
Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

author:Country side dishes

Leeks are common vegetable leafy vegetables, have their own unique taste, scrambled egg meat, boiled soup, cold mix, stuffing, etc., delicious, eating methods are diverse; planting, itself leeks have few pests and diseases, easy tillers to grow and can grow for many years, known as "lazy vegetables", people like to plant, the countryside basically grow their own vegetables to eat farmers will grow leeks in the vegetable field, plant a small ridge, leeks grow in the process of not spraying pesticides to prevent pests and diseases, leeks grow well, harvested many times a year to eat, And specially planted a large number of leeks sold in the market, leek growth process, in order to reduce the impact of diseases and insect pests, growers sometimes choose to use pesticides, it is not surprising, see the need to choose; that is, in the process of leek planting and growth, no drug management, can meet the needs of the general family to eat leeks; of course, since there is no drug management, then other aspects are not conducive to the management of diseases and insect pests can not be ignored, the following combined with the village vegetables to see and experience to say:

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

After the first harvest in spring, the leeks grow luxuriantly

What pests are leeks prone to, and how are they harmed?

Pests have their own dietary preferences, on the village vegetable planting and in the countryside to see, leeks are generally not easy to be infested; the mother of the family has been planting leeks in the reserved land for many years, asked the mother, the mother said that the leeks are particularly good vegetables to grow, the farmers plant to eat generally do not have to worry about insects, insect pests are very few, if it is insects, it is generally the underground pest leek maggots; the leeks harmed by the leeks are damaged, the whole plant grows poorly, gradually withers and dies, and the leeks are dug out to clean up the debris in the ground. Plough the grass and wood ash mixed soil and expose the leek field, pick out the good leek root pruning root system to leave a short drying insect repellent and then take it to plant; as for how leeks provoke that kind of pest, it is generally related to improper fertilization by farmers, when the garlic planted by the country vegetables themselves is maggoted, I agree with the reason for improper fertilization.

1, the application of manure that is not completely decomposed, leeks are maggots

The improper fertilization here refers to taking manure that is not completely decomposed to fertilize the leeks, attracting the adult insects of the leeks to lay eggs in the leek field and hatch the leeks to harm the leeks; the adult worms of the leeks are called the late-eyed mushroom mosquitoes, which have wings to fly around, and the stinky feces smell emitted by the manure that is not completely decomposed is liked by them, and the adult leek maggots with a keen sense of smell are easy to know where they like this taste, so they go.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

Leek maggots, with image source network, invasion and deletion

In the countryside, farmers ferment the fecal excrement of people and chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle and other animals into fertilizer to grow vegetables is very common, the practice is more traditional, time-consuming, sometimes the farm manure has not been fully fermented, but the leeks in the field have reached the time when they need to be fertilized, and it is not surprising that farmers take the manure that is not completely decomposed to fertilize, so that after fertilization, it is easy to provoke leek adults to spawn leeks to harm leeks.

Of course, there is also a situation that the manure is completely decomposed, but this manure with the eggs laid by the adult leek maggots, with the application to the leek field, the leek maggots that grow out begin to harm the leeks; and the rotten manure has worm eggs, and the improper operation of the fermentation manure process of the farmer has a certain relationship, some farmers pile up fermentation manure is completely open,Not covered with plastic seals, with the fermentation to the back, the heat emitted is less, the eggs laid by the adult leek maggots on the manure pile are not affected.

In addition, where leeks are planted, the previous stubble has been planted with vegetables such as onions and garlic that have been maggoted, and there are insects in the field, and leeks are planted without handling well, which directly affects, and such planting is also continuous cropping (the same as lily plants).

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

Peppers planted along the leek ridges are aphids that attract ants

2, leek field planted with aphid peppers, attracting ant pests

After the country vegetables grow their own vegetables, leeks are one of the vegetables that have been grown, and when the local cabbage mustard and other cruciferous vegetables are obviously pests, the leeks are still good, and the leeks have not been hit by leeks; what I want to talk about here is the pest ants.

Last summer, there were more pepper seedlings, and I was reluctant to throw them away, so I saw where there was a relatively empty point in the field to plant a tree, and the ridge edge of the small place where the leeks were planted was also planted; after the pepper blossomed and bore fruit, it was aphids, attracting a lot of ants, those ants ate the excrement of aphids, protecting the aphids from other pests; later I found that the ants directly made nests in the leek field, and the effect of preventing aphids without medication was not obvious, I directly pulled out the pepper plants, but those ants did not finish, After that I found that the leeks near there grew relatively small, after harvesting and then growing out despite strengthening fertilization, but still grew small, and the number of plants was not enough before, and finally dug the leeks in that place to find that the leek root system is normally long, there are many cut dry empty, it does not look like they are all aged into that, suspect that the ants dig holes to nest in that place, the root system of the leeks is bitten off, and then I pour hot water to burn the ants to death.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

One of the disease manifestations of leeks, with the source network of pictures, invaded and deleted

What are the common diseases of leeks?

Common diseases of leeks are gray mold, soft rot, disease, virus disease, etc., for us ordinary people, there is not so much understanding of the disease, but after all, we have planted leeks, know what kind of leeks are in the normal state of different climates throughout the year, that appears strange but not insect pests, freezing damage, burns, generally is diseased, such as the local yellow-brown leaves of the ground plants are soft rot, leaves / false stems / ground have white mold spots or white silk and so on.

The occurrence of leek disease may be that the vegetables planted in the previous stubble have suffered from this disease, and the leeks have been planted without treating the soil well, and it may be that other vegetables planted next to the ridge of the leeks have been seriously planted, and some pests have crawled to the leek field, and the pests themselves have spread the disease; then there is the rainfall, the source of virus disease bacteria enters the leek field with the rainwater; of course, the temperature, humidity and other climatic conditions suitable for the occurrence of diseases are also very important, such as spring and summer, warm and hot, rainfall and high humidity, leeks are easy to grow lush ventilation and poor ventilation, It is easy to cause diseases such as leek soft rot and gray mold disease, while other periods rarely or even do not occur.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

Leek field

Growing leeks without medication, these managements should be remembered

Understand the above mentioned leek insect pests, disease-related descriptions, that targeted related management we must do a good job, so that you can not use drugs, you can also grow leeks, eat more assured:

1, leeks planted in a fixed place, can grow for many years, the soil environment foundation is good, conducive to the follow-up long-term growth; the previous stubble has been planted with leeks like leeks are lily vegetable plants or aphid vegetables and other pests such as cabbage mustard and other cruciferous vegetables, breeding diseases and insect pests the probability is large, it is not recommended that the place to plant leeks.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

When it rains heavily, there is a lot of rain on the leek ridge

The appropriate plot of land selected should be deep and the soil layer should be more loose and breathable, such as sandy loam soil, loam soil, and the surrounding tall shelter is large, get half a day or all day of light, so that the plot drainage, ventilation and ventilation have advantages, not easy to occur diseases; before planting, clean up the leaves and weeds and other debris that are obviously visible in the field Before planting, the stems and leaves and weeds and other debris that fall on the ground are clearly visible in the ground, and then deep plough the soil, use natural light to dry the soil for three or five days so sterilizing and disinfecting, more exquisite, mix grass and wood ash or quicklime into the soil When planting, apply rotten manure and other farm manure as the bottom, with the growth of leeks, the soil is not easy to compact and solidify, do not need to loosen the soil often, drainage, ventilation is good, rainfall is prone to disease in the spring and summer do not have to worry so much about the occurrence of diseases.

Another point mentioned here is that the planting place is suitable, to choose to plant on the ridge, or to plant in a slightly lower square surrounded by the ridge, the main consideration here is the impact of rainfall, the village vegetable suggestion is that the southern region has more rainfall a year, planted on the ridge as well, easy to drain, do not have to worry so much about the flooded leeks are easy to get sick, rot what, and like the northern rainfall is less, non-ridge planting, soil water retention is better and more conducive to the growth of leeks; like the southern side of the rural vegetable life is planted on the ridge, Other vegetables are too.

Watering water, ridge planting because of lighting ventilation and ventilation, etc. better, water loss fast, more attention to watering moisturizing, daily soil touch feel wet, but not obvious sticky hands are, such as two or three days, three or four days such as watering once, specifically combined with the actual situation to water; of course, like some people in the countryside management is more extensive, management of leeks do not die on the line, do not require long how good, a week or so watering is not surprising.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand


2, leeks are leafy vegetables, easy to grow, although the fertilizer is not picky, but the fertilization is appropriate, the nutrients are more balanced, comprehensive, leeks grow better, the resistance to diseases and insect pests is also stronger, fertilization is more nutrient-rich humus manure, saprophyll soil, grass and wood ash and other nutrients rich, fertilizer long and nourish the soil of the farm manure, nutrients are relatively single, partial nitrogen fertilizer urine water liquid fertilizer can also be applied, but it is not recommended to apply this kind of fertilizer continuously, it is best to take turns with other farm fertilizers, such as sprinkling grass and wood ash after harvesting leeks, After a week, the decomposed thin manure water can be applied in this way, and there is no need to topage the fertilizer before harvesting again; it is important to remember that the fertilizer is completely decomposed and then used to apply, and the stakes have been explained above.

The farm manure to be said here is grass and wood ash, rich in nutrients, conducive to the growth of leek rhizomes and leaves, and has the effect of sterilization and disinfection and moisture absorption, leek planting more grass and wood ash, do not worry about what diseases and insect pests, just harvested leeks can be applied, leeks grow slightly more lush can be used, after rainfall the field is relatively wet can also be used, loose soil can also be buried in the grass ash, play a greater role.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

After harvesting the leeks, sprinkle the grass and wood ash

3, leeks grow relatively lush in spring, summer and autumn, grow fast, 2-3 weeks can be harvested once is not surprising, and these three seasons, some periods of rainfall, may be continuous rainfall, easy to high humidity, poor ventilation, leeks in the field do not pick too late, a single plant has obvious five or six leaves can be harvested, and eat at home, not harvested so many times at once, you can partially harvest each time, and then partially pick the leaves, Of course, in the spring, summer and autumn, the field is also prone to grow weeds, competing for fertilizer, more water, growing faster, affecting the leek field lighting, ventilation and ventilation, usually see the casual pulling can be; when the leek tillers are relatively small, the rows appear to be relatively empty, but it is recommended not to plant some other vegetables in the leek field, so as not to affect the leeks with possible pests and diseases, and the gain is not worth the loss.

With the late autumn into the winter, the temperature, light, etc. is not very suitable, leeks grow slowly, reduce the number of harvests in winter to harvest 1-2 times or not harvest, after loosening the soil, apply rotten chicken manure and pig manure and other dry manure and cultivate soil to moisten, so that leeks can raise roots for 1-3 months, and in the spring of the next year, leeks grow thicker, and the yield and quality are significantly improved.

Growing leeks without pesticides: it is not conducive to the management of many details of the occurrence of pests and diseases, and it is necessary to understand

Leeks in the spring tillers

4, leek tillering force is strong, in the spring and summer autumn tillers are obvious, this point of small vegetables are very touching, planted in the winter, the spring began to gradually tiller, to now part of the plant a plant becomes three or four plants like this, planted for two or three years, four or five years, the number of plants in each place is too much, the ventilation between the rows is not good enough, especially when the leek leaves grow luxuriantly, the performance is more obvious, you can dig out the part of each place to plant to its ridge; of course, the leeks grow for a long time, the soil is not particularly good than before, compared to the soil below is not good for loose soil If it obviously affects the growth of new roots in leeks, the aging root system, and the poor penetration under moisture, you can also consider planting in another place, not necessarily having to stay up for eight or ten years.

In short, pay more attention to the selection and management of details, planting leeks can be used without medication, growing well, having to eat, it is not difficult.

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