
Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

Vulture, a large bird of prey, with a body length of 108-120 cm. The whole body is dark brown , the head is bare , with only short black-brown down feathers , the hind neck is completely naked and featherless , and the base of the neck is wrinkled with long black or pale brownish white feathers. Juveniles are paler than adults, have a more bare head, and are easier to identify.

Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

Vultures, which inhabit low hills and alpine wastelands and forests, are wild rock meadows, valley streams and forest edges, and are often individual, occasionally in small groups, especially in food-rich areas.

Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

Eurasian pygmy owl, characterized by gray-black, brown, white spots on top, lower than pick-stained brown and white. Nest sites are often wet or swampy terrain around, with water sources and nearby small spruce colonies.

Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

Vultures peep at animal carcasses. Occasionally, it flies low along the mountainous terrain, actively attacking small and medium-sized mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds, and sometimes attacking domestic animals.

Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

Among birds of prey, the vulture's ability to fly is relatively weak, and it will have an energy-saving way of flying - gliding.

Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

When vultures compete for food, there are some interesting changes in the color of their bodies. Usually its face is dark brown and its neck is lead blue. When it is pecking at animal carcasses, bright reds appear on its face and neck.

Vultures among birds of prey and Eurasian pygmy owls

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