
Chi Xing Xiwang Tour 1 (This Trip Hope Trip) Remember the return trip on the sixth day of the first six days of the Spring Festival in 2021

author:Wenxin can be identified xiangyun 02

With reluctance, Chen Wen set off from home, the holiday was nearing the end, and the return trip was always on the road. Cars drive through rural roads, national highways, and on highways, a total of more than 420 kilometers.

The rural street scene next to the road is familiar, and on the sixth day of the Spring Festival, people are still reunited at home and carrying gift bags to relatives. Parking outside the store to shop, the New Year is full of joy, the elderly and children are happy, and it is close to the working day, and some people are going to leave for work in the distance.

Yinhui town T-shaped intersection, vehicles lined up a long queue, from the east to the direction of Shitai, turn left is the direction of the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway Yinhui toll station, turn right is the direction of Chizhou urban area, traffic flow is very large, not far in front of the gas station outside the start of queuing.

Enter the highway and the vehicle is already driving slowly at the beginning. The rhythm of moving forward has been a long time, and people who are acute can't accept it, but they still have to endure it. The traffic in front of them can't see their heads, the competition in the fast and slow lanes is not divided into each other, and the bozhong is also orderly. Restlessly counting the emergency lanes, one after another quickly passed the car, knowing that it could not be done, sometimes like a very naughty child, one after the other ran forward.

The Chizhou section of the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway is always in a slow line, easy to sleep in spring, just confused on the car, eyes can't stop blinking, Chen Wen drove the car to the front Ofma Ya service area to stop. After going to the bathroom for a short break, I went back to the car and slept for a while. Lie down slightly, open a skylight, and get up after a short lunch break.

On the parking lot of the service area, the vehicles came and went in a hurry, Chen Wenxian came to see, and found that there was a white car trunk damaged, the car was rear-ended, the heavy dent was printed on the car, and the back box cover was slightly cocked. A group of people gathered around the traffic police, saying that there was some resentment, and the traffic police were kind and comforting.

First, today's traffic flow is particularly large, bumps and bumps are still small, both sides do not worry, the loss responsibility is clear after taking insurance. When he learned that the owner of the car was a short distance, starting from Anqing to the direction of Qingyang Jiuhua Mountain, he especially reminded that taking the national highway was fast, and today he could try not to go without taking the highway.

Whenever the traffic police appear around everyone, the bottomless people will be panicked, people who drive according to the rules will rejoice, they appear on the highway, escort for safe driving, across the Qingtong River Bridge is the Boundary of Tongling, in the Shangshui Bridge hub all the way to the Tianmen service area, traffic police comrades on duty on the side of the road, people are moved.

Although it has been slowing down, the driver and passenger have many complaints in their hearts, but they can be understood. Safe passage and maintaining a good distance from the car in front of you are particularly important, and negligence often leads to unnecessary incidents. For the sake of safety, if you are not in a hurry, run to the service area and rest appropriately. (To be continued)

Diary of February 19, 2021

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