
A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

author:Dr. Zhou said physique

Because children's digestive organs are not perfect, the mucous membranes in the stomach and intestines are relatively tender, and the secretion of digestive juices is insufficient, it is easy to have indigestion, accumulation of food, loss of appetite and other phenomena, and traditional Chinese medicine treatment is an important treatment for functional gastrointestinal diseases. That Xiaobian will introduce 24 kinds of commonly used proprietary Chinese medicines for children's indigestion for your reference:

1, Mr. Wang Bao Akamaru

1. [Composition of Chinese medicine] Huanglian, rhubarb, Guan Mutong, red peony, forsythia, gardenia, Xuan ginseng, smallpox pollen, skullcap, talc.

2. [Scope of Application]

It is used for pediatric lactation chancre, sputum convulsions, wheezing cough and phlegm, reduced milk food, vomiting fever, constipation, four-hour cold, and spleen and stomach weakness, dysplasia and other symptoms; adults with unclear stomach and phlegm block are also effective.

3. 【Dosage】

Pills can be attached to the nipple while breastfeeding and fed with the milk. If the lactation period has passed, the pills can be embedded in small pieces of soft and digestible food and taken together, 5 capsules per infant within 6 months of age, 6 months to 2 years old, 1 capsule every 1 month, and 5 capsules for 2 to 7 years old. 7 to 14 years old take 60 pills each time, and adults take 120 pills each time. Once a day for mild cases and 2 times a day for severe cases, as directed by a physician.

4. [Precautions] Spleen and stomach weakness, stomach cold should not be taken.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Second, pediatric food pills

1. [Composition of Chinese medicine] Divine Comedy (stir-fried), Hawthorn (fried), Malt (fried), Betel nut (fried), Curcuma (vinegar), Third Floor (made), Morning Glory (fried), rhubarb.

2. [Scope of application] for stagnation caused by food stagnation fever, symptoms such as anorexia, irritability, nausea and vomiting, thirst, abdominal distension, dry stool.

3. [Dosage] Oral, within the age of one year each time 1 pill, over the age of 2 times, 2 times a day.

4. 【Precautions】

(1) Avoid spicy and greasy food.

(2) Wax skin and plastic ball shell should be removed before taking: this product can be chewed or swallowed in parts.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

3. Add flavored bowa and pills

1. [Composition of Chinese medicine] Bai Shu, Tangerine Peel, Fa Ban Xia, Harvest Ling, Magnolia, Divine Comedy, Malt, Hawthorn, Xiangfu, Citrus Shell, Accumulation.

2. [Scope of application] for dietary stagnation, indigestion.

3. [Dosage] Oral administration, 3 to 6 grams each time, 2 times a day.

4. [Precautions] Avoid eating raw and cold foods.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Fourth, the hawthorn pill

1. [Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine] Hawthorn, Divine Comedy (bran stir-fry), sautéed malt.

2. [Scope of application] for food accumulation, meat accumulation, stop belt does not melt, full of bloating, food reduction.

3. [Dosage] Oral, 1 to 2 pills each time, 1-3 times a day; children should reduce it as appropriate.

(1) Diet should be clear, avoid alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food.

(2) It is not advisable to take tonic Herbs at the same time.)

(3) Weak spleen and stomach, no accumulation and lack of appetite are not suitable.

(4) Those with hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease and other diseases should take it under the guidance of a doctor.

(5) Children, pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly and infirm should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

(6) If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the drug for 3 days, you should go to the hospital for treatment.

(7) Those who are allergic to this product are banned, and those with allergies should use it with caution.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

5. Fat Pill

1. [Composition of Chinese medicine] nutmeg, wood aroma, Divine Comedy (stir-fried), malt (stir-fried), Hu Huanglian, betel nut, junziren.

2. [Scope of application] for children with indigestion, worm accumulation abdominal pain, yellow muscle thinness, less food bloating and diarrhea.

3. [Dosage] Oral, 1 to 2 pills each time, 1 to 2 times a day, children under 3 years of age should be reduced.

(1) The diet should be light, avoid wine and spicy, cold and greasy food.

(2) It is not advisable to take tonic Chinese medicine at the same time.

(4) It is forbidden for those who are allergic to this product, and those with allergies should use it with caution.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

6. Fragrant Sand Six Jun Pills

1. [【Composition of Chinese medicine】Wood aroma, sand kernel, dang ginseng, stir-fried white art, poria, hot licorice, tangerine peel, half summer (system), ginger, jujube.

2. [Scope of application] Qi healthy spleen, and stomach. It is used for spleen deficiency stagnation, indigestion, belching and eating less, hospital abdominal distension, and loose stool.

3. [Dosage] Oral, 6 pills each time, 2 times a day.

(1) Avoid eating raw, cold, greasy and indigestible foods.

(2) It is not suitable for those with dry mouth, little tongue and dry stool.

(3) It is not suitable for acute gastroenteritis, which is mainly manifested as nausea, vomiting stool watery diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Seven, fragrant sand citrus pills

1. [Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine] Wood aroma, Jishi (bran stir-frying), sand kernels, Bai Shu (bran stir-frying).

2. [Scope of application] Healthy spleen and appetizer, qi and diarrhea. It is used for spleen deficiency stagnation, abdominal stuffiness, lack of appetite, and soft stools.

3. [Dosage] Oral administration, 5 grams each time, 2 times a day.

4. [Precautions] Diet should be clear, avoid wine and spicy, raw cold, greasy food.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

VIII. Koshiju Hoshiwa Maru

1【Composition of Chinese medicine】

Cangshu (rice soup soaked in Sanju, stir-fried) 30 grams, Fu Qian (sake washing) 30 grams, Divine Comedy (stir-frying) 30 grams, Xiangfu (children's stool soaking, stir-frying) 30 grams, gardenia (stir-fried) 15 grams, tangerine peel 30 grams, Banxia (cannon) 30 grams, White Poria 30 grams, Forsythia 15 grams, Laifuzi (stir-frying) 15 grams, Jishi (bran stir-frying) 30 grams, Bai Shu 90 grams, Huanglian (wine stir-frying) 30 grams, hawthorn (pitted) 60 grams, wood incense 15 grams, angelica (wine washing) 30 grams.

2. [Scope of application] Liver soothing, depressive, appetizing and digesting. It is used for stagnation, fullness and noisiness, chest and abdominal distention and pain, indigestion.

3. [Dosage] Oral administration, 3 grams each time, 1 to 2 times a day.

4. [Precautions] Avoid eating raw, cold, greasy and indigestible foods.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Nine, citrus fruit anti-pimple pills

1. [Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine] Dried ginger, licorice, malt, white poria, baishu, half-summer qu, ginseng, magnolia, jishi, huanglian.

2. [Scope of application] Spleen deficiency stagnation, cold and heat mutual evidence. The heart is full, does not want to eat, is tired and weak, has poor stools, is mossy and yellowish, and has veins.

3. [Dosage] After a meal, send it with warm boiled water, 6 grams per serving, 2 times a day.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

10. Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules

1. [Composition of Chinese medicine] Bai Zhi, Cang Shu, Tangerine Peel, Large Belly Peel, Jujube, Poria Sativa, Licorice, Patchouli, Magnolia, Platycodon, Raw Half Summer, Ginger, Perilla Leaf.

2. [Scope of application] for external cold, internal injuries and stagnation, headache and dizziness, chest diaphragm, abdominal distention and pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

3. [Dosage] Oral administration, 1 to 2 capsules each time, 2 times a day.

(1) Diet should be light.

(2) It is not advisable to take tonic proprietary Chinese medicines at the same time.

(3) Pregnant women with serious chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, etc., or patients who are receiving other treatments, should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

(4) Symptoms do not improve after 3 days of taking the drug, or there is obvious vomiting and diarrhea, and there are other serious symptoms, you should go to the hospital.

(5) Take according to the dosage of the user, children, the elderly and the weak should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

(6) Long-term use should be consulted with a doctor.

(7) Those who are allergic to this product are banned, and those with allergies should use it with caution.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Eleven, six gentlemen pills

1. [Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicine] Ginseng, Poria Sativa, Bai Shu (bran stir-fry), licorice root (honey burning), Half Summer (made), Tangerine peel, ginger, jujube.

2. [Scope of application] for spleen and stomach weakness, indigestion, abdominal pain and loose stool.

3. [Dosage] Oral administration, 3 grams each time, 2 times a day, warm boiled water to take.

4. [Precautions] Avoid greasy raw and cold food.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

XII. The spleen awakens the granules

1. 【Composition of the drug】 Hawthorn, malt, chicken inner gold, yam, coix kernel, white lentils, tangerine peel, poria.

2. [Function] Strengthen the spleen and stomach, digest food and chemical accumulation.

3. [Indications] Anorexia in children caused by spleen deficiency and food stagnation, loose stools, and emaciation and weakness.

4. [Precautions] Avoid raw cold and greasy food that is not easy to digest. Do not use if you have a cold.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

13. Compound prince ginseng granules

1. [Drug composition] Taizi ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Poria sativa, hawthorn, malt, grain sprout, zinc sulfate, calcium gluconate, ferric ammonium citrate.

2. [Effect] Beneficial qi, healthy spleen and digestion.

3. [Indications] Anorexia, diarrhea and iron deficiency anemia in children.

4. [Precautions] Avoid raw, cold, greasy, and indigestible foods.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

14. Pediatric spleen support granules

1. [Drug composition] Self-technique, ginseng, hawthorn, poria, tangerine peel, lotus seed.

2. [Function] Strengthen the spleen and stomach, help digestion.

3. [Indications] Pediatric L spleen and stomach deficiency, indigestion, physical loss.

4. [Precautions] Avoid cold, greasy and indigestible food.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Fifteen, Kang Er ling granules

1. [Composition of the drug] Bai Shu (stir-fried), Hu Huang Lian, Junzi, Poria, Citrus aurantium (fried), Tangerine peel, Malt (stir-fried), Six Divine Comedy (stir-fried), Eleutherocococcus, Hawthorn (fried scorched), Lotus seed, Licorice root (hot).

2. [Function] Nourish the spleen, appetize and digest food.

3. [Indications] Spleen and stomach weakness, loss of appetite, indigestion, thin body.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Sixteen, Qihu hawthorn granules

1. [Drug Composition] Astragalus, yam, burning licorice, poria, dendrobium, malt (stir-fried), hawthorn, papaya, ginseng, tangerine peel, white art.

2. [Function] Strengthen the spleen and stomach, improve the qi and solidify the table, eliminate food stagnation.

3. [Indications] Improve children's spleen and stomach qi deficiency, spleen failure caused by anorexia, partial eating, sweating, stool irregularities, easy to catch a cold.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

17. Children increase food granules

1. [Drug composition] Hawthorn. Malt, Hexagon, Poria, Triangular, Tangerine Peel, Nutmeg, Fragrant, Citrus Aurantium, Betel Nut, Rhubarb, Licorice.

2. [Function] Eliminate food stagnation and enhance appetite.

3. [Indications] Pediatric anorexia, partial food, yellow muscle thin, convenient, food accumulation.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

18. Infant spleen granules

1. 【Drug composition】 White lentils (fried), white art (fried), yam (fried), chicken inner gold (fried), wood aroma, Sichuan shellfish, artificial bovine yolk, sodium bicarbonate.

2. [Function] Strengthen the spleen, digestion, antidiarrhea.

3. [Indications] Infant non-infectious diarrhea belongs to the spleen deficiency and stagnation certificate, the symptoms see an increase in the number of stools, feces are thin, smelly, contain unmelted substances, and the face is not gorgeous. Less intake of breast food, bloating, abdominal pain, restless sleep.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Nineteen, a twist of gold

1. [Drug composition] rhubarb, morning glory, betel nut, ginseng.

2. [Function] Consumption of food and stagnation, expectorant laxative.

3. [Indications] Children stop breastfeeding and eating, bloating and constipation, sputum and wheezing cough.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

20. Golden scattering within the hawthorn

1. [Composition of the drug] Hawthorn, Chicken Inner Gold, Forsythia, Stone Calamus, Chicken Ya Vine, Watercress, Loquat Leaf, Cicada Metamorphosis.

2. [Function] Strengthen the spleen and stomach, eliminate accumulation and stagnation.

3. [Indications] Pediatric chancre caused by food accumulation internal stop, loss of appetite, abdominal distention and pain, indigestion, fecal disorders.

4. [Precautions] Avoid cold, greasy and indigestible food. Do not take if you have a cold.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

21. Pediatric spleen accumulation oral solution

1. [Drug composition] ginseng, astragalus, baishu, poria, yellow essence, jiao hawthorn, malt, six divine comedies (fried), grain buds, chicken inner gold (stir-fried). Lycaena, stretcher grass, grass cardamom, patchouli, woody. Citrus aurantium, incense stick, cangshu, betel nut, bellflower, bitter almond, ume, rhubarb, meritorious leaf, melon, comfrey, licorice.

2. [Function] Beneficial qi and healthy spleen, digestion and accumulation.

3. [Indications] Spleen deficiency and stagnation caused by food, lack of energy, body loss, stool dry knots and other symptoms.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

22. Pediatric gastric oral liquid

1. [Composition of the drug] Tangerine peel, cloves, yam, hawthorn, malt, grain sprouts, ume.

2. [Function] Strengthen the spleen and stomach, rationalize qi and consume food.

3. [Indications] Hypo appetite, bloating, heating, abdominal heating caused by anorexia accumulation in children.

4. [Precautions] Avoid raw cold and greasy food that is not easy to digest.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

23. Athlete oral liquid

1. [Drug composition] Astragalus, Astragalus, Poria, Wuzhuangzi, Epimedium, Oyster, Qingdai, Chicken Inner Gold.

2. [Function] Help correct and dispel evil spirits, fix the surface and stop sweating, strengthen the spleen and stomach.

3. [Indications] Spleen deficiency and stomach weakness caused by less food, more sweating. Restless sleep

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

Twenty-four, athletes scattered

1. [Composition of the drug] Yam, Sichuan Ginseng, Coix Kernel (stir-fried), Malt, Grain Sprout (stir-fried), Chicken (duck) Inner Gold (stir-fried).

2. [Function] Regulates the spleen and stomach and promotes appetite.

3. [Indications] Anorexia, wasting, dyspepsia.

A complete set of proprietary Chinese medicines for children with dyspepsia

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