "trick to deceive children"? Where do those seemingly profound cards come from and where do they point?

In "Black Magic Handbooks", Shibusawa Ryuhiko reconstructs the magic system of tarot cards and takes you into the maze of ancient cards:

The tarot plaques are decorated with different colors, postures, and appendages, which shows that the tarot cards are a major system of memory based on countless traditional allegorical symbols.

The strange card face gives birth to a mysterious and mysterious meaning, and a card can have thousands of different interpretations. The mysterious symbols hidden in the images always seem to have no solution. It is not based on science, there is no "instruction manual" at a glance, there is no normative doctrine, it is impossible to make absolutely reasonable explanations with fixed theoretical rules, and everything is in flux.

The purpose of the tarot card is to try to induce our spirit into a flexible movement, to awaken the spirit that is not bound in any way, and the magical spiritual power that normally sleeps in the depths of consciousness because of customs and fixed ideas.

Tarot magic, which can be traced back to ancient times and has been passed down through the world for thousands of years, carries a practical and earthly concept: no matter what generation they are in, people always crave insight into the fate of themselves and others. Like the hot prophet in the werewolf kill, although he cannot decide his own life and death, he can open the eyes of God to see everything. In any case, divination is always a heartwarming superpower.

Therefore, in essence, divination is a grounded market science, Shibusawa Ryuhiko concluded:

Tarot divination is a kind of ordinary learning that exists in the city and is based on the beliefs of the people. That is to say, when alchemists and astrologers were expending their minds to dream of a high and find more perfect technical means, the tarot warlocks had become the confidants of the people, divining for the small people to predict the good fortunes and misfortunes of real life, and mingling with the people of the city.

Shibusawa tells us that divination is not difficult, and it is better to explain the card face with his own telepathy.

Keep it simple: follow your heart!

Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Lesson 2: Astronomy

Uncover the wonders of the stars

If the divination class sounds like a metaphysics that is subject to talent, then the next astronomy course has a sophisticated system of knowledge.

In contrast to divination classes, astronomy is highly regarded at Hogwarts House and is not only one of the core subjects, but also a key subject in the Wizarding Level Examination. However, astronomy is one of the few courses at Hogwarts that does not require the use of any practical magic.

At Hogwarts, Aurora Sinista led students to memorize the names, orientations, and trajectories of stars, constellations, and planets, and used telescopes to observe the stars.

Then again, humans in the Muggle world have been searching for ways to calculate the trajectory of the stars since the beginning of civilization.

Ryūhiko Shibusawa consulted and combed through many documents: the ancient Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Persians were all clever mathematicians in this regard. They had no calculators or telescopes, but found many important astronomical phenomena.

In our inertial thinking, Copernicus used telescopes to stargazing, thus proposing the heliocentric theory.

In fact, telescopes did not appear until the early 17th century, and Renaissance astronomers relied on rulers, triangular plates, and a pair of naked eyes to observe the stars. But even under such rudimentary conditions, astrologers have drawn a clumsy but accurate map of the celestial body.

Through meticulous observation and rigorous calculations, astrologers restore the order of the universe little by little, and try to relate the mathematical laws of celestial movement to the fickle fate of human beings, and find scientific explanations for the trajectory of life. In the eyes of Shibusawa Ryuhiko, astronomy and astrology show the unremitting pursuit of human civilization to the mysteries of the universe and the insight of continuous evolution:

If the universe is likened to a precision clock, then astrology is a secret art for exploring the laws of the operation of the celestial gear device. The text legend on the clock is a celestial celestial body, so the key to this secret art is to observe the trajectory of the celestial body's movement.

So, the secret to getting started with this course is: learn math well and learn to use telescopes!

Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Look up to hermione

Lesson 3: Potions

Tap into the magic of nature

There is no need to wield a wand, no need to activate the Philosopher's Stone, several ingredients, a pot of boiling soup, you can prepare a powerful potion. Professor Snape, the "Half-Blood Prince," described it in the first Potions class:

I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of the slow simmering cauldron of white smoke and the fragrance, you don't really understand the liquid that flows into people's veins, the magic of the heart and the will... I can teach you how to raise your prestige, brew glory, and even stop death.

Making potions is a must for every magician, such as life and death water, bone spirit, elixir, compound decoction, elixir, and even hair care water that makes bald people envious. Under the potion, the magicians hang all the way, not only can easily heal injuries, reverse age, but also instantly increase the combat value.

But in the Muggle world, we have a hard time finding potion ingredients such as Fleur's mucus, Hoklap juice, sleepy beans, and so on.

Don't be discouraged, Shibusawa Ryuhiko tells us that there are mysterious powers hidden in ordinary nature!

Albert the Great's "On Gems and Their Effects" records that mustard greens and wolf teeth together can be wrapped in osmanthus leaves to carry around to resist others from slandering themselves, emerald gems can make people become talented, corals can avoid storms and beach risks...

It is believed that gemstones contain pure natural mysterious powers that have not been touched by humans.

From the Middle Ages onwards, this natural belief gradually evolved into a variety of tricks and magic, amulets, lucky rings, metal medals began to become popular, reflecting the nature of the bone physiognomy and palmology appeared one after another.

In potions class, Shibusawa Ryuhiko gave a third focus: being close to nature.

Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Lesson 4

How to fend off Dementors

In the wizarding world, there are many monsters, and among them, the Dementor is undoubtedly one of the ugliest things.

This dark creature not only sucks people's peace, hope and happiness, causing people to fall into depression and despair; it can even suck away people's souls, leaving an empty "empty shell".

Dementors are like the nocturnal monsters widely spread in the Middle Ages - ghosts, dream demons have no substance, and are entangled with all sentient beings all day long, making people panic, depressed and even depressed.

Every time Harry Potter, the Chosen Son, encounters a Dementor, he is stripped of his happiness and faints, not to mention us mules.

Wizards can defend against Dementors by practicing the Guardian Charm, but how can we defend against dark creatures?

According to the theological books, if you want to exorcise the demons of dreams, it is best to burn spices made of pepper, aristolochia rhizome, caryophyllus, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, suhe, benzoin, and agarwood. This formula is said to be effective against the devil who loves water vapor. If you want to deal with other demons, you can use water lotus, moss, euphorbia, poison tomato, and celestial grass.

It sounds simple, there is nothing that a pot of "Chinese medicine" cannot solve.

But Ryūhiko Shibusawa, after an encyclopedic dissection, argues that the above demons and ghosts are nothing more than an image of the human imagination:

The weakness and ugliness of human beings themselves give rise to dream demons, and their mischief inspires human beings to inspire superior imagination, such as the wonderful works of Goya, Bosch, Edgar Poe, Lotmunach and others. There is a deep and unfathomable connection between masturbation art and devil's.

So, perhaps the most powerful weapon against Dementors is just take it easy.

Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

After Attending Ryūhiko Shibusawa's magic class, are you still unsatisfied?

In fact, the above courses are just the skin of the Black Magic Handbook. In this collection of essays, which Yukio Mishima praised as "professional killer-like", Ryūhiko Shibusawa revolves around medieval European folklore and the occult, but the content is extremely rich, not only collecting many documents such as history, classics, and legends that are not well understood, but also introducing the development of medieval witchcraft and magic and related knowledge in a seemingly loose structure.

From Muggle White to Wizard Boss, you're only one copy of Black Magic Stickers!

Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
Have you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

The famous modern Japanese novelist and critic Ryuhiko Shibusawa was fascinated by demonic and occult in the 1960s, and this book is the result of his first foray into the field of occultism. The book contains more than ten essays on medieval European folklore and the occult, such as Kabbalah, rosicrucians, tarot cards, alchemy, constellations, witchcraft, black masses, etc. The essays are concise in length but extremely rich in content, not only collecting many unknown documents of history, scriptures, legends and other documents, but also introducing the development of medieval witchcraft and magic and related knowledge under the seemingly loose structure. The author shows that the "black" of black magic, its history and the supposed appearance of the people, were formed in the interaction with the church and people of medieval Europe.

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