
The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

author:History Decryption Workshop

Li Lianying, the grand eunuch of the Qing Dynasty, is a figure that must be mentioned in china's modern history, who served Empress Dowager Cixi for many years and was an important red person around her. But you may not know that Li Lianying, as a eunuch, actually has her own descendants, and even his great-grandson is still alive and often visits his grave. Why does Li Lianying have descendants? Who will be his descendants? If you want to know, let Xiaobian reveal the secret for you:

The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

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Li Lianying was born on November 12, 1848, died on March 4, 1911, and was born in Hebei Province. Li Lianying's original name was Li Jinxi, and in the fifth year of Qing Xianfeng, because his family was poor and helpless, he became a eunuch and entrusted someone to enter the palace the following year. Li Lianying has been groping and playing in the palace for many years, accustomed to the darkness in the palace, and then summed up a set of her own unique skills for dealing with the world, laying the foundation for her future development.

The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

In the sixth year of Tongzhi, Li Lianying was made the second eunuch in the palace as he wished, and was personally given the name Lianying by Empress Dowager Cixi, and was later called "Lianying" in order to satirize his meaning of not being a man or a woman. Li Lianying was resourceful and clever, good at reading the mind of Empress Dowager Cixi, and was deeply valued, and in the end, Empress Dowager Cixi even broke the royal ancestral system of "the rank of eunuchs is limited to four products", and personally appointed Li Lianying as the chief eunuch of Zheng Erpin and commanded all the eunuchs in the palace. Li Lianying accompanied Empress Dowager Cixi for nearly 53 years, and throughout her life she was cautious and cautious, specifically acting according to the wishes of her master, becoming the most powerful eunuch in the imperial court at that time, and was also known as the "red man around the empress dowager Lafayette".

On November 15, 1908, Empress Dowager Cixi died, and Li Lianying also lost her patron and developed a heart of retreat. At that time, Li Lianying was only 61 years old, but she announced that she would keep filial piety for Empress Dowager Cixi for 100 days, and then left the palace in a low-key manner and lived a happy and happy life in the folk. By the fourth day of February 1911, Li Lianying, then 63 years old, died of illness and was buried in the Li Gong Ancestral Hall north of the Guandi Temple in The West Erli of Balizhuang, Haidian District, FuchengmenWai, and since then, the coffin has been built and concluded, becoming an important figure in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

All along, mysteries about Li Lianying have emerged. Some people call Li Lianying a great eunuch who has done all the bad things, and everything she does is an act of misleading the country and the people. However, some people believe that Li Lianying's cautious and low-key behavior throughout his life is not as bad as described in historical conclusions, on the contrary, his reputation in the imperial court is well-known. During the turbulent times, Li Lianying's tomb was vandalized, and the tomb seals and coffins were all destroyed. However, what is unexpected is that inside Li Lianying's coffin, there is only a dry head, but there is no body part. It is this strange phenomenon that has aroused the controversy of later historians, and there is still no academic consensus.

According to relevant experts, Li Lianying's grave is known locally as an "egg grave", that is, a grave made of sand mixed with egg white and glutinous rice paste, the purpose is not to want future generations to disturb her mausoleum. But the question arises, who would have done their best to make such a solid tomb for an old eunuch? The answer is simple, it is Li Lianying's descendant.

The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

Li Lianying also has descendants? As a eunuch, how could he have descendants? In fact, Li Lianying did have four sons, but these four sons were his righteous sons, and according to historical records, Li Lianying did not forget her family after her departure, but took them all to Beijing and was responsible for their expenses. Since Li Lianying had no heirs, his four sons were all heirs from his brother's family.

Li Lianying's four righteous sons, the eldest son Li Fukang, the second son Li Fukang, the third son Li Fuyin, and the fourth son Li Fuqing, are all peasant children and do not have too many outstanding points. Several people are also considered filial piety, and when Li Lianying died, they once launched the "Great Broken Filial Piety", saying that as long as someone came to kowtow for Li Lianying, he could receive three white-noodle steamed buns and a bowl of pork stew noodles, which was the last bit of filial piety for this dry father.

The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

Li Lianying's death left a large legacy for her four sons, and it was these inheritances that doomed them to different tragic lives. Except for Li Fuyin, the other three sons did not think of making progress, either gambling wildly or singing and chanting Buddha, and in just a few decades, they squandered their property and became beggars on the street. Li Fuyin, however, has a pure and good disposition, never likes to splurge recklessly, but is extremely simple, constantly buying houses and land, and living a very prosperous life.

This situation continued until liberation, when Li Fuyin's property was confiscated and he lived an ordinary life. However, Li Fuyin did not complain about the society, but also thanked his righteous father Li Lianying for his kindness, and basically went to his grave every year to sweep the grave and worship the tomb. However, after liberation, Li Lianying's cemetery has been classified by the relevant local departments as the Beijing 21st Century Experimental School, which implements strict closed management. However, Li Fuyin was anxious to go to the grave, and finally could only consult with the school's leaders, and every time he came, he needed to issue a certificate before he could be allowed to enter the school. To this day, Li Lianying's ninety-year-old granddaughter Li Zhengle and her great-grandson often come to the school to pay respects. They said that Li Lianying was the ancestor of their family, and as a descendant, it was a matter of course to go to his grave and sweep the grave for him.

The Grand Eunuch Li Lianying also has descendants, and his great-granddaughter is still alive and is currently doing these things

Speaking of this, we can't help but sigh that a hundred years ago, Li Lian was a powerful person at that time. However, after liberation, as a negative figure, he suffered from people's praise and criticism, and his descendants could not enjoy the shadow of this great eunuch, which was really sad.

Wen xiucai, editor-in-chief of Wenlan Hairun Studio, written by: Special history writer: Changshan Zhao Zi worm

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