
Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

author:Greenhouse nets

When the wildest year is coming to an end, most of us have had unforgettable moments, and it's good to know that some things remain the same.

For example, the sun is still shining, the birds are still singing... For example, some Canadian thieves are still stealing unexpected items...

Yes, even spending a year in lockdown can't stop thieves from sneaking in and stealing puzzling items like ice cream sticks, radar speed cameras, or 21 ducks.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

According to CTV statistics on the 15 most bizarre items stolen in 2020, as usual, this year's statistics are the items that have occurred and have been reported to the Canadian Police Force to be eligible for the list.

1, golden car, but not real gold

On February 1 of this year, local police in Calgary received a police report that a car owner said his pickup truck had been stolen from a repair shop.

Car thefts often occur, but fortunately, the police are very powerful, and it did not take long to find the stolen pickup truck.

Unexpectedly, this car thief still has a lot of love for the whole work, and actually modified the car back and forth, the body was sprayed with golden paint, and the chassis was also improved.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

It doesn't look like it's very well opened...

In fact, the police found the car in a wonderful situation, because it was reported to have driven into a ditch.

Subsequently, during the investigation, the police were surprised to find that the thief they had been looking for was the owner of the car.

The young owner, who was only 23 years old, was later charged with fraud, trespassing and mischief. The police did not charge him with theft because, logically, the car was his.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

Why do you want to say that you have self-directed and self-acted to make such a play? It is understood that it is to defraud the insurance money. It's also pretty hard...

2. The sleigh in the movie

Another puzzling theft in Calgary, the theft of a sleigh from the movie Cool Runnings, made Calgary headlines.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

The sleigh of john Candy's 1993 film On Ice has been hanging from the roof of a restaurant for years. One day in late October, it disappeared.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

The thieves were apparently prepared, because to steal the sled, a long ladder had to be erected.

3. Bear statue that loves ice cream

In January, a hand-carved wooden bear statue in front of an ice cream parlor in Chemainus, BC, was stolen. As shown in the image below, only a bear paw remains in the middle.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

The owner of the ice cream parlor said it was the third time one of the bears had disappeared. Still, as in the previous few times, the bear will eventually return. A week later, the bear was found on a nearby road, along with a small note that said an apology for the theft.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

In order to keep the children from being sad and sad, the little bear statue was also sent to the "hospital" for "treatment" and bandages were tied to the legs.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

4. Popcorn cartoon mascot

A giant popcorn cartoon mascot in Vancouver called Poppey, the mascot of Vancouver's downtown business promotion area (BIA), was stolen in April.

One BIA employee said he didn't know why someone would steal Poppy because it would be too obvious if the thief tried to wear it in public.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

Just a few days after the theft occurred, the police found it and returned it to the BIA.

5. Rice

Someone else stole rice, and in May this year, 1,450 kilograms of rice from a business in Benabee was stolen.

A whistleblower told police that the stolen rice was sold online, and eventually investigators found a warehouse where rice and many other stolen items were found.

6. Cash with principal and interest

Regardless of what it is said, it feels bad that things have been stolen, but if the thieves can return the things, the mood of recovery is still very good.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

Ontario St. The clerk of a grocery store in Thomas received a surprise from a thief in April.

One day, while working for the clerk, the money in his wallet was stolen, and it was not a small amount.

Just when the clerk was upset and upset about this, the next day, the man who stole the money came to the convenience store again, and he not only returned the money he stole yesterday, but also left a letter of apology, and even gave 100 Canadian dollars.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

The clerk had mixed feelings in his heart: I just called the police, sad for a night, thinking that the money could not be found, and the result was earned?

7. The camera that issues the ticket

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

In June, speed radar cameras were installed on some streets in Toronto. This photo artifact that frightens drivers can automatically issue tickets and weighs up to 360 kilograms.

As a result, someone stole one. Police said that under normal circumstances, the camera could only be moved with the help of a hydraulic lift. Until now, the police could not find the camera, nor could they find the suspect.

8. Plants

The pandemic has caused many Canadians to become more interested in gardening this year, which may be why there have been so many cases of tree and plant theft.

Surveillance footage outside the house of Hugo Huynh, a Vancouver resident, showed a man approaching his home in a minivan and pulling out Japanese maples and stealing them. When he posted it on social media, he received many messages telling him that garden theft was rampant in and around Vancouver this year.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

A restaurateur in Surrey said plants on her restaurant's terrace had been stolen three times in four months.

But it's not just a problem for B.C. Ontario residents also say that plants in their homes were uprooted in the middle of the night.

In Quebec, a vineyard in Monteregie was stolen 500 kilograms of grapes.

9. School slides

In September, Suncrest Elementary School in Burnaby, BC province, opened, but part of the playground was blocked.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

The reason is simple, a slide has been stolen. I don't know who removed a slide from the ride and moved it away. The school said that after at least 3 weeks, everyone may have found that there is one less slide.

10. Children's shoes

The strangest method of theft encountered throughout the year came from Nanaimo.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said surveillance footage showed a man spending more than two hours outside a building that supports a children's organization for autism and Down syndrome.

He didn't try to get in. But he spent two hours stealing a pair of children's shoes from inside the building's doors by manipulating a long stick.

11. Crabs

In June this year, three truck drivers stole four truckloads of snow crab meat worth more than $1 million after driving a large truck to pick up the goods in two large trucks.

Someone stole this? 2020 Canada Strange Thief Awards, laugh me to death hahahahahaha

According to the video surveillance data found by the RCMP, the drivers who stole the snow crabs at that time were all serious, holding forged pick-up documents, and after handing over the formalities with the parking lot staff, they signed the documents and then swung away from the truck.

They all look like regular truck drivers, but the truth is that they are all suspects of theft.

The RCMP said it was clear that the men had come for a purpose, and the snow crabs that the foodies in the trucks and trailers were eagerly waiting for were the targets of their theft. One of the vans was now found in Montreal, but it was empty. This is the picture below, leaving only an empty truck trailer.

Due to the epidemic restriction order, surveillance cameras only captured the face of one suspect, who was 50-70 years old and between five feet and six feet tall. Another evaded surveillance on the grounds of maintaining distance. At the moment only two drivers can be known to be white, male, and Speak French. Nothing else.

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