
The Confidence of a Great Power - The Ninety-Year Revelation of the People's Military Industry

author:Bright Net

Guangming Daily reporter Cui Xingyi

In October 1931, a team came to a remote mountain village in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, and in the process of knocking, beating, smashing, and hammering, the first arsenal of our party and our army was born, and the people's military industry began.

In October 2021, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center successfully launched the Long March rocket carrying the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft, and the core module of the Chinese space station welcomed new visitors.

From earth guns and artillery to aircraft carrier spacecraft, in the past 90 years, the people's military industry has formed a national defense science and technology industrial system covering six major industries: nuclear, aerospace, aviation, weapons, ships, and electronics.

The casting of swords stops the battle, and the confidence of a big country comes from this.

The military soldiers who followed the predecessors and successors made outstanding contributions to the Chinese people standing up

In the 1840s, ancient China was opened by the strong guns of the great powers, and China's fate has since entered an unprecedented tragic situation. In the face of aggression, the Chinese army with backward weapons and equipment has been defeated and retreated. The country has been humiliated, the people have suffered hardships, and the Chinese nation has suffered unprecedented disasters.

Without a strong people's army and equipment to subdue the enemy, there would be no country and people. At the 1927 "Eighty-Seven Conference", Mao Zedong proposed: "It is necessary to know that political power is obtained from the barrel of a gun. ”

Revolution needs armament, and war needs weapons.

In 1931, the quiet Village of Guantian in Jiangxi Province walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. The "Regulations on the Administration of Ideological and Political Work" formulated by the Guantian Arsenal clearly stipulates that the Central Arsenal is a state enterprise organization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and an inseparable part of the armed group of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

From the very beginning, the people's military industry has established the bloodline gene of obeying the party's command and following the party. The loadload of raw materials was turned into a batch of guns and ammunition, which contributed to supporting the Red Army in winning the victory in the struggle against encirclement and suppression.

At the end of 1935, the Central Military Commission established the Arsenal of the General Supply Department of the Central Military Commission in Wayao Fort, which was later moved to Wuqi Town, Yan'an Liushudian and Ansai County Tea Fang Town, which was once famous for Liu Guifu, Sun Yunlong and other workers who made new rifles.

In 1937, the National War of Resistance broke out. In the face of the Japanese Kou, whose weapons and equipment are in full superiority, the people's army urgently needs better guns and more ammunition. Mao Zedong pointed out: "In the past, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was partially defeated, and it was also a reason why our national defense industry was inferior to that of the enemy. ”

Weiwei Taihang is located in the Eighth Route Army's largest arsenal, the Huangyadong Arsenal. Here was born our army's first standardized rifle - "Bayi-type horse rifle", which is shorter and lighter than ordinary rifles, and has an effective firing range of 200 meters. Mao Zedong once picked it up with his own hands and pulled the bolt of the gun, aimed it, and said happily: "We can build guns ourselves!" This gun is easy to use and well built! It's beautiful! It is necessary to create conditions for more production and support the front line. ”

Represented by the Huangyadong Arsenal, a large number of military undertakings led by the Party produced a large number of weapons and ammunition during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. It made important contributions to the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army in upholding the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression behind enemy lines and winning the final victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

The American journalist Edgar Snow, who visited the arsenal at the time, described it this way in His Journey to the West: "They realized that they were working for themselves and China, and they said they were revolutionaries!" ”

Indeed, the 90 years of the people's military industry have been full of ups and downs, and it is inseparable from the predecessors and successors of countless revolutionaries.

Wu Yunduo, who has been injured many times in his life, has experienced more than 20 surgeries, has more than 100 wounds all over his body, left dozens of shrapnel in his body, and the joints on his legs have been fixed by plaster bandages for a long time, have hardened, and walked straight... But with tenacious perseverance, he has always insisted on fighting in the front line of production and scientific research. He said: "As long as I live for one day, I will certainly work for the party for the people for one day." At the National Day dinner in 1951, Zhou Enlai shook Wu Yunduo's hand and said, "You are China's Paul Kochakin." ”

An inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood, a hot soil and a soul. The brave and loyal military workers, in the smoke of artillery fire, worked day and night to provide a steady supply of arms to the people's army, and made outstanding meritorious contributions to the Chinese people standing up.

The clouds on the Gobi desert are the iron fists formed by Chinese with ambition

At the founding ceremony, Mao Zedong solemnly proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China. The PLA officers and men passed through Tiananmen Square majestically, but they could not avoid the backwardness of weapons and equipment.

The 17 planes that participated in the parade were almost all the planes that Could Fly in China at that time. In order to fly out of momentum, Zhou En: "Your fighter jet is fast, you can fly twice." ”

Shortly after the founding ceremony, Xiao Jinguang, the first commander of the navy, inspected the defense and could only take a fishing boat because of the lack of ships.

The country is defenseless.

In 1953, in a secluded mountain village on the outskirts of Nanjing, dozens of young people stared at the instruments in front of them. When the first sound of radio waves slowly sounded, the first radar designed by New China itself, the "314A Medium-Range Alert Radar", finally detected the air signal 80 kilometers away, and we had our own "clairvoyance".

The state-owned 112 factory, China's aviation industry started from here. From repairing parts of Soviet fighter jets to repairing large structures such as fuselages and wings, China's aviation industry has mastered aircraft manufacturing technology in a short period of time. In 1956, China's first pilot jet fighter was finally successfully manufactured. At the National Day military parade that year, Mao Zedong happily said to his friends: "The plane we built ourselves flew over." ”

While the construction of New China is in full swing, the clouds of nuclear war are quietly enveloping the land of Shenzhou. In April 1956, Mao Zedong mentioned the atomic bomb at an enlarged meeting of the Politburo. He said: In today's world, if we want to be free from bullying, we can't do without this thing.

In 1964, China's first atomic bomb exploded, and the clouds on the Gobi desert were like Chinese fists made of innovation and ambition!

In less than three years, the mushroom cloud in the depths of the desert took off again, and China's first hydrogen bomb exploded successfully! From the explosion of the first atomic bomb to the successful test of the first hydrogen bomb, it took more than 7 years for the United States, 4 years for the Soviet Union, and only 2 years and 8 months for China.

The spirit of "two bombs and one satellite", which was born in the midst of hardships and hardships, is behind the unimaginable hardships of military workers. "A person's name is going to disappear sooner or later, and it is enough to be relieved to be able to integrate his meager strength into the cause of a strong country." Back then, Yu Min, the founder of the "two bombs and one star," said so. For twenty-eight years in anonymity, he creatively proposed the "Yu's configuration" and made outstanding contributions to the breakthrough of the hydrogen bomb.

"Do earth-shattering things, do anonymity and bury celebrities." From scientific giants to ordinary workers, more than 100,000 military workers and participating troops bid farewell to their relatives and friends and walked into the mysterious forbidden area in the western part of the motherland. 90% of them are under the age of 35. Some people leave their families for twenty years with a paper transfer order; some people give up their bright future to take root in the northwest desert, some people test against nuclear radiation, and some people use their lives to guard top-secret scientific research materials...

Not only has China made important breakthroughs in missile and nuclear bomb technology, but China's technological capabilities have also expanded from land to space. On April 24, 1970, the Long March 1 carrier rocket carried the "Dongfanghong I" satellite into the air, like a huge and bright meteor, cutting through the silent sky on the northwest Gobi Desert, and we mastered the cutting-edge technology of artificial satellites.

In April 2020, the 50th anniversary of the successful launch of the "Dongfanghong-1" satellite. General Secretary Xi Jinping replied to the old scientists who participated in the "Dongfanghong No. 1" mission: "In those years, you were angry and worked hard, creating extraordinary achievements that made the people of all ethnic groups in the country proud, and demonstrating the great spirit of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement. ”

The people's military industry has established the Orient, and the merits of the military workers have shone brightly. "History proves that focusing on the development of cutting-edge technologies is a very far-sighted and bold strategic decision, which is of great and far-reaching significance to the development of China's national defense science and technology undertakings and the modernization of national defense." Zhang Kejian, director of the Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, was vocal.

Nine days, five oceans, and protection of the people, military workers always have "the great power of the country" in mind.

On July 1, 2021, the Communist Party of China celebrated its centennial anniversary. Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo, three astronauts who are on the Chinese space station, sent their blessings from the vast space: "Happy birthday to the great Communist Party of China!" ”

From the red ship to the spaceship, it has witnessed the great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong.

On July 31, 2017, at the Zhurihe Training Base in Inner Mongolia, China independently developed the first large-scale transport aircraft, the Yun-20, soared into the blue sky and accepted the inspection of the motherland and the people.

Its birth embodies the wisdom of a big country and carries the trust of a big country.

The development of Chinese its own large transport aircraft requires the wisdom of the industry and the strength of the whole country. The six major OEMs in the aviation industry, about 200 enterprises, and thousands of parts suppliers, have converged into a research and development army of more than 100,000. The number of participating units, the complexity of the system, the distance across the region, and the large number of participants have created the first in the history of China's aviation development.

The soaring sky is far from the end, but a new beginning. Developed by China itself, the stealth fighter J-20 and the tactical utility helicopter Z-20 have been successively installed in the unit.

From the sky to space, everything is for the motherland to fly higher.

At the recently concluded China Air Show, the "native product" lunar soil brought back from the moon by Chang'e 5 was exhibited. The gift, from 380,000 kilometers away, stems from a decision made 17 years ago.

In 2004, the state officially approved the lunar exploration project and named it "Chang'e Project". A space systems project began. According to statistics, there are nearly 2,000 direct and indirect participating units in China's lunar exploration project, and tens of thousands of scientific researchers. In the view of Hu Hao, chief designer of the third phase of China's lunar exploration project, "It is precisely under the guarantee of the new national system that the Chang'e project can be smoothly implemented as a strategic scientific project with a long cycle, high risks and high difficulties, and finally bear fruitful results." ”

Whether it is the nine days that are out of reach, or the unfathomable five oceans. Military workers have always had the "great power of the country" in mind and constantly expanded the exploration territory of cutting-edge science and technology.

On October 5, 2021, China's all-sea deep manned submersible "Strivers" realized the application of conventional scientific research for the first time. During this dive, the "Strivers" carried out the use of bathymetry side sweep equipment for target search and terrain exploration, and collected sediments, rocks and biological samples from the abyss seabed, which means that it has been officially put into scientific research applications.

In 2020, the "Strivers" set a new Record for Chinese manned deep diving of 10,909 meters in the Mariana Trench, reaching the world's top level. Netizens brushed the screen: "It is worthy of the motherland!" ”

In times of peace, facing extraordinary periods and special tasks, the people's military industry is committed to "people first" and stands up when the country needs it.

"Nuclear radiation" sterilization technology, the use of high-energy radiation to quickly kill sanitary protective equipment, shortening the killing time from the original 7 to 14 days to 1 day;

In response to the problem of fogging of medical goggles, military researchers spent 7 days to develop a 3D printed medical goggles, using special plating technology to solve the problem of lens fogging...

In 2020, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic was unexpected. Military enterprises have undertaken the heavy responsibility of producing anti-epidemic materials, provided a large number of scarce and high-quality epidemic prevention materials in a short period of time, and made military contributions to the fight against the epidemic.

"In the past hundred years, the reason why the people's military industry has been reborn in the fire, phoenix nirvana, and suffering and glory is fundamentally the result of the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China and the result of adhering to the red gene of the original mission of 'dedicating everything to the party' and 'putting the interests of the country above everything.'" Zhang Kejian pointed out that the people's military industry has always been closely linked with the development of the Communist Party of China, the process of the Chinese revolution, and the socialist modernization drive, and has consciously integrated itself into the practice of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ninety years of shocking waves lapping on the shore, ninety thousand miles of wind and peng. The people's military industry has supported the rise of a big country with heavy weapons, and used the national burden to stand up the backbone of the nation, and generations of military workers have illuminated the dream of a strong country that will never be bullied by others with all their lives and passions!

Guangming Daily ( October 29, 2021 01 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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